Lance Starling (museinlove)



2 years, 5 months ago


Name Lancalot "Lance" Starling

Called Glitter Bug, Cute Bastard

Age 26

D.o.B. December 14

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Race Great Hunger/Bookworm

Orientation Gay

Relationship Status Taken

Demeanor Sweet and Caring

Job Shop Runner

Element Space


Designer Blank Muse

Value Not For Sale


Helpful • Kind • Curious • Magic

"There are too many unanswered questions in the universe to be bored. Stay curious"

Lance Starling is a handsome, charming, young man who is in charge of running a shop in a little beach town called Serenity Springs. The shop is called Anything and Everything, and sits on the main drag of the town. Lance can usually be found behind the counter, his feet kicked up as he reads a book or a magazine and snacks. He usually perks up as soon as the shop's bell rings and gives the customer his full attention.

Lance's gaze is very noticable. The pale blue, opal gleam of his eyes is very noticable. As is the bright, glittering light that seems to glimmer off of him. It is almost as if he puts off the light around him. Some people find it hard to look at him, others find it harder to look away.

Lance has a bubbly personality. He is sunshine and rainbows, usually. He can get hangry, but rarely gets like that.

Lance can be very flirty, but only with men of his type. His type is bad boys with a heart of gold. Big, strong men who are tall, dark, handsome? Scars? The more rough a guy is, the more Lance is attracted to them. Sometimes he can't help his gay little heart from falling for a bad boy.

Lance is loyal. He is loyal to his family, friends, and would be very loyal to whomever he's dating at the time. He does have a few exes, though. Most of them living in Serenity Springs as well.

Lance is currently dating a handsome rogue of a wolf named Elliot Volkov. Elliot is a new member of the community of Serenity Springs who happened to come into Anything and Everything to do some browsing. Lance fell hard and fast.












Height 5'10"

Build Lean/Slender

Eyes Opalescent Blue

Skin Tone Medium Light Brown

Hair Color Red

Hair Style Half Shaved Dreads

Aesthetic Rainbow Sparkles and Pink










Glimmer: Lance has a constant glittery auara around him. He is incapable of controling it due to something that happened when he was born. This glimmer shifts through colors and smells sweet to those who can smell magic. It is an automatic sign that he is magic.

Cutting Tongue: Lance is usually a calm and cool headed person, however, when his temper gets to the point that he uses his best weapon, his words. Lance has very surface level ability to skim minds and usually use it to pull up whomever's pissed him off's deepest insecurities. He doesn't do this often and often feels bad for it later.

Bottomless Hunger: Lance is constantly hungry. He has snacks on him at all times or books. Whenever, he gets particularly hungry, he is able to feed on matter around himself. Most of the time he will chose to feed off energy rather than matter. Being a mostly peaceful person, he hates to cause harm to others. However, when he gets angry enough, he can and will consume other things. Sometimes even people.

Uncontainable: Lance cannot be contained. Not by a cell, a magic circle, or restraints. If he wants to, he can merely choose to not go along with being held. Sometimes he does play along because he enjoys pretending to be the damsel in distress, but that is only when he's feeling like it'll be fun. If he gets bored, or, worse, hungry, he will simply choose to stop being held. If he's hungry, he will simply consume he restraints, be them physical or magical. If he's angry, he will choose to be more distructive. Usually he prefers to be peaceful. Once he's chosen not to remain peaceful, there is not much that can stop him from leaving a situation.

Impossible Inventory: Lance is able to conjure up almost anything out of thin air. This is mostly done for the shop inventory, but sometimes it comes in handy when he's out in the world. If he goes out and it gets cold, he'll suddenly have a jacket ready to warm himself up. There is very few exceptions to the rule of what he is able to pull out of thin air. Living beings must be willing for him to pull them to him and he cannot pull something into a space that that thing will not fit into.


Lance Starling looks exactly like a completely normal human being. Well, a completely normal human being with glowing blue eyes, a constant glimmer of sparkles around him, and thise aura of intrigue around him that draws people to him. He runs the front of a shop that he says belongs to his parents, though his parents never seem to be around. The shop is sort of partially an antique/thrift shop and part exported food shop where loads of weird things just seem to manifest on the shelves and nothing has price tags on them... Lance is usually a very helpful presence with a smile, happy to help whenever you need help.


Lance is a fairly charming and kind person. He enjoys helping people and will absolutely go out of his way to help his friends and neighbors. When asked about anything, there is this air of mystery that he manages to keep. There have been some secrets of the emagmatic younge man, but not too terribly many.

One thing that is definite about Lance is that he is MAGIC. If you eneter his shop and don't believe in magic before then, you will when you leave. It's impossible to look at him and be able to deny that in his presence. Many people will leave the shop, shake their head, and convince themselves that they were not in the presence of magic just moments before, but the regulars know and embrace the magic.

Lance is fairly personable and kind. He will go out of his way to help someone out if he comes across someone in need. Sometimes he will specify that he is doing a favor, which usually ends in the other party feeling compelled to return the favor at a later date. Other times he will say not to mention it after he helps someone.

It takes a lot to get Lance angry. He gets cold and viscious whenever someone pisses him off. Lance isn't likely to lash out physically, however. His tongue is as sharp as any sword and just as biting.

Lance is a gay man who is attracted to strong and buff men. He will flirt with men of this type, usually after making sure in some way that his attention is wanted. He seems to be very good at figuring out who is and is not good for him to flirt with. Even if that person is perhaps gay themselves but closeted, he will not flirt with them if there is any inkling that doing so will cause a problem.

