Kyran Amon



3 years, 12 days ago


Name Kyran Amon
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Species Demon
Personality Type Reserved
Age 18

Kyran is a thin, limbre 18 year old demon with styled white hair and pale white skin. He has bright red eyes like his parents which can turn orange if he is happy enough. He is not a true albino but tends to look like one due to his muted colors.

Kyran will wear clothes which are not too garish or showy. He prefers masculine clothes but dresses up in whatever his mother wants him to. His usual attire consists of a white jacket, a black shirt underneath, and some plain black shoes. Due to his reserved nature, he prefers to wear clothes which do not attract attention to him.

Design notes
  • Has red eyes which turn orange when he's very happy
  • Rarely smiles unless he's with Nala or in the presence of a bunny
  • Gets cold VERY easily
  • Outfit changes regularly as he likes to look nice (unlike Aaron, his brother)
  • Hair is parted at the side and styled to the right side. You can change his hair if it is too hard to draw (as it is a pain in the ass).

A cold and calculating wrath demon. Unlike his brother whose wrath is furious, abrupt, and full of indignation, Kyran's wrath is much colder, preferring the silent condemnation and judgmental stare to the showy wrath his type of demon is known for.

Kyran spends most his time in his room away from others. He is very introverted and guarded, opening up only for those he trusts (which is extremely hard to earn).

When he is with Nala, he is more carefree and amicable with her, occassionally smiling and relaxing when they are alone. In the presence of others, he is cold and ice queen-ish. He does not have a heart of gold but will go out of his way to make sure Nala is happy. Nala in return, acts as a mediator who smoothes down whoever has the "pleasure" of talking with Kyran.

  • Nala
  • Sour Foods
  • Quiet mornings
  • Aaron
  • Being Belittled
  • Being cold


Fire Magic
Shadow Magic
Medicinal Knowledge


Kyran is one of the princes of wrath. He is ~18 years old in appearance with a real age of 121 years. Currently, he resides in his parent's manor and is in a relationship with Nala.

Kyran has trained from birth to take the throne, initially going out of his way to sabotage Aaron in order to get it. (Aaron found these attempts to be hilarious, mostly due to Kyran being very young when he declared he would kill him.) Despite being headed down a dark path from an early age, Kyran eventually stopped his assassination attempts on his older brother when he met Nala. Nala and Kyran fell into an easy puppy love when they first met which evolved into something deeper as they grew older. Since then, they've been inseparable and can often be found near one another.

In combat, Kyran is a midranged fighter, relying on shadow/fire magic and his wits to corner enemies. He is very much a strategist but can get vicious with his claws and fangs when cornered. He's not below fighting dirty if overwhelmed.


  • Can shape shift into any kind of cat, as long as he has seen it before.
  • Has two demon forms; a lesser form where he just looks a little feral with wings and a tail and a greater form where he turns into a kirin like creature.
  • He is much better at restraining his demon form than his brother, Aaron.

Nala Tamon (Girlfriend)

"I'd do anything for her"--Kyran

Kyran and Nala have nearly been inseparable since they met. Nala's sunny disposition often compliments Kyran's more serious reserved nature. The two enjoy just spending time together, whether it be pulling a prank, cuddling when no one is around, or causing Aaron grief. They've dated for 7 years.

Delano Belphagor (Cousin)

"..." -- Kyran

Kyran and Delano have had a rocky relationship since they were little. Kyran would make fun of Delano's deformed mouth and in return Delano would give Kyran nightmares. Now older, they barely tolerate each other, mostly due to their girlfriends being good friends with one another.

Aremis Lilika (Sister-in-law)

"Deserved better than my brother." --Kyran

Aremis and Kyran get along well. Aremis, in return for tips on Aaron, instructs Kyran when he cooks. Kyran values her opinion more than most and lends an ear when she's feeling down.

Aaron Amon (Brother)

"Ever seen a garbage fire on top of a car crash?"-- Kyran

Kyran and Aaron have had an antagonistic relationship thanks to their father's meddling. Kyran used to low key try to kill Aaron in hopes of gaining the throne later. He has since come to terms that killing Aaron is wrong and that Aaron will probably ruin himself without assistance, eventually.

code by jiko