Marie Trevelyan



2 years, 10 months ago


Marie Trevelyan
Sugar Water - Flower Face


Name Marie Trevelyan

Star Sign Libra

Age 25

Birthday September 30 2000

Pronouns she/her

Height 5'7"

Species Nethercow

Orientation Heterosexual

Origin Torren

Residence Nethercow City

Blood Type A-

Occupation Florist

Personality Type ENFP-A


  • Black Tea
  • Gardening
  • Live Sports


  • Living in the city
  • Paperwork
  • Snakes


While seemingly laid back and one dimensional to strangers, Marie is actually very outgoing and direct especially around her friends. She struggles with letting herself go around people she isn't close with due to how she was brought up, and only allows parts of her personality come through at a time, but she is trying to improve at that by relaxing more.



  • Orange eyes with a lighter orange pupil.
  • Fat, but as a child and teenager was underweight due to neglect.
  • Fur begins below her chest shoulders and is white with grey and black patches.
  • Horns are all black while hooves are split black and grey.
  • Tail fur is thick and sticks out more than most nethercows.
  • Hair is thick and brown, and ends at her shoulders.


  • Wants a family someday, but wants to learn to be happy on her own first.
  • Snores and is generally restless at night.
  • Very patient but moody about having to wait for things at the same time.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Cautious Impulsive
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Humorous Serious


  • Patient
  • Caring
  • Adaptable
  • Humble


  • Passive
  • Distrusting
  • Codependent
  • Gossipy



Early life/Torren (2000-2020)

Marie was born in Torren and was the first baby in over a decade born within the town. Because of this many of the town's residents were unskilled in assisting with childbirth, which caused her mother to pass away from birth complications and left her in the care of her father only. By the time Marie turned six, there were two more children born into the town, named Jeremiah and Siena. Despite both of them being younger than her, Marie quickly formed friendships with them both as the only children in the town at the time.

On Seer’s Day that same year, Siena was chosen to be the next seer for the town, and was paired up with Jeremiah to be wed when they both came of age. As the only one not directly involved in their group, Marie felt left out despite both her friends promising her they would stay together. For the remainder of their childhood and most of their youth they stuck together, finding solace in their shared displeasure with life in Torren, where they all felt trapped despite it being in different ways.

At 17, Marie noticed Jeremiah and Siena beginning to spend more time together without her, which made her sad as she had feelings for Jeremiah and also didn’t want to lose her friends. To combat the loneliness this caused Marie stuck closer to her dad, who she had only just begun realising also hates living in Torren and has been excluded from most of the town's meetings and social events because of it. One night Siena and Jeremiah ran away from Torren, causing a huge scene from the town's leaders, and left the town in a state of panic and shock as their seer had abandoned them. This also left Marie entirely alone except for her father and caused her a lot of pain and grief.

With the loss of the town's seer, Marie had to pick up the broken pieces left behind and take over a lot of the roles both Siena and Jeremiah had within the town. As time passed Marie began to feel overwhelmed with the workload she now had as well as having no one her age to be around. Seeing his daughter so miserable, Marie’s dad did all he could to make sure she felt supported and loved, but struggled. Knowing that she would have no happiness in this town, especially by herself he started secretly making plans to find a way to get her out just as Siena and Jeremiah had done years before, even if it meant he might never see her again because he refused to leave his wife's grave and home behind.

Right before her 20th birthday, Marie’s dad managed to get her a way out of town with one of the people Torren did trade with, despite knowing full well that helping her leave would only further push him away from the town's support. With a heartfelt goodbye, Marie was on her way to Nethercow City.

Nethercow City (2020-2024)

After arriving in Nethercow City, Marie set out with becoming settled and reuniting with Jeremiah and Siena. She quickly reunited with Jeremiah but discovered that Siena had run away again and had left him behind and broken his heart.

After arriving in Nethercow City, Marie quickly reunited with Jeremiah and got close again, especially in Siena’s absence as she had run away again after breaking up with Jeremiah. She missed Siena a lot but knew Jeremiah was very mad at her for leaving him after what they went through together, so she kept it to herself. While she got settled in the city, Jeremiah let her stay with him since he now had a spare bedroom and the two didn’t want to be apart.

Marie and Jeremiah quickly started dating after she moved in as they grew to be very close and Marie had never stopped having feelings for him. Marie also started working at a flower shop, quickly befriending the elderly owner and eventually taking over when she retired.

One night, Siena returned to their door in a panic, but Jeremiah was still hurt by her leaving with no notice, so he ignored her and locked her out. Marie however remained on good terms with Siena, so she did what she could to help Jeremiah move past what happened over time. A few months afterward, Jeremiah tells her that he and Siena had met up and reconciled.

Marie moved out into her own place after he and Siena reconciled, as she felt she needed time to learn to be independent and also that she was unhappy living in the city centre, but reassured Jeremiah that they would live together again in the future when they were both ready.

text (2025)

Events of Voltcurrent take place this year.

Jeremiah Barr Boyfriend

Boyfriend and childhood friend from Torren. He and Siena left before she did and therefore ended up spending more time apart from him than Siena did. Has held lifelong feelings for him and is very happy in their relationship. Wants to get married and start a family together when they're older, but isn't ready right now.


Other childhood friend from Torren. The two have a very sisterly relationship and while they don't share many interests, they enjoy spending time with one another. Have weekly girls nights where they watch shitty hallmark movies together.

Xiias Friend

Very friendly with each other and enjoy each others company a lot. Marie teaches Xiias how to cook while it takes her on adventures around the city so they can both get to know the layout and where things are, since theyre both new to the city and how it works.


Newest friend in the group and don't have that much in common. However they both hold a strong mutual respect for each other and what they do, even if it's boring to each other. Marie likes to watch Cassie race.


One of her employees. Hired him because she needed some help on the weekends but is hesitant to give him more hours because he has school. Marie looks out for him and is aware of his mental health troubles but will still push him to work his hardest.
