


2 years, 11 months ago



Jex Modesa

Gender Male
Species Curio
Height 4'11
Age 30
Occupation Hunter

It's easy to read Jex's quiet demeanor as disdainful, but this hunter truly is just shy. Traveling frequently hasn't given him much opportunity to socialize, but any curios willing to wade through his general awkwardness would find a loyal and kind friend...


Growing up in the ever industrious Modesa family certainly did a number on Jex. Lofty expectations for him as a kit started a slow decline as his natural shyness became apparent. Social anxiety can be worked on of course, but then what to do about that nervous stutter and avoidance of public speaking? The final nail in the coffin for family given Merchant Guild goals was when his dyslexia and dyscalculia reared its head during schooling. How can you expect to inherit any part of the family business when you can’t even keep a ledger straight? Family disappointed, Jex was more frequently left to his own devices as he aged. Finding his self confidence in the outdoors and learning anything he could about the natural world, it would come as no surprise to anyone really paying attention when he instead joined up with the Hunters Guild. Despite everything to indicate the family business would be a bad fit, his parents were still less than pleased. Any inheritance now sits locked away until he’s on better terms with his family. All things considered, Jex can’t say he really minds…

As an adult Jex has a much better handle on his anxiety, and childhood stutter, only popping up now when he’s overly emotional or put on the spot to speak to groups. Jex chooses his interactions with others very carefully, and takes his time thinking of what to say. Missing out on his backstory, has led to the general interpretation that he’s uninterested and thinks he's above speaking with those around him. In combination with his choice of work, Jexs quiet demeanor appears stand-offish. Really though, he’s unsure how to best interact with his peers. Jex hates bullies and hates being interrupted most of all.

Working now in the Hunters Guild exterminating problem creatures from remote towns and villages, Jex is always on the move. It can be a little lonely, but it’s satisfying work and Jex has no regrets about where he’s ended up.

Design & Trivia

  • Interupting him when he's speaking is a quick way to gain his dislike and open aggression.
  • A slow reader, with very very messy handwriting. Good luck...
  • Despite everything he still begrudgingly appears at Modesa 'reunions.' Quick to leave.
  • Calling him just 'Jex' is fine, in fact preferable to going by the Modesa name.


  Older Cousin


Jagari just knows all the right buttons to press to get a 'fun' reaction out of Jex. Jex is embarassed by how long it took for him to finally win those physical fights... What a annoying guy...

  Older Cousin


Too far apart in age to have interacted much when Jex was a kit, not that they have much in common's the whole....architecture thing....working out? Still, Gevaun has his respect far more than most relatives.



The Bellflower is the perfect spot to rest up before and after a hunt. Sure the food is great and the atmosphere is cozy, but Vel is so cute...Huh? H-he didn't say that outloud, right?

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