


2 years, 11 months ago



João is from St. Amaro, a south coast port town that borders the Atlantic Sea. Being the second youngest of a five children family, João and three of his closest siblings moved to Riverview when he was around 7 years old. They went back to St. Amaro right after high school, but after a couple years João decided to return to the big city and conquer it all on his own, reuniting with his friend Ahjay and joining forces to survive young adulthood! Being one big weeb, João's favorite freelance job is to impersonate pop culture characters at parties and SPECIALLY anime and game conventions. João has a great stage presence, and his heavy accent only complements this little rascal's charm. Being a bit of a shameless pervert, João has tough luck on love being as hopelessly romantic as he is... But while his true love won't cross his path, he can always count on Ahjay and Diogo as friends for life!

  • Radiant
  • Loud
  • Fearless
  • Stubborn
  • Street smart
  • Working out
  • Paddle boarding
Favorite Food
  • ALL the food
  • Due to his generously sized penis, João needs to use a handmade jockstrap in order to hide his bulge when using skin tight costumes on stage...
  • João is surprisingly tolerant to pain. Although this skill comes off as very handy when he's working out and doing his stunts, it often causes João to push his body beyond its limits more often then it should.
  • With a metabolism as fast as his, João burns calories so quickly he doesn't have the luxury to be a picky eater. It's so quick in fact, he eats as much and as fast enough to participate on competitive eating contests.


When João and his two older siblings moved to Riverview, they had little to no experience living in the big city... But so did Ahjay, who was born and raised in his hometown as a kindhearted but shy young lad. They bonded during mid school, went through high school and are inseparable ever since! They share hobbies, aspirations and even the dream of finding true love... They also share some kinks, but that's where they usually part ways. You can't always agree in everything!



Trish and João are a truly chaotic combo. They bring up the heat at every party, show or convention they get together! Unfortunately, poor Ahjay always gets involved on their mess and is always likely to be the one that gets the short end of the stick, sandwiched between these two party animals and their crazy shenanigans.



João and Sandro met at a riverside dance club, and they hit it off right away. They share a strong chemistry during sex, on what it seems an ever insatiable desire for each other's body. Besides that, they have too different lifestyles and things they look up to for a partner to cement a long term relationship between them... But as for now, they're plenty satisfied with being each other's playmates.

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