Siena Monaghan



2 years, 10 months ago


Siena Monaghan
I'm Not The One - 3OH!3


Name Siena Monaghan

Star Sign Pisces

Age 24

Birthday March 3 2001

Pronouns she/her

Height 5'4"

Species Nethercow

Orientation Bisexual

Origin Torren

Residence Nethercow City

Blood Type A+

Occupation Electrical Engineer

Personality Type ENFP-T


  • Spicy food
  • The ocean
  • Sword fighting


  • Cold Weather
  • Loud noises
  • Lack of control


A skilled fighter, but wears her heart on her sleeve. Was raised to be a prophet in an isolated cult town but ran away at 16 in order to be free from control over her life. Tends to make impulsive and rash decisions which often causes those around her to suffer, but is doing her best to work on it. Currently doing consulting work for Nethercow City's power crisis, but is pretty lazy.



  • Green eyes. Pupil can be black, red or white depending on art.
  • Has a mole on her right cheek.
  • Fur begins below her chest and goes from light brown to dark, with light brown under her tail.
  • Has a scar across her nose she got in 2017.
  • Hair colour changes depending on her age and is as follows: Dark Brown 2001-2017, Dark red 2017-2020 and Blue 2020 onwards.
  • Quite lean and androgonous in body shape.
  • Has top surgery scars but elected to not have nipple grafts.
  • Hooves and horns are a dark grey, and are quite dull in sheen.
  • Clothing style ranges from basics to streetwear, depending on mood.
  • Often depicted with a red halo behind her.


  • Closeted hopeless romantic, but struggles with accepting love.
  • Autistic, hates loud noises.
  • Left handed.
  • Her sword has a red blade with a gold hilt, and is called Cattleprod.
  • Used to be a sona simply in design and first name but became an oc with her own personality and story.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Cautious Impulsive
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Humorous Serious


  • Loyal
  • Kind
  • Intelligent
  • Affectionate


  • Arrogant
  • Impulsive
  • Paranoid
  • Vengeful



Early Life/Torren (2001-2017)

Born in Torren to the then-current seer of the town Agnes, who rejected her at birth due to not wanting children in the first place and her arranged husband passing shortly after she became pregnant. Instead, Siena was raised by Agnes' partner and the current town leader, Maren, while she maintained a more distant family relation to Siena, similar to an Aunt.

On her 5th Seers day, Siena was chosen to become the next seer once she reached adulthood, forcing her into a life with no choice, similar to her mother's fate. She had to mature quickly, delving into the town's religion and scripture instead of playing with children her age. Additionally, she was promised to Jeremiah when they both turned 18, who until then had just been a friend.

Siena, Jeremiah, and their friend Marie remained tight-knit throughout their childhood and youth, finding solace in their shared displeasure with life in Torren, where they all felt trapped despite it being in different ways.

At 16, Siena and Jeremiah started planning their escape from Torren, pretending to develop romantic feelings to spend more time together and plan. Unfortunately, this meant leaving Marie behind, but they saw no other option as including her would be too suspicious. On the night of their escape, they were caught by Maren, who attempted to stop them using force. Despite earning a large cut on her face and enough guilt to sink a ship, Siena and Jeremiah managed to flee and hitchhiked their way to Nethercow City mostly unharmed.

Nethercow City and Icepick (2017-2020)

In the city, they worked to establish new lives for themselves. Attending night school alongside their part-time jobs, they aimed to catch up on the education they missed during their childhood. Being minors, they received financial assistance from the city government, helping them manage their expenses while they were in school and couldn't work full-time.

During this time, Siena and Jeremiah grew closer, eventually entering a relationship. They appreciated having the freedom to choose each other rather than being forced into it. They both started attending therapy to heal from their upbringing in Torren.

