


2 years, 11 months ago



Yago is the young landlord of The Black River Docks, a shipment container village popular among young people looking for a roof to live under with affordable rents. Although as stern as any decent landlord, Yago is actually a sensitive soul with a deeply artistic vein. Growing up as the only son of an engineer and an architect, Yago had to put up with many expectations until he finally emancipated and became a landowner, making good use of the land his grandfather left for him and turning it into a tenement. At the moment, he's in a complicated relationship with Natasha, the vocalist of a hard rock band - but has his eyes on one of the Black River Docks tenants Ahjay. His dogs, Salsa and Polka, are very spirited and protective towards their owner!

  • Thoughtful
  • Kind
  • Bold
  • Patient
  • Insecure
  • Singing, and translating songs
  • Walking his dogs
Favorite Food
  • Sushi
  • Yago's poofy locks get flowy and shiny whenever they're wet, or sweaty. These might be the only situations he will hold his hair in a ponytail.
  • He sings to his heart content when taking a shower the shower and whenever he's alone at his office, but quickly shushes at the slightest sign of (human) company!
  • Considering the amount of gaslighting Yago had to endure from his overbearing parents, his biggest trauma to this day is being alone and friendless. That's why he finds himself at the constant company of his pet dogs - and perhaps, the reason he can't help himself out of toxic relationships...


Yago met Natasha at her band concert, and she took a liking to him ever since. She showers him with love and praise, makes Yago her man in bed, and is completely devoted to him. But although they have an fiery open relationship and are often seen in photos together on social media, Natasha gets around a lot more with her peers and fans, to the point of making Yago feel left out and emotionally drained by her grip on him.



Best friend
Trish and Yago trust each other deeply, and can count on one another to face whatever comes their way! Adult life and responsibilities not always let them enjoy each other's company as they used to on their school years, but they try to make it up at the aerialism gym classes at least once a week and meeting on events of mutual interest events - and if not, Yago is willing to participate on geek cons just to stay by Trish's side and also enjoy the company of her batshit insane friends - which sometimes include João and Kimbs.



Love interest
Ahjay is a tenant at Black River Docks, so Yago tries to make their relationship as professional as possible. But something on the eyes of that kind, towering man just keeps luring him in more and more... One of these days, Yago will finally let himself loose and get manhandled by the gentle giant Ahjay - but that's so difficult to do while trying to maintain the appearances of a stern landlord, and obedient tenant! Someday Yago will figure it out, and Ahjay will be the first to know...~

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