💙 meena adhara



6 years, 9 months ago



Namemeena adhara
Occupationclothing store clerk
worth -
birthdaymay 24th
Design Notes

  • wip

very shy and quiet, she'll try to be nice to everyone if their nice and will just avoid anyone who isent, she enjoys talking about things shes interested in if she doesnt feel like shes annoying the other person and likes hearing about her friends interests as well, she trys to be helpful and lend a hand whenever she is able to

physical description

  • to be redesigned

meena is an android built by a robotics company called "premiere" who  makes and sells humanoid robot assistants made for physical labor and  storing information for households and businesses 

she was bought by a woman named luna adhara, a small business owner who runs an "off the rack" type clothing store where they sell out of season clothing from various clothing brands. she got meena because shes always wanted a daughter and she has meena work with her in her store for an allowance 

even though meena loves her "mother"she doesn't enjoy working at the store and would love to be able to go to school and learn more about space and the galaxy which she enjoys very much, but unfortunately androids are not permitted to go to public schools and she doesn't want to disappoint luna by saying she doesn't wanna work there so she continues with it and does her best to make her happy 

 meenas dream is to go to space and learn as much as possible about space and the solar system


  • pumpkin cake
  • light shows and lamps that give off cool lights in the dark like constilations
  • rides that go high into the air really fast like the slingshot
  • anything in any kind of galaxy print
  • hanging out with her mom

  • bugs of any kind
  • wearing to much fabric
  • being heavily relied on
  • hot drinks
  • big animals

prim viano | friend

meena met prim when prim and keene visited her mothers clothing store and were suprised to see another robot like them with their same software and decided to be friends, prim gets a lot of his clothes from her store and they both like to talk about their interests

keene viano | friend

keene met meena when visiting her store and became friends after seeing they were both robots, keene enjoys fashion (but wont ever say it) so he visits a lot and before he met jamie had a bit of a crush on meena

reese bernadette | acquaintance

meena met reese through keene and theyve only talked a couple times cause of keene being their mutual friend, meena thinks shes a bit odd but is still very nice to her and listens to her talk about fighting when their with prim and keene