Benito (Ben) Varosa



3 years, 7 months ago


Name Benito "Ben" Varosa
Gender Male
Orientation Straight, Probably
Species Human
Personality Type Cheeky
Residence Sicily, Italy/ Envy Region (Hell)

Ben is an Italian lad with somewhat loosly-curly bright orangey-ginger hair, gold eyes, and olive colored skin. He's generally pale but the cooler undertones in his skin come out in the sun. He has a lankier build and tends to be one of the shorter people in the room.

Ben wears whatever he can get his hands on, usually a comfortable jacket or long sleeved dark attire, as long as they have a hood he can cover his hair up with. In the summer, he wears t-shirts, longer shorts, and a baseball cap. Back in his time, his parents would dress him in the stuffy clothes, which he now despises in modern times.

Design notes
  • If he was in a non-fantasy setting, his eyes would be hazel. Otherwise, they're gold.
  • Dislikes stuffy clothes but doesn't mind dressing up if the clothes are breathable.
  • Can usually be found pocketing loose items that he "acquired"
  • Can be drawn with a cheshire grin

Ben is mischievous at best, downright impish at worst. He is always up to mischief, whether it be stealing loose items off a person or setting up a scheme for someone to fall into. When he is with others, he will try to act nonchalant and laidback, resorting to sarcasm when it suits him.

Ben works well with others, using cooperation to get what he wants. When forced to do a task he doesn't want to do, he will complain and grump the whole time. Eventually, he will complete the task, however, like a genie, if you are not careful what you ask for, you will often get a vastly different result than you anticipated.

  • Diamonds
  • Parkour
  • Animals
  • Flirting
  • Doctors(!)
  • Schooling/Studying
  • Bad food




Ben is a thief who originally learned how to pick-pocket from tourist for thrills back in the 1920's in Florence, Italy. He came from a rich family and quickly grew bored of his parent's desires for him to take over the family business. He can't tell you what that business was, anymore. As he grew older and got caught much, much less, he began helping out younger orphans and street kids learn the skill of pickpocketing "dumb tourists" for themselves.

When his family finally disowned him, Ben took to the streets and established a bit of an underground society for those in need that were willing to dip into morally-gray territory in order to survive. However, Ben would often stay out in the rain to pull of heists and eventually developed pneumonia. When his condition worsened, the kids took him and a few others to a rather shady doctor on the rougher side of the city. The doctor ended up drowning Ben and the other sick kids overnight after taking the payment for them, in order to "end their suffering" and gave their bodies back to the others to dispose of in the morning.

Now in modern times, a whimsical diety-like figure resurrected Ben and dropped him in the mansion of a prince(ss) of hell with a bout of minor amnesia. Ben quickly smooth talked his way out of getting skewered and now flirts with danger constantly as he tries to woo the heir to envy while avoiding her murderous father. In his downtime, he occasionally returns to Florence to help out the abandoned children there.


  • After being touched by a soul guardian which resurrected him, Ben now has a huge affinity with animals. He often cites that he is "great with animals".
  • Ben is a master thief now and regularly steals objects off people for fun. While he might of kept them like a kleptomaniac in the past, he now just uses the stolen items to tease those he stole them from and eventually gives them back.
  • Ben loves parkour in the modern era and regularly meets up with groups to partake in races and parkour challenges.
  • Ben has an intense fear of water and doctors, due to his past.

Livia Leviathan (Current Object of Affection)

"She's fun to tease and can kick my ass anytime. uwu"--Ben

Ben has a rather strange relationship with the heir to envy, something bordering on flirting and courting her. While he has not committed to a relationship with her, it is obvious they both harbor feelings for one another. Unfortunately for Ben, who enjoys flirting with and making women laugh, Livia is an envy demon who lives up to her title.

Ganesa (Object of fear--- Doctor/Patient)

"No." -- Ben

After being drowned by a doctor in his past, Ben no longer trusts any doctors, including the soft-spoken Ganesa. Ganesa is the family doctor of all the heirs and tends to see Ben more often than not due to Ben's parkour injuries and sickness.

William "Bob" (Rival?)

"You can kiss my ass, Bob." --Ben

Bob, one of the royal guards of the envy region, is mostly responsible for keeping Ben from climbing through the windows whenever he cares. Ben now tailors his schedule around pissing off the guard and sneaking past him to get to see Livia most nights. Bob, for the most part, is only mildly impressed a human manages to sneak past his demon senses occassionally.

Delano ("Concubine" (lol))

"My favorite concubine"-- Ben

Purely a joke, Ben likes to say that Delano is his favorite concubine and that he plans on becoming the "king of hell" once he woos the rest of the heirs. Delano, heir to sloth, pretends not to know him or actively gives him nightmares for these jokes.

code by jiko