


7 years, 2 months ago
Lahti Cappuchi


information is outdated and will be replaced at a later date pfftpftpfptft

Spirits in their heart

Calm . Whimsical . Unambitious

Name Tapan
Species Bookling (#038)
Gender Genderfluid
Pronouns Any
Height 5'6"
Build Thin
Eyes Teal
Hair Pale teal
Orientation Androsexual
Alignment Neutral Good


  • Reading in peace
  • Singing alone, singing into the wind
  • Attainable, inconsequential goods (such as instruments or jewelries)


  • Responsibility in any capacity, but especially via their penance
  • Crowds and crammed places
  • Technology/ modernization "of otherwise useful and capable objects"


Tapan is a keeper of a 'shrine'-- a wealth of knowledge of deities long gone.
They do travel from time to time to 'spread the word' but they are a bit late...
This is their penance for a life previously uninvolved with the religious side of their peoples worship.
The deities punished them to be within radius of their holy words at all times (oftentimes, these holy words are taken in a literal sense and manifest in books, but sometimes it's a strange aura about Tapan when they 'wander' too far). This is why they seem so hesitant to leave without taking artifacts and knowledge on their travels, just in case. Wherever they go, they stay for quite a while, setting up 'shop', as it were, to keep the deities' favor safe with elegant and tasteful shrines.

Even now, they still have a penchant for spoiling themselves in luxuries where possible. They will work very hard and say it's all in their deities' names, to spread word and kindness, but... It's really for the money so they can get that nice lute they had been eyeing, or maybe to purchase a beautiful comb for their hair and tassel-tail.

Under all the two-sidedness is a Bookling quite happy with their existence and pleased to be able to continue exploring and learning as civilizations turn and change. If this is their burden to bear, they would be content with it, to work with and around it as long as possible. Sometimes they feel as if they could just break apart and become one with the land they float across.

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