


2 years, 11 months ago


Bashful • Mellow • Pacificistic

Initially one of the Digimon belonging to Lady's old unit of Nightmare Soldiers along with his sister, Oti has spent most of his life in the shadows. Not that he minds that at all; being very timid and lacking Ara's fighting skill or confidence, he's always greatly disliked confrontation and depended on his sister for protection. They were both among the Digimon that Lady had saved when she that fateful took a hit during her last raid. Oti felt particularly ashamed after that incident, and that he had no choice, given how weak he was, to go along with the general consensus of the flock and abandon their leader.

As Ara was convinced that someone as strong as Lady would have somehow managed to survive and was dead-set on finding her, Oti supported her however he could, offering encouragement even while in-fighting broke out in the group as various parties struggled to try to fill the power vacuum. It was fairly easy for other Digimon who felt the same way as they did to confide in him, given he was ignored by the leaders and written off long ago for being weak and expendable.

He and the rest of Ara's group were forced to leave after Ara challenged the leadership, and together they wandered the land, looking for any sign of Lady, or even a place they could call home. Upon arriving at Mount Specter, Queenie listened to their story and escorted them directly to Lady, whereupon Oti and Ara launched into their apology. But more than anything, Lady was just overjoyed to see them alive, and took them under her wing once more.

Now Oti helps keep records for Lady's research and for Queenie's archives and garden plots, using his organizational skills he'd developed on his own to help keep everything running smoothly. A sensitive soul, he greatly enjoys reading in his spare time: various stories from the Fae libraries, novels from Lady's collection, and those Neo brings him. His favorites are poetry and play scripts from the human world, and he loves borrowing materials and sitting out in the gardens or surrounding valleys.

"A scholar's ink lasts longer than a martyr's blood."

Design Notes (Regular/Ultimate Form)

  • He wears red lipstick and dark eyeshadow.
  • His hair reaches to about mid-way down his back. He keeps the left half of it in a loose, sloppy braid. The right half hangs freely.
  • He has a set of long, thin fangs (where the canines usually are) on the upper jaw, and a smaller set on the lower jaw. The top fangs can be included or excluded if his mouth is closed.
  • His left eye is a more vibrant blue than his right eye.

Design Notes (Mega Form)

  • He wears red lipstick and dark eyeshadow.
  • His hair reaches to about his waist. He keeps the left half of it in a loose, sloppy braid. The right half hangs freely.
  • He has a set of long, thin fangs (where the canines usually are) on the upper jaw, and a smaller set on the lower jaw. The top fangs can be included or excluded if his mouth is closed.
  • His left eye is light blue and his right eye is yellow. He has additional yellow eyes on his chest and waist area.
  • He has dark purple stripe markings on his horns, shoulders, and chest.

Misc. Notes

  • Usually appears with a sullen or wary expression.
  • His mask is a more pinkish color than standard. In addition, his outfit sports a few differences, such as tailcoats, breeches, and over-the-knee boots.
  • "Talks" more with his hands around people he doesn't know or isn't comfortable around yet. (This does not usually including speaking German Sign Language. But usually other forms of nonverbal communication.)


  • His first language is German and he speaks English with a very heavy German accent. Fluent also in German Sign Language.
  • Bat-burritos himself in his cape, especially when his sister isn't around, to make himself feel more safe.
  • Even though his power is significantly impacted during the daylight hours, he very much enjoys being out in the sun. Sometimes he'll bring a parasol along to keep the direct sunlight off of him though. (He is capable of being in direct sun without being physical harmed, but it may make him feel very "uncomfortable" or extra anxious in a way he can't really explain.)
  • Can transform his cape into a pair of giant, bat-like wings for flight, and can "float" slightly above the ground.
  • Has very sharp hearing and can make out sounds or even faint vibrations from a distance.
  • Immensely dislikes draining blood from living creatures. Whenever possible he tries to make do with sucking the blood out of raw DigiMeat instead. Queenie's gardeners have been trying to develop a variant of "Bloody Digimeat" to try to suit his needs better.
  • Has a small "glitch" in his code which causes his left eye to appear light blue at all his levels. Ara calls it his "lucky line of code."
  • Though considered a pushover, he's very resilient under that timidness he's known for. He has a creative side filled with theater flair and a wild imagination that he is too embarrassed to show around most people.
  • Loves to dance, sing, enact scenes from his favorite plays, and recite poety. But again, is too shy to really do it in front of most people, so he mostly performs when he's alone.
  • Can transform freely back and forth between his Ultimate and Mega levels. Though sometimes when he becomes overly emotional, such as scared or upset, he might Digivolve into VenomMyotismon unintentionally. Though he is able to maintain control over his mind in this form, he dislikes it because he thinks others will find him frightening and ugly, and because he's scared of accidentally hurting someone due to his size (like stepping on or swatting them).
  • Evo line: Zurumon, Pagumon, DemiDevimon, Wizardmon, Myotismon, VenomMyotismon


