
6 years, 11 months ago


Average Grades: 80s
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: n/a
Age/Year: 15/Sophomore

Cami is part human-part pear monster. Nobody at her school knows that though, and it isn't really relevant in her life. [Character originally based off "The Biting Pear of Salamanca"] The only thing that sets her apart from others is her sharp tooth. She is a bit of an outsider or loner. She mainly follows or does what Natalie does. However, Cami is more efficient when it comes to doing homework assignments. When it comes to fun, Cami doesn't mind just doing the same things as Natalie. Therefore, the two of them are usually seen together. 

Cami does not have a family. 

Cami's best friend is Natalie.