
6 years, 11 months ago


Average Grades: 80s
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Age/Year: 14/Freshman

Sunny is the youngest in the class, she is also one of the shortest. She doesn't mind being short, but hates it when others make jokes about her height. Other than that, Sunny is a very bright and kind person. She radiates good energy and people love to be around her. She does good in school and doesn't really mind it, but would rather be out having fun. She loves hanging out with her two best friends, whether they are just chilling at her place or out on the town.

Sunny lives with her mother at home. Her parents divorced, and her father moved away from the area. She doesn't get to see him anymore. Sunny has a good relationship with her mother. The pin she wears in her hair was given to her by her mother when she was younger. She loves wearing it.

Sunny's two best friends are Ben and Jenny