At 18, Siena ran away again from Nethercow City, leaving Jeremiah behind because of an accidental pregnancy which she aborted and didn't tell him about out of fear and embarrassment. Due to the stress and guilt of hiding it from Jeremiah despite knowing he would support her regardless of her choice, she left and spent a year on Icepick with Rhys in charge. However, her declining mental health, which she had been suppressing since she left NCC, surfaced once Rhys went missing. When Xiias arrived on Icepick searching for its Admin, it and Siena ran into each other. Xiias being worried and Siena paranoid and on the brink of a mental breakdown.

Because of her upbringing in Torren, where she was taught that Angels were holy beings she was meant to communicate with for the town once she reached adulthood, Siena lashed out and fatally wounded Xiias in her fear. She had left Torren fully believing that the town's religion was fake, and Angels didn't exist. In that moment, she failed to consider other explanations.

Nethercow City (2020-2024)

Following the incident, Siena returned to NCC in a panic. However, her prolonged absence left Jeremiah with negative feelings towards her, preventing her from returning to their old shared apartment. During her time away, Marie had also managed to leave Torren and was now in a relationship with Jeremiah.

Siena and Marie had luckily remained on good terms, which helped mend Siena's friendship with Jeremiah. Neither wanted to go back to their romantic relationship but they both missed each other's companionship as friends. After finally sharing the reason for why she left and reconciling with Jeremiah, Siena encountered Xiias again on her way home. Despite being told about Angels most of her youth, everything she learned was incorrect and they were instead just a different species rather than holy beings. That being said, they could cheat death in most scenarios which led her to have a very negative impression on Xiias initially when they met again.

Xiias, losing energy for why it was in Nethercow City in the first place, chose to get to know Siena better rather than returning to Istillor permanently after Icepick's collapse. Siena was initially skeptical of Xiias's intentions, given their past encounter, but gradually warmed up to it as they discovered common interests and enjoyed each other's company.

Siena eventually invited Xiias to move in with her, sharing the rent and providing it with a home in Nethercow City. As they grew closer, they eventually entered into a relationship, though they kept it more private than Siena's previous one with Jeremiah. They choose not to display their relationship publicly very often, as neither of them enjoy being under scrutiny and being with an Angel in Nethercow City was enough of a spectacle already.

Nethercow City (2025)

Events of Voltcurrent take place this year.

Xiias Partner

Started off on the wrong foot due to lack of communication. Over time they got closer and eventually got together, though they aren't very public with it. To the outside eye, they would just appear friends. However, they are very sweet together when no one is watching.

Jeremiah Barr Best Friend/Ex

Childhood friend in their home town Torren. Ran away from town when they were 16 and moved to Nethercow city, living together and supporting each other. While their relationship didnt work out and they had other major fights, they remain best friends and love and care about each other a lot.


Other childhood friend from Torren. The two have a very sisterly relationship and while they don't share many interests, they enjoy spending time with one another. Have weekly girls nights where they watch shitty hallmark movies together.


Friend she made when coming back to Nethercow City the second time and bonded over their love for freedom. Outside of Jeremiah, Siena considers Cassie her closest friend. They often go out together because no one else other than Xiias is a fan of parties and bars.

Rhys Morgan Old Friend

Lived on Rhys' server for a period of time, resulting in the two spending a lot of time together. Siena hasn't seen him since she was 18 when he went missing and the server corrupted and collapsed. Siena wonders about him often.

Madeline Varrow Not on Good Terms

Siena finds her creepy and obsessive, and too interested in everyones personal lives for her own good. Would fight each other if provoked. Still plays video games online together with her despite all this.


Siena was raised by Maren in Agnes' stead, though the two never got along. Are now estranged after Siena ran away from Torren at 16 and the two got into a violent fight. Everyone mistook Maren for Siena's birth Mother as a child due to their similar looks.


Mother by birth, though Agnes refused to raise her as her own and took on a more distant relation. Siena always sought comfort from her growing up but never got it. Are now estranged after Siena ran away from Torren at 16, though Siena still resents her and refuses to move past it deep down.
