Basic Info



Name Meaning

Parthraxus - A name created from Latin words "Par" meaning "Equal" and "Thrax" for the Greek city of "Thrace" which is named after a son of Aries; Together the name could mean "Equal to Disease or Pestilence"




Unknown (It is only known that he is older than the twins, younger than Atalanta, but older than Noel)


Male (Though he has the same dragon genes running through him, he developed quite a more masculine physique and has since then been considered of male sex and he prefers male pronouns)




N/A (Fancy Oniisan trait, regal theme?)


Neutral Evil

Personality Highlights

Suave | Mysterious | Manipulative | Vindictive | Arrogant | Pompous | Dramatic | Patient | Humorous | Meticulous


Former Bodyguard | Current King's Advisor


Sorcerer (Thinking on archetype)


[Coming Soon]


Ninth Sigma's love interest, Atalanta's younger brother, Noel's older brother, and Theus and Pan's older brother


[Coming Soon]

Acquired Through



He was created before Noel had been made, but it wasn't until after her decision to take over Lato that Parthraxus was given true purpose. The Deep Dragon had made Parthraxus after the disappearance of Atalanta, and he chose to keep the Aracalie around as a bodyguard in the case that Atalanta returned and went completely rogue with the intent to kill him. He made Noel shortly after in an effort to hunt down Atalanta and the twins, however when it came to his realization that she would not be returning for quite some time after she had been sent out he took it upon himself to track her down. It was then that he heard of the plots that were weaved within the Aracalie's head that he chose to send Parthraxus to conquer another world, wishing to spread his creations throughout the other realms as well.

Parthraxus had been trained much like his sisters before him, but instead of excelling in physical prowess he was far more talented with magic. It was decided that he would be sent to Lalaika and given the task to take over the world by any means necessary. [More to come about how/when he became a king's advisor; still doing some world building in Lalaika]

Eventually he meets Ninth Sigma and while initially his goals were to manipulate and use Ninth for his own purposes, eventually the two form more of a bond which later blossomed into a relationship. Parthraxus became quite attached and protective of the lonely melwyrm and while his endeavors remain the same he has now invested more time and effort and began to love him instead. He explained what his true intentions were to Ninth and though at first the melwyrm was hurt that he had been tricked and used this whole time, he eventually came to terms with it. Parthraxus decided to ask him instead, wanting to earn back his trust and give him a choice rather than feeling like he was fooled or like he was being forced into the decision. Ninth decided to help, but on one condition: No more secrets between them and the two became officially an item.





🕷️ His birthday is 6th of July~!

Hobbies/Likes & Dislikes: