
6 years, 11 months ago


Average Grades: 70/80s
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Questioning
Age/Year: 15/Sophomore

Jenny is a regular student with average grades. She plays sports during and after school hours. Her favorite sport being Soccer. She is very spunky and energetic, however, sometimes she can be mean. She tries to act like the cool kid, but she mostly comes off as a dork. She cares more about hanging out with friends than school work, which her parents disapprove of. 

Jenny has a good relationship with her parents. Although, they can sometimes get into fights because Jenny doesn't like to follow the rules. She always talks about being a free spirit but her parents just want her to do her work so she can get a good job in the future. Jenny would much rather do what she wants than get something as boring as a job. 

Jenny's two best friends are Ben and Sunny.