


4 years, 10 months ago




"Hop in, the water's fine!"

Basic Info

Name Adrian
Age 22
Gender Male
Birthday June 20th
Height 5'1" / 155 cm
Weight 146 lbs / 66 kg
Ear Type Axolotl
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Aquarium Manager
S.O. Winter
Species Dainty
Dictionary # Crossbreed 110
Value $196 USD

Design Notes

  • He is a Dainty, he has hooved deer legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • His legs / "stockings" are hollow coral! It doesn't have to be replicated down to each individual spire (they break off easily) but they all remain fairly close to the leg and they all point upwards.
  • His ears and tail are based off of an axolotl! However, his tail still retains a deer-like shape, so please be aware of that!
  • Please color-pick off his reference! It's okay if you change the hues and whatnot, but please go off these colors.
  • The star holes in his legs are on both sides. Unless otherwise specified, the water coming out of our left (his right) leg is optional! His left (our right) leg's star hole is always covered by a blue starfish. It is unclear if it's alive or an accessory!
  • His coral legs can be pink or white unless specified otherwise!


  • He is almost never seen with a shirt on, even at work... the jacket's the best you'll get! However, it isn't for vanity reasons - he just really loves to swim in the ocean! His shorts are swim trunks, so often he just takes off his jacket and hops on in!
  • His jacket has the logo for his aquarium on the back. He takes great pride in the work he does and he's very passionate about it.
  • His coral is parasitic. It draws energy off of Adrian himself, so if the coral breaks off (depending on how much) Adrian may feel a bit weaker or hungrier than usual while it regrows.
  • His legs have hollow cavities in the middle, allowing water to flow through. He tends to have to shoo sea critters out of them if his star holes are uncovered while he's out and about swimming!
  • The coral lining his legs is very thick. Unlike the spires growing off of them, the base layer coral is very durable. Even though there's a cavity inside, there's no way for the coral to completely break open / snap an entire leg off unless there was extreme external force placed upon it.
  • His body composition is more elastic than most dainties! His skin and some other components of his body have a lot of flexibility and leeway, it's great for when he's being his dumbass self and swimming around things that he shouldn't be!


Adrian is kind, endearing, and very soft hearted! He cares deeply for everyone and everything around him, often holding their needs above his own. He's very passionate about his work and will happily talk all day about it when the opportunity presents itself. He's active, missing no opportunity to get out and do something. Of course, while he likes to keep himself busy, he doesn't mind resting when there's a good reason to do so. When it comes to what he loves, Adrian is very skillful and precise to ensure that animals placed in his care don't feel any unnecessary pain. All in all, he's a good natured boy working to do his best for everyone!

He's unfortunately very insecure due to past interactions. He doubts himself when he's in unfamiliar territory. Often, he'll underestimate the danger of certain tasks, or he'll just ignore it altogether if he sees a benefit that he believes outweighs negative aspects. He can be very reserved and reluctant to share his thoughts as well. Adrian is forgiving to a worrisome degree, craving stability and assuaging himself with the idea that he can make things work. He doesn't give up easily either, so these two personality traits both amplify and worsen the other.


  • The ocean. He wouldn't know what to do if it were to be taken away from him.
  • Marine life! His aquarium specializes in rehabilitation and release, so he sees a lot of it come and go. He does his best to help every creature in need!
  • Sitting outside with his boyfriend watching the weather and snuggling up,,,, these soft boys love hammocks and swinging benches!


  • Choppy waters... he's had an instance or two where he was swept away! He'll only go diving if the waters seem like they'll be nice and smooth.
  • Plastics and pollution of the ocean. He does his best to not buy plastic products but sometimes it is inevitable, so he makes sure his are properly disposed of! Whenever he sees trash floating around in the ocean it upsets him, but he cleans it up as best he can!
  • Thunderstorms! They spook him!


Born and raised on a quiet tropical island, Adrian's had a really nice existence for the most part. Living on an island comes with perks and downsides, though. Some of the perks? Adrian's had a deep love of the ocean for as long as he can remember. Most of his happy memories are tied to it, and he spends every waking hour that he can out swimming in the crystalline waters around his island.

Throughout his childhood, he didn't care much for school. He was good at the language and history courses, but math and science seemed to evade him outside of the basic and practical applications. He much preferred helping his grandfather run his aquarium! The aquarium mostly serves as a rehabilitation and release facility, but it was always well populated. A lot of the residents there are unfortunately unable to make it on their own in the wild waters if they were to be released again, but Adrian and his grandfather were always happy to care for them. They have some healthy mainstays as well from larger fish populations, but their endangered long-time residents tend to be the ones who can no longer fend for themselves. Adrian developed a kind of bond with each and every animal that entered their facility, and it was always bittersweet for him to see them go!

Oftentimes, Adrian bumps into some of his former residents on the beach nearby his grandfather' beach house - namely seals, sea turtles, and dolphins! Well, the dolphins stay in the water, but you catch my drift. Adrian can always recognize a former resident and is always happy to see them again! As a child, it was especially nice to see all of his friends again. He was the kind of kid to be popular in school, but not really embrace it much, and the animals he'd helped in the aquarium were far closer to him than any other child. Well, that is, until Winter came along!