Oti's Digiegg hatched in an inhospitable environment, where resources were scarce and Digimon had to compete ferociously in order to survive on whatever they could. Luckily for him, a slightly older Digimon was there to look after him, taking the role of a "big sister" the moment he was born. Oti bonded quickly to Ara, who he forever looks up to as his older sibling to this day, and has had to rely on her for protection, given his very shy nature.

Oti knew that he never would have survived without Ara, who stuck up for him, defended him, and made sure the two of them had enough to scrape by. Though they were both very small and weak at the time, Oti was even more timid than Ara, and would spend those days hiding away, trying to be as little of a nuisance as possible for his big sister.

By chance, they were one day found by Lady when they wandered into her territory, and were taken in by the Ultimate level Digimon to the much more certain protection of her Nightmare Soldier unit. At first, they were given the duty of helping to manage inventory and take stock of the army's supplies and rations, a job Oti didn't mind at all, as it was as far away from the fighting as he could be. Even here, Ara tried to stick up for him and keep him safe from the taunting and bullying of the stronger Digimon, something he's always been grateful for. Thankfully for both of them, they were never picked on when Lady was around to oversee things, especially since Oti's pacifistic nature frequently got him into trouble given the law of the lands.

Some would call him horribly spoiled or naive, but Ara had always been determined to make the best life possible for him, and didn't ever want him to have to compromise his gentle heart and soul. He seemed perfectly happy to remain off the front lines and simply help the unit in other ways, regardless of whether or not some of the other soldiers would sneer at him for it. Even when they were sent out to scour foreign territories, Oti remained blindly positive, and set on doing his job as well as he could.

He quickly picked up reading as a hobby and developed a love for learning and memorizing stories. Some might say he's hopelessly sentimental and poetic, but Ara always encouraged his imaginative side.


When Lady began insisting that Oti and Ara start training to do battle and better defend themselves, needless to say Oti didn't fare well in the courses. Frustration and impatience on the part of the trainers lead them to pretty much write him off as a lost cause, and keep him in the organizational position rather than put in the effort to try to teach him to fight, or really even defend himself from attack. While Ara was forced to start the transition over to becoming a warrior, Oti never moved "up" the ranks even after evolving.

One night, their enemies managed to break through the defenses and attack the weaker Digimon and supplies Lady kept heavily guarded behind multiple lines. Ara and Oti would have surely perished had it not been for their leader, who had ordered the stronger Digimon to double back and try to save them, and who herself took an attack head-on to save their lives. Oti was left traumatized by the event, and like his sister, felt a deep guilt after following the rest of the unit back to their own territory as panic swept through the ranks. He never forgave himself for the fault he felt for losing Lady, or abandoning her so far away from their homelands.

While Ara at this point had started to break out of her shell and overcome her meekness, Oti never really could. He remained shy and withdrew further inward as in-fighting broke out in the group, with multiple factions trying to fill the power-vacuum. Without Lady's influence and reinforcement of her standards, the bickering and bullying started up again.

