Charlotte Von Brandt's Literatures

Myrtle gets in a fight with her leader and runs away. She gets caught up in a snow storm and is rescued by an unfamiliar friend.

2 years, 5 months ago

Frannie, Charlotte, and Asher are staying behind in Ethovalon to help take care of the refugees. Frannie and Asher decide to surprise Charlotte by getting her a gift, but Charlotte is much more surprised to find them out on the town together.

2 years, 8 months ago

Mild Sexual Content

Charlotte takes Gene's advice to go to therapy, which somehow ends with a date with Asher.

Gene runs into Lee and Frannie as they return from their hike and decides to have a talk with the Litten.

2 years, 11 months ago

Emil runs into Artemis while he's out doing chores. He decides to show her around town, as much as he is able.

Gene has not been himself since he took a calming nature mint. Ari and him have a talk about it and he decides to reverse the effects.

Lee and Chewy are looking for their new base when they happen to run into an old friend.

Mild Violence

Team Phantom Fang and Team New Beginnings have been tasked with protecting a group of loggers while they clear down a section of the forest, but they take a liking to the locals.

Explicit Violence

Ari explains to Gene why he decided to evolve, which comes with some bad news.