Brialla Galeose



3 years, 7 months ago


― Brialla Galeose

Home dimension
Me! (Emberstar897)
5' 9"
140 lbs
Girlfriend of Delano
Festival Dancer


Description: Brialla has tan skin, lavender colored hair, and odd magenta colored scales covering certain parts of her body. These scales most notably cover her shoulders and wrap around her legs like a coiled snake. She tends to wear flowing clothes befitting a dancer or many breathable layers that withstand the harsh environment of the desert.

She has a animal-form which is a rainbow colored quetzalcoatl.

The short version

Brialla is a shy, gentle soul who picked up a hobby of dancing at festivals early on in her life. She is her dimension's reaper, a being which (unintentionally) collects the souls of the departed and helps them move onto purgatory.

Due to a series of unfortunate events, Brialla was blinded and is now only able to see with the aid of a demon. Most notably, she receives sight from a prince of hell, Delano. After spending much time together, the two decided to officially become boyfriend and girlfriend.

Extra info;

The long life-story version:

Brialla grew up as a nomadic "princess" in the desert of the Amakami dimension. Her father, the tribe leader, did not care for his eldest daughter much, however, because from birth she spoke an unknown language and could not learn the native language despite many attempts to teach her. Despite the cold treatment from her father, Brialla's mother attempted to learn and translate her daughter's strange words. She assigned an aid to Brialla who was responsible for communicating her needs by learning her nonverbal signals and a few essential words of this unknown language.

Brialla felt lonely many times throughout her childhood but became enamored with festival dancing, as she could let her dancing do the talking for her. She found she had a talent for the complex movements and was often found twirling around the large fire in the center of the festival.

When she was fourteen years old, the clan turned a blind eye to her when bandits attempted to assassinate her. They managed to kill her aid before Kyran, a prince of hell, happened to be nearby and intervened. Kyran, suspecting that the language Brialla spoke was actually a dead demon language, offered to take her to his dimension to get a diagnosis from his family doctor.

While her tribe assumed she had died out in the sands, Brialla was examined, healed, and informed about her condition by the number 1 doctor of the demon society. Brialla turned out to be the reaper of her dimension, a intermediate being between heaven and hell which collected souls without conscious effort and cycled them back into the dimension. The reaper was responsible for ensuring that the death of one person would ensure there would be the birth of another.

Using a rune on her tongue, the doctor enabled others to understand her speech and let her temporarily stay with him while she decided if she wanted to go back to her dimension or not. During this time, she met two of the other princes of hell, Delano and Zarek who were quickly enamored with the exotic humanoid. Brialla discovered she could communicate with the boys inner sins/demons and offer them some of the souls she collected from her own dimension. This made the (literal) inner demons happy and together, Brialla, Delano, and Zarek became fast friends, going on many backyard adventures in Hell and learning sparring techniques from one another.

Deciding she should return to her dimension due to being the reaper, Brialla was quickly swept up in a political scandal with the prince of a neighboring region. She ended up becoming a pseudo-consort of the prince of another race, the farelves. Delano would occasionally come to visit her and offer to take her away, but Brialla would refuse so that her tribe would be kept safe from the tempermental father of the prince, Titan.

She withstood the harsh treatment from Titan, mostly incurring his wrath for being a foreigner, and the unenthusiastic affection of her consort who'd much rather be with the neighboring princess of the mermaid-like race. But, when the king threatened to destroy her nomadic tribe to show the young princess her place, Brialla attacked him in a fit of rage.

Using the skills she learned from Delano and Zarek's sparring sessions, she was able to kill the king but nearly lost her own life in the process. Utilizing some of the souls she had collected, Brialla was able to survive long enough for Delano to get her to a doctor. Using this power came at a price however, which ended up searing her own soul and leaving her blind to the physical world. She is still able to see inner demons and communicate with them, which eventually allows her to use Delano or Zarek's sins to see the world once more through their eyes.