Adrian and Winter met on the night of a terrible storm - Adrian had been outside when it struck, so he'd taken shelter under some cavernous tree roots. Adrian's not the fondest of thunderstorms, so the loud storm definitely pushed him to tears as he tried to tough it out. Winter heard his cries, thankfully, and came to his aid. He convinced Adrian to come and stay the night with his family, and all in all just made Adrian feel so safe and secure. They quickly became friends! They ended up going to school together, ending up in the same class year after year. If Adrian could help it, he wouldn't go anywhere without Winter and vice versa. Alongside their strong friendship, they recognized that they both possessed skills the other did not - Winter was good with math and science, while Adrian excelled at language and the other more abstract subjects in academia. Thus, homework on the beach was added to their ever growing list of activities they did together. Truly, they became inseparable!

The two of them were honestly the biggest "will they won't they" pair in town. It was clear that they both really liked each other's company! However it wasn't to last... Winter's family moved off the island to the mainland, and Adrian was crushed. He wrote to Winter as often as he could, and once they both got cellphones Adrian was more than happy to spend the entire day texting his favorite dinosaur. Eventually, he couldn't deny his feelings anymore, and sent Winter a super heartfelt love letter. After 2 weeks of hearing back nothing, Adrian assumed his letter had been lost in the mail and that maybe he shouldn't have told Winter his true feelings. All of his worries were assuaged though once Winter showed up one morning on the island, letter in hand! They've been together ever since and couldn't be happier.

Adrian's grandfather died of old age not too long after Winter and Adrian got together. Adrian was understandably upset, but his grandfather did leave him his two greatest possessions that Adrian had adored so much - The beach house and the aquarium. Adrian became the manager of the aquarium, and moved in to the beach house as soon as he was ready. Adrian and Winter tried to keep their relationship slow and steady at first, but these two are just so hopelessly in love and they've spent their whole lives together. How much longer would they possibly be expected to wait for their forever after? Not long, evidently. Winter moved in with Adrian a few months after he inherited the beach house, and soon got a job handling the financial side of the aquarium while Adrian handled a lot of the hands-on rehabilitation and upkeep. Winter helps out wherever he can at the aquarium too, which is great! Especially for Adrian trying to get him to come out of his shell with other people more, giving him more work on the main floor where he'd be with patrons is perfect!

Later on in their relationship, Adrian's health takes a bit of a turn for the worst - spending all that time in an ocean with so much micro plastic particles in it hasn't been good for his gills. One moment, he's swimming with Winter and having a grand ol' time, and the next? He can't breathe and he's 50 feet underwater... Thankfully Winter was around to save him! But coughing up blood after that wasn't exactly a good sign! After going and getting him checked out at the emergency room, the doctor determined that Adrian's gills were scarring due to this repeated exposure with harmful particles, and that he should stay out of the ocean. Of course... Adrian loves the ocean. He couldn't stay out! And at first? it was totally fine. But as he started pushing his luck more and more, it happened again and without Winter this time... Thankfully he happened to be nearby once Adrian hauled himself up onto the beach, coughing and spluttering. He spent about two months out of the ocean at Winter's insistence, but it was the worst two months of his life... So, he developed a special wetsuit with filtration mesh over the spots where his gills would be. After a few test runs, he modified an existing wetsuit to have the mesh in it, and he was finally able to swim in the ocean again! Later on, Winter gets him a version of this wetsuit that's more professionally made, and Adrian's been a happy little fish man ever since. Yay!

All in all, these two live a nice content life on the beach in a beach house in each other's arms... they broke up for like a week and nearly died without each other so. It's safe to say they'll be together forever, they're a perfect pair!

World Info

Adrian lives on a tropical island with sandy beaches, lush jungles, and plenty of tourist traps. The island could be compared to our modern day Hawaii, though the island tries to have intentional tourist-y areas separate from the general population to try and divert some of the crowds. Adrian's aquarium is the only one on the island and is quite large, drawing in plenty of local and tourist visitors. His grandfather's beach house is on a more secluded beach largely unknown to visitors, which makes it quite the quiet little paradise. He owns most of the land surrounding his home, so there aren't any real neighbors to speak of, and anyone who comes out that way is usually coming to visit him. On the island, dainties are rare and crossbreeds are even rarer, leading to crossbreeds generally receiving mixed reception - the softer, less intimidating crossbreeds are often fawned upon, while the "scarier" crossbreeds are scorned and treated as monsters.


Ai No Scenario - CHiCO / Honeyworks
Everything's Alright (To The Moon) - Lizz Robinett ft. Dysergy
Abandoned Ship / Sea Mauville (Pokemon R/S) - Moisés Nieto



Adrian and Winter met as kids on one fateful night during a terrible storm. Adrian had been outside at the time it struck, and he ended up hiding under a tree. Not the safest spot! Winter, thankfully, heard his crying and came to his aid, letting him come over to his house for the night. They've been inseparable ever since! Adrian feels so much safer and at ease when Winter's around, he always knows exactly what to say to calm him down. Their relationship progressed to something more during their last year of high school, and honestly Adrian's never been happier since! It didn't take long for Adrian to invite Winter to move in with him and to help out with work at his aquarium. These two spend every waking moment together and haven't gotten bored of each other yet. They never will! Winter is Adrian's everything!
