
3 years, 4 months ago



  •  Name   Crown
  •  Age   17
  •  Identity Non-Binary. He/Them
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

"Ohh! I'll wear that epic trophy everywhere! I'm gonna flex it so bad,,"


Crown is an immature and extremely childish waddle dee. Despite his age of 15, he rarely ever takes anything seriously. Most of the time, he'd see everything as a game with him being Player 1. He's pretty selfish- in a moreso childish way. He'd boast and flex about his achievements or whatever he thinks is cool, immediately getting jealous when someone else is apparently better. It would be incredibly easy to manipulate or bribe him.

At rare times, he can be somewhat self aware. He'd take notice of people disliking him due to his behavior but never really knew how or what to fix about it. He can actually be pretty genuine. Mostly when you somehow tolerate his spoiled behavior and when you're nice to him back.

There's nothing really bad about Crown. He's loud and annoying but that's just any behavior of a kid. All he really needs is proper guidance.


Crown is a Waddle Dee. His body is mostly covered in bright blue fur. It is longer around his cheeks, but the longest just above his head, creating a hair-like fringe that hangs a little over his eyes. He wears red headphones that have a star symbol built in at the ear pieces. He wears red and white sneakers with white shoelaces. A gold crown floats over his head. It never lands unless under specific circumstances. He has dark blue eyes. His face has a skin-like surface in a warm ivory color, layered with a bit of fuzz. He has no mouth.

  •   Residence   Somewhere in Popstar
  •  Birthdate Febuary 19
  •  Identity Non-Binary. 
  • ● Crown's favorite color is actually blue, despite the red headphones and rubber shoes.
  • ● Crown made his own club, The Crown's Crown Club, full of different versions of himself. He originally made it to prove that he's the best crown out of all of them.
  • ● So far, the headcanon voice for Crown is Hamtaro.
  • ● Crown used to be my Kirbsona. I kinda strayed away from him after I changed some stuff. To be honest, I kin more with Drownie. However, I don't mind some people using Crown to represent me.
  • ● His mental age is 12.
  • Chicken Nuggets and other sweets such as churros.
  • Jax and Shadey. He considers them both as his best friends.
  • Winning/Coming out at top for the sake of being the center of attention.
  • Himself.
  • Croo's Crown Club. Though, he's growing accustomed to them.
  • Overly sarcastic people. Drownie.
  • Vegetables. He's slightly chubby.
  • Activities that could be labelled as 'boring' such as sleeping and reading.


Years ago, there was a planet named Lodestar. It was a bright and resourceful planet that inhabited mostly nice and timid people. Due to this, it was taken advantage by the Haltmann Works Company which chose to colonialize the said planet.

Crown was part of the waddle dee army that worked for the Haltmann Works Company. At a young age, he was rude and sassy. When he knows he's right, he'd speak up and rub it on your face. The feeling of victory in terms of intelligence was pretty satisfying to him. He never really made any friends in his career but he never minded. Everyone else was too stupid in his opinion anyway. He didn't really care that the company he was working for was stealing all the resources from his homeplanet as long as he was taken in and fed.

Crown was quite an inventor. Making tons of gadgets and accessories. He'd take these on fights and win most of the time. He rarely ever needed the help of the other waddle dees in his group. One of the events that changed all this is when a group of rebels led by a Poppy Bro named Desmond decided to raid one of the bases. Crown and some other waddle dees was sent after the rebel group as soon as possible. It wasn't anything big for Crown. All he needed to do was charge one of his new blasters and blast it at Desmond's face. Which, either fortunately or unfortunately, did happen. Instead of fighting back, Desmond saw Crown was a great addition to his team. Crown was different from the other waddle dees and with a self made blaster like that, he must be a genius. Midbattle, Desmond decided to give Crown, uh, 'surprise adoption', taking him in their own base despite Crown and his own member's protests.

On the way there, Crown learned of the rebel group's motives. To take the planet back and defeat the capitalist company. This caught Crown's attention. Not because of justice or for the good or anything. But for satisfaction of defeating such a large army. He saw it as a chance to prove that a waddle dee was so much more than just some helper.

As time went by, he became best friends with Desmond. Also sparing some time to get to know the other members. That being Aiko, Tally, and Del. For the first time in his entire life, he actually had friends. Someone to fight for other than just himself. He leaned more and more to them and learned how beautiful the planet used to be. He still kept the sassy rude behavior but the insults shifted more to teasing.

When Desmond thought they were ready, he launched a full on revolution against the company. Everyone else was out on the field except for Crown. Desmond knew that Crown was too young to actually be out there. Desmond never doubted Crown's intelligence but it was a risk he wasn't willing to take. Crown was in charge of controlling the drones and machines from the inside of the base. Which he saw more as a boring, irrelevant chore. So him and his stubborn ego decided to step out, fully ignoring Desmond's orders. This was where everything went down. Desmond's focus was ripped off from the revolution and more unto Crown the moment he heard of him leaving the base.

Now, I'm actually too lazy to write the entire thing. But let's just say that the revolution was failing and everyone was dying. Desmond grabbed Crown and rushed him out of the battlefield. If he was going to die, he'd at least want Crown to be safe. Crown, in a fit of denial, tried to fight against Desmond's grip. He wasn't able to accept that his friends died off just like that. Desmond had to put Crown in one of the escape ships but it would be too impossible if Crown refuses to cooperate. With a group of enemies after them, Desmond didn't have time to convince Crown. He grabbed a memory eraser and used it on the dee, fully wiping his memories and causing him to pass out.

Desmond shoved Crown, a supply of food(mostly poptarts), and water in the ship. The blue dee was launched off to space, with no memory of his own friends and personality. He used to be pretty mature but it also caused his mental age to go down turning him into a selfish spoiled child. After a month of floating in space, he landed on a planet. Planet Popstar.


Snuffy She was the one who took Crown in when he first crash landed in Popstar and has been taking care of him since. Despite her pessimistic attitude, she loves Crown dearly and has spoiled him in multiple occasions.

Shadey His first best friend. Due to Crown's immaturity, people tend to stay away from him. Shadey, however, lacked emotions. This feature prevented it from judging Crown or commenting on his childish behavior. Due to this, Crown enjoyed the creature's company.

Jax Second best friend. Though, I feel as if someone should tell Crown that there can only be one best friend. The two has a lot of similarities with both of them preferring to look at the bright side of things. Unfortunately, Jax is usually too busy to hang out with Crown which has created conflict between the two a couple times.

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