


3 years, 3 days ago



Basic Info
Name Madelynn Rose
Nickname Barbie
Age 27
Birthday November 5
Height 5'8 / 174cm
Gender Male (He/Him)
OriginΒ  Β  Β  Β  Varcia
Ethnicity Varcian
VoiceBanshee (Singer); YouTube
OrientationBisexual / Demiromantic
Occupation Black Market
Status Single
  • Graveyards / Cemeteries
  • Iced Coffee
  • Possessed Dolls / Objects
  • Human Skulls
  • 'UwU' Soft People
  • Plastic Charms or Pendants
  • Ghoul Hunters
  • Elves
  • He hunts down humans to consume, he isn't picky on who he eats. He additionally drinks blood, steals coins, and eats the dead.

  • He is able to take the form of the person most recently eaten.

  • He has a nose piercing. It's a small diamond stud on the left side of his nose. He sometimes sleeps with it on.

  • He wears a lot of heavy makeup; he's usually seen wearing black eyeliner, mascara, and dark eyeshadow. He will occasionally put on black lipstick, otherwise he just sticks to clear lipgloss.

    Elves seem to be immune to any of his abilities. He cannot trick, paralyze, or shift into them. He can eat them but they taste very unpleasant and serve no nutritional value to his species. Β 

  • He shows great attention to detail; very careful and precise.

  • He seems to show a disinterest in those who don’t use social media.

  • He’s a big cyber stalker, and will absolutely comment stalk, browse pictures, and save information from those he knows and doesn’t know. He's also a big sucker for internet drama; he likes reading YouTube comment fights.

  • He likes to harass people on the internet for the fuck of it. He derives no benefit from the circumstance other than pure entertainment.

  • Barbie built and maintains a website that tracks every person he's ever met and various details about them; it is housed under a private domain and can only be accessed by a direct link.


LogicalΒ . Disingenuous . Meticulous . Intellectual . Fink
"You can see right through me? What a joke."

Barbie is a paid professional life ruiner who exposes private, personal information to the general public - via the Internet - usually about an individual or organization. Searching publicly available databases and social networking platforms are his go-to when it comes to doxing. Hacking and social engineering are some of the more common methods he uses to obtain such information. He has a VPN to avoid the dirty work being linked back to him, this also helps in regards to keeping anonymous about the other illegal businesses he associates with. He is completely anonymous with his clients and works from home - unless strictly stated otherwise. In that case, he pulls on a disguise and uses a false identity, personality, and name before meeting up with said client.

He makes a living off the black market by hacking and doxing for other people. He grave robs on top of this and sells the commodities that he finds. Nothing goes to waste during his grave expeditions; corpses, coffins, and even the cemetery dirt used to bury the bodies are all sold.

He thrives on corruption and fragility. Destroying someone else's will to live brings him immense joy. It’s fun getting paid to ruin people, that’s simply just how he feels. He has less mercy for those who come off as super soft or easily scared, they get the worst treatment out of everyone else.

He's not a particularly likable person, and encounters with him are frequently unpleasant and demeaning. He simply doesn't care for empathy; he is not a 'people' person and thus has no issue putting others in uncomfortable positions, such as asking personal questions or covertly insulting them. Outside of the internet, Barbie can be pretty dead in terms of personality. He comes off as off-putting and not really..there? It’s as if he’s in another world. He's not candid or sincere, typically pretending that he knows less about something than he really does.

He does exhibit antisocial tendencies such as deception, risk-taking behaviors, and recklessness. But he has not been diagnosed with anything of the sort.


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Minnie | (Victim)
"You look hysterical in this photo. How cute."

Barbie treats Minnie in the most abhorrent way possible. From cyberbullying to death threats, Minnie has been through it all and continues to be harassed by Barbie daily. No matter how many times Minnie blocks him, he always comes back with a new account ready to play again. Barbie eventually convinced Minnie to stop blocking him when he threatened to dox him. Barbie creates sick requests consisting of tasks assigned to Minnie for him to complete for his own entertainment. Initially innocuous like suggesting him to watch particular horror movies, before introducing elements of self-harm and degradation.


Vincent | (Classified)
"You should get social media, It'll help you unwind."Β 



N/A | (Wip)



N/A | (Wip)
