Dyna (Steci)


Basic Info






World Hopper, student, thief

Power Changes?

Yes; Dyna loses all of his powers, and is effectively human.


Steci's timeframe happens after Illura, and before Sauville.

For a short time, Sascha and Dyna were brought to Steci City, a world where magic does not exist (or does it?), and Dyna was shifted to human form due to the lack of pokemon present naturally. This causes a lot of distress for Dyna -- as they used psychic powers to assist in writing, picking up things, and just, avoiding using his hands for much in the first place, he's faced with the tough challenge of figuring out how to write with human hands. That said, his struggle doesn't last long -- after the two discuss the concept of crimes and the like, they're both whisked back to Iwama through unknown means.

A Fortunate thing indeed; even as a human, Dyna and Sascha were very much ready to steal the entire city's fortune, wherever that may be.