


2 years, 11 months ago




"Do you dare disrespect my generosity?"
Basic Info

Name Kalani
Gender Female
BirthdaySeptember 18th
Height 5'8" / 173 cm
Weight 148 lbs / 67 kg
Ear Type Rabbit
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Ocean deity
S.O. N/A
Species Dainty
Dictionary # Official 385
Value $0 USD
Design Notes

  • She is a Dainty, she has hooved deer legs and her stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • Her hair, ears, tail, wings, and right (our left) stocking are comprised of a substance that appears to be thickened, sludge-like water.
  • The knot in her skirt / nearby pattern looks like a flower!
  • Her left (our right) stocking is made of glass and filled with purple water and dark seaweed.
  • Please color-pick off her reference!
  • Her eyes are the same darker purple as her hair!
  • Her wings are optional, but nothing else is!

  • Rarely, she comes up to the shore and takes on the form of a dainty to satisfy her curiosity on the latest developments in human civilization. Usually she's content to watch from afar, as she's preoccupied with other things.
  • She won't attack without due cause, but sailors often tell tales of cruise ships and cargo vessels experiencing sudden and terrible sailing conditions when entering her waters.
  • Though she's most known for bringing prosperity in the form of bountiful fishing hauls, she can do much more than this. While not entirely well-known, there are rituals islanders who struggle to reproduce can partake in, and if she is pleased by their offering and the sum of their actions throughout their lives, she may choose to bless them with the child they desire.
  • Often regarded as a cruel deity who needs to be appeased in order to grant safety, Kalani is not heartless. Frequently she pities those who fall into peril within her waters, saving their lives before returning to her duties and leaving them to enjoy their new lease on life.

Kalani, at her core, is a sensitive and gentle soul with a great deal of compassion for her ocean's inhabitants. While she has difficulty extending her sympathies towards humans, she does treat the islanders better than she would other humans. If she is respected, she will show mutual respect and will reward those who deserve it. However, when presented with the opportunity to take vengeance for the crimes committed against her, she has no hesitation and will punish without mercy. She's best known as a volatile being, and those with something to hide must tread carefully in her path. With all of this in mind, it's no long stretch to say that she holds a grudge.


  • Her ocean and her creatures
  • Helpful, respectful humans
  • Tropical flowers

  • Mistreatment of her ocean and creatures
  • Interference and interruption
  • Greedy, ungrateful humans

Kalani doesn't know when or how she came to be - she just is. At first, she was a consciousness drifting among the ocean waves, bringing prosperity and good will for all the creatures residing in her waters. Sometimes, she would take their form, joining them for fun beneath the waves to see their home the way they did. Under her watchful eye, all of her ocean was blessed with prosperity and great bounty. Her waters were clear, her creatures were healthy, and she was happy.

As time went on, her oceans began to suffer. Her ocean surrounded a colony of islands, and this colony housed many humans. Seeing as how they never overstayed their welcome in her waters, she never paid them much mind. However, as they advanced, they took more and more for granted, taking relentlessly from her bounty. While they'd never acknowledged her presence, they used to respect her ocean and the power she held. Now, though, they'd seemed to have lost that respect. She'd make them remember in due time.

It was only after the humans forced one of her creatures species into extinction that Kalani decided enough was enough. These humans did not fear her as they should, they did not respect the power she held. It was her effort of maintaining the ocean's bounty that nourished them and allowed them to prosper as they did. And instead of thanking her for it, they exploited their newfound prosperity into oblivion. As punishment, she thrust her ocean's waves forcefully upon the land, destroying much of their civilization in a terrible tsunami and an ensuing storm. After all, they should suffer the same losses as her beloved ocean, should they not? Her actions, though cruel, did alleviate the ocean's troubles. The humans now feared her power, and dared not set foot in her waters.

As the humans rebuilt after a disaster of their own making, Kalani began to pay careful attention to them. She knew little of them aside from their wrongdoing, and it would be a lie to say that she wasn't at least curious of how they lived. As she watched, she grew intrigued, noticing how their interactions were far more complicated than most she'd witnessed between her creatures and their counterparts. She even went so far as to assume a form similar to theirs in order to observe them more closely. In her many journeys to the shores and beyond, she learned much about the islanders, and she grew to care for them, if only mildly. She still cared for her ocean far more, but she developed a soft spot nonetheless. While observing them, she noticed small ornaments hung by their dwellings, and small monuments within their villages where they often gathered. Upon further research, she found that they were "praying". These monuments were places to congregate and offer tidings in exchange for bountiful harvest and safe travels upon the ocean's fierce waves, and they were offered to the goddess of the waters surrounding the island. As time went on, she was caught off guard when these gifts would be offered to her in the statue's stead when she visited. In truth, the humans were wiser of her than they'd initially let on. Due to her continued visitations throughout the centuries, the locals had put two and two together. Clearly, she was not one of them, as even though she looked the part, she hadn't aged a day from her first appearance. The legend of a woman, emerging from the ocean dressed in familiar garb, with hair and stockings that flowed with the beauty of the ocean's waters, had permeated throughout generations upon generations of islanders.

Over the years, the islanders once again learned how to live in harmony with the ocean. They took what they needed and nothing more, and respected the waters that gave them life. In return, Kalani did nothing to harm them. In fact, she ensured their bounty, gratefully accepting their offerings and bringing them prosperity in return. Unfortunately, as the decades turned to centuries, a new threat made its way into her waters... pollution threatens the health of her entire ecosystem, and now Kalani burns with vengeance. Her once beautiful visage is now one tainted by sludge and grime, as her desire for revenge taints both her appearance and the very core of her being. The islanders are not explicitly at fault for this pollution though - it comes from all over, making its way to her even through surrounding oceans over which she has no control. Her rage burns at mankind as a whole, and the only thing protecting the island from another catastrophe is that the islanders still respect her power greatly, and some even make efforts to rehabilitate her affected companions.

World Info

Kalani exists within the ocean surrounding a tropical island with sandy beaches, lush jungles, and plenty of tourist traps. The island could be compared to our modern day Hawaii, though the island tries to have intentional tourist-y areas separate from the general population to try and divert some of the crowds. Kalani will sometimes journey to the surface to try and learn more about humans and their society. On the island, dainties are rare and crossbreeds are even rarer, leading to crossbreeds generally receiving mixed reception - the softer, less intimidating crossbreeds are often fawned upon, while the "scarier" crossbreeds are scorned and treated as monsters.


Kakusei - Superfly


Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.