But Oti and Ara weren't the only ones who were fed up with how things were being run. There was a portion of the unit that shared their same feelings of shame after leaving Lady behind, and anger and grief seeing at the violence erupting in their own ranks. Oti served as a sort of anchor for the dissenters, being easy to approach and all but ignored by the various warring commanders, it was much easier for him to organize undetected. People found it easy to confide in him, to approach him, and to start to speak their mind, not only because they knew him as someone who was unintimidating, but because they began to get to know him, and his individual gentleness and thoughtfulness. What Oti lacked in strength he more than made up for with his creativity, and clever mind, not only listening to the others' problems but speaking with them about how they might make things better. He gave them hope.

Their attempts to change the unit failed, however, and they were forced to flee into the wilderness on their own. With his sister being so determined to care for everyone in the group and to find Lady, Oti wanted to support and encourage her even more. Though he reached his Ultimate level much later than the others, he has always been thought of as the "heart" of their little band, and the most compassionate and gentle of the lot.

When they reached Mount Specter, Odi was prepared like his sister to beg for Lady's forgiveness, ashamed of his cowardly nature and overall weakness that prevented him from helping her when she needed it. But Lady welcomed them with open arms, and they settled there with her and Neo.


Even though his species is considered to be a powerful Digimon, Oti still isn't a very good fighter. He lacks the combat experience and self-confidence that his sister possesses, and would rather avoid a battle altogether whenever possible. To this day, he's a scaredy-cat, and would rather spend his time cloud-watching or star-gazing than training. He enjoys venturing out in the day even though his powers are weaker in that timespan, which can make him an easy target for Digimon who may be frightened of his appearance, or loathe him for his Virus typing. And though he does eventually master the ability to Digivolve back and forth to his Mega level, VenomMyotismon, he prefers to remain in his regular Myotismon form.

More recently he's been repeatedly flustered by Balthazar, a GranDracmon bounty hunter who'd taken to flirting with him whenever the chance arises. Ara misunderstood the situation and attacked his suitor after assuming he was trying to harass her brother, but that was quickly rectified after a squabble, much to Oti's relief.

He was, of course, rather anxious about starting a relationship with Balthazar, but has been much happier since then, and at last started to come out of his shell a little more. Balthazar's charming attitude and jesting has brought out many smiles from Oti, giving him someone other than Lady, Neo, or Ara and her small Digimon group that he feels comfortable being around. Recently Balthazar has been trying to convince him they should build a castle together near the mountain, and Oti's not exactly opposed to the idea...

Besides going to the neighboring valleys to visit Queenie's gardens and pick wildflowers, Oti puts his talents as a bookkeeper to use helping to keep track of crop rotations and yields in the Fae gardens, or organizing data logs for Lady. He loves reading through Lady's novel collection and the various stories archived by Queenie's Court in his spare time, often bringing books out to the forest to enjoy some peace and quiet.

Learning about his new boyfriend's past has left him with much to ponder, including pouring back over Lady's data sheets and the tales he's heard from Queenie's Court. He knows something is obviously wrong with the Digital World, and is worried about the infection spreading further, or even reaching into the human world somehow...



Oti is very close with his sister and has always been by her side, and knows it was thanks to her help that he even survived at all. As the stronger and more confident of the two, Ara's dedicated to making the best life she possibly can for him, never wanting him to have to compromise his gentle nature.



Oti looked up to Lady as the leader of the old Nightmare Soldier unit, and still to this day as a guardian figure. Lady, like Ara, takes extra care to look out for Oti, who she knows dislikes fighting and who isn't as adept at defending himself.



Oti's boyfriend and the love of his life after Balthazar ambitiously courted him. Bathazar's just as protective of Oti as Ara is, and goes out of his way to spoil him. Oti's constantly flustered by his romantic gestures, like writing him poems or gathering him new books for him to read.


Neoma Chen

Neo is one of the few others that Oti feels comfortable around. Her own quiet disposition offered him the time he needed to get used to her at his own pace. He sees her as a new sister, and is always looking for more ways to help around with her research or general upkeep of the base.

HTML by Eggy
- - Digimon and Myotismon are (C) Akiyoshi Hongo, BANDAI, and Toei Animation.