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13 Sep 2019, 9:25:23 pm


LMAO OMG yes this meme!! XDD This is TOO CUTE and that would def be Romeo's reaction! XD I also love how you chose facial expressions that match their responses, too, hahaha! <3 <3 <3 <3!


When i saw all the responses... i was like... holy shit this meme is meaNT FOR ME... 😂😂😂 and then i had to snatch this lovely art you made of the boyssszszz to impose it over the reaction for that daily seratonin boost LOL 😍😍😍 thank you so much for putting up with these shenanigans!!

Romeo is so over this shit before it even started, he was somehow PREPARED by the sheer DGAF-ery of his constitution!!! Bahahahahahaha