A Wolf on a Hog

Lance was working at the shop one day when a tall, dark, and handsome man walked in to browse. A transplant to Serenity Springs, Elliot Volkov was like a flame to Lance's moth. Lance's type being bad boys with a heart of gold and what is more of a bad boy than a leather clad biker werewolf?

Lance watched after Elliot while he walked around the shop with a very open carnal desire. Elliot confronted him about the staring and Lance non-repentantly flirted with him over it. Quickly things moved from the shop to Lance's house and the two fell into a very quick little domestic bliss.

The Shop

The shop's name is "Anything and Everything" and it lives up to that name. If you go in looking for something specific, it is very, very likely you'll find it there. Everything from rare ingredients for a stew to something you lost when you were ten, if you walk into Anything, you'll probably find it. If you don't all you need to do is ask Lance. If you're lucky, he'll be able to produce it immediately, if not, he will tell you that he will look into it but "no promises." Most of the time, whatever you seek, you will find.

HOWEVER, if you're not careful, that item you seek may come with a price you might not be willing to pay. Nothing in Anything has price tags on them, when you go up to the counter, Lance will give you a price and you can choose to pay it or not. Most of the time, it's a normal, everyday currancey. Other times it may be more esoteric like the button sewn into the inside of your shirt. Still other prices could be more... Heavy.

The Starling Family

Lance talks about his family fairly often. From what people who visit regularly he has: two living parents, a sister, and three brothers. None of these family members are ever seen in or around the shop. Lance will usually explain this as his family is traveling abroad and enjoying the fruits of their labor at the shop. He will sometimes tell regulars that they just missed his parents coming by to restock the shop's shelves. There is a photograph behind the counter that is faded badly from sun exposure with what looks like it may be his family, but any questions about it get a smile and a change of subject.

What information that has been sussed out about the family is: Lance is the eldest child. Lance's sister is trans and he loves her a lot and wears a bracelet she made him when she came out as one of his most prized possessions. Lance's parents are named Alex and River, however he has never gendered either parent, mostly referning to his parents as parents and never as mom and dad. His brothers are usually spoken about in fond exasperation and appear to still be quite young from how he talks about them.

The real information is quite a bit more interesting than the hem and haw that Lance allows people to know. If you aren't from Serenity Springs, you won't be privy to that information. If you are from Serenity Springs... Well, you already know.

Lance's parents are two very interesting beings. His mother, Galaxia "Alex" Starling, is a Great Hunger. Great Hungers are Eldritch creatures of varrying sizes and Alex is a Great Hunger on a cosmic scale. She is a Galaxy Eater who had been summon to Earth via a cult's summoning. That summoning was what brought her to be where she is now.

His father, River Starling, is a Bookworm. Bookworms are a type of Fae who consume knowledge. River was being used as the sacrific of the summoning that brough Alex to Earth. River's fae form is similar to a death-head moth, which drew cults to using him for summonings. The first time it happened, Alex was summoned. Alex being River's soulmate.

The two spent centuries together before settling into Serenity Springs to start a family. This is where Lance and his siblings were born. Lance and his twin, Marrion, are sixteen years older than their triplet brothers; Hunter, Fisher, and Thatcher. Lance's siblings don't glitter like he does. This is because Lance's egg shell was damaged and he started leaking out the light that comes from being half Galaxy Eater.

The Glimmer

Lance's glimmer is the light leaking from him. As he ages more, the glimmer will dim, but that may take decades, centuries, or even millenia. Due to this leaking light, if Lance is anywhere other than places that have a high amount of eldritch or magical presence, then he puts off a bit of radiation as well. It usually takes a few days before the radiation becomes a problem, but he has left traces of that radiation in places he has visited.

He spends most of his time in Serenity Springs due to that. The city is under a dome spell that protects the city from exposing the beings that live there from being observed by mortal minds and also filters out the yellow sunlight that bathes Earth. Serenity Springs allows many beings, like the Starlings, to live comfortable, mundane kinds of life.

  • Lance is the eldest child of five children. He is also a fraternal twin to Marion.
  • His eyes are opalescent with a pupil that reflects as white. His eyes are very sensitive to light and he wears sunglasses when he is outside.
  • Lance is the slow to anger type. When he is angry, he uses his tongue over his fists and manages to cut deeply with his words.
  • The Anything and Everything is technically owned by Lance's parents.
  • Lance's best friend is Matthew, who often hangs out with him in the shop and sells his one of a kind carpentry pieces there.
  • The braided bracelet with trans pride colors is his most cherrished posession that his sister made for him when she came out as trans.

Elliot VolkovBoyfriend
Lance is absoltuely besotted with Elliot. He loves the werewolf and spending time with him. Seeing him makes Lance's glimmer brighten and throw off more sparkle than it had been before he sees him. It's quite cute.


Matthew SalanoBest Friend
Matthew and Lance have been friends since before they started school. Matthew grew up next door to Lance and his family and was basically an honorary Starling. The two are super close, even if looking at them it doesn't make sense for the two of them to be friends. Matthew would do absolutely anything for Lance and Lance would do the same for Matthew.


Marion StarlingTwin Sister
Marion is Lance's only sister. Lance has said that she is his favorite sibling and talked about how the bracelet she made him when she came out as trans is his favorite gift he's ever recieved. There have been a few conversations that have left regulars with the impression that Marion is Lance's twin.


Galaxia "Alex" StarlingMother
Alex is Lance's large, loud, and loving mother. Lance loves his mother a lot and enjoys talking to her. She is often found hovoring Lance due to his glimmer and her worry over him.


River StarlingFather
River is Lance's dad. Lance loves his dad a lot, though they are not nearly as close as he is with his mother. River is proud of his son, but gives him distance, knowing that he isn't fragile. That, and he has his hands full with the triplets.