Jeremiah Barr



2 years, 10 months ago


Jeremiah Barr
Big Bad City - Evalyn


Name Jeremiah Barr

Star Sign Taurus

Age 23

Birthday May 11 2002

Pronouns he/him

Height 5'9"

Species Nethercow

Orientation Bisexual

Origin Torren

Residence Nethercow City

Blood Type O+

Occupation Electrical Engineer

Personality Type ISFJ-T


  • Photography
  • Model trains
  • Cooking


  • Spicy food
  • Failing
  • Cloudy days


Very caring and loyal but thinks he is never deserving of love in return. His OCD tends to control his life and he tirelessly works away on trying to fix Nethercow City's power crisis, putting his other plans in life on hold. Tends to put himself last and still has to learn to overcome his issues with self worth, but he is starting to realise he isn't alone and that he can accept help.



  • Hot pink eyes, pupil can be white, black or none depending on art.
  • Has sandy fur that starts below his chest and shoulders, with lighter hair on his inner thighs and under his tail.
  • Horns curve outwards slightly at the tips.
  • Has stubble on his chin.
  • Average weight, not super muscular.
  • Wears his silver earrings all the time.
  • Likes wearing layers. Sometimes wears dresses but not often.
  • Hooves and horns are a very desatured brown, and are dull in sheen.


  • Has severe OCD. Constantly feels everything is his fault because of it.
  • Left handed.
  • Likes housework but somehow shrinks everything in the wash every time.
  • Struggles with his self worth quite significantly.
  • Extemely annoying when in group calls.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Cautious Impulsive
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Humorous Serious


  • Devoted
  • Empathetic
  • Humble
  • Loyal


  • Self-Sacrificing
  • Paranoid
  • Emotional
  • Workaholic



Early Life/Torren (2002-2017)

Jeremiah was born in Torren and was one of the only children in the town at the time. When he was four he made friends with Marie and Siena, who were older than him but still enjoyed playing with him since there weren't many others as an option to befriend.

On Seers day that same year, Siena was chosen to be the next prophet for the town and by the time he turned 6, Jeremiah was told that when he reached adulthood he would have to marry her as her mothers had chosen him for her. At the age they both were, they didn't really understand but still found it weird.

Jeremiah, Siena and Marie stayed close friends through childhood and bonded over their shared displeasure for living in Torren, where they all slowly started feeling more and more trapped.

At 15, Siena and Jeremiah started planning their escape from Torren, pretending to develop romantic feelings to spend more time together and plan. Unfortunately, this meant leaving Marie behind, but they saw no other option as including her would be too suspicious. On the night of their escape, they were caught by Maren, who attempted to stop them using force. Siena and Jeremiah managed to flee and hitchhiked their way to Nethercow City mostly unharmed.

Nethercow City (2017-2020)

In the city, they worked to establish new lives for themselves. Attending night school alongside their part-time jobs, they aimed to catch up on the education they missed during their childhood. Being minors, they received financial assistance from the city government, helping them manage their expenses while they were in school and couldn't work full-time.

During this time, Siena and Jeremiah grew closer, eventually entering a relationship. They appreciated having the freedom to choose each other rather than being forced into it. They both started attending therapy to heal from their upbringing in Torren.

A few months before his 18th birthday Jeremiah woke up one day to Siena having disappeared again, this time without him. Unsure on why she left suddenly and with no goodbye he became very anxious, believing it to be his fault and that it was because he wasn't good enough and was a bad person. While this set him back quite a lot, he still had a support network and other friends at the time to lean on, which lessened the long term consequences of Siena leaving.

Nethercow City (2020-2024)

Marie eventually managed to leave Torren and quickly reunited with Jeremiah in Nethercow City. The two immediately became close again, especially in Siena's absence as they are all they have left from their old lives. While Marie got settled in the city, Jeremiah let her stay at his and Siena's apartment since he now had a spare bedroom.

Marie and Jeremiah quickly started dating after she moved in and he found that they clicked as a couple so much better than he and Siena did. Around the same time, he also finished his schooling and began working as an engineer for Nethercow City's power grid, which was having major issues with its power supply due to degrading infrastructure.

One night, Siena returned to their door in a panic, but Jeremiah was still hurt by her leaving with no notice, so he ignored her and locked her out. Marie however remained on good terms with Siena, so she did what she could to help Jeremiah move past what happened over time. A few months later, Siena meet up with him outside and explained why she ran away, which gave him insight and was the final thing he needed to be able to let her back into his life. The two decided to stay friends as Jeremiah had moved on with Marie and Siena didn't feel that he was the right person for her.

Marie moved out into her own place after he and Siena reconciled, as she felt she needed time to learn to be independent and also that she was unhappy living in the city centre, but reassured Jeremiah that they would live together again in the future when they were both ready.

Nethercow City (2025)

Events of Voltcurrent take place this year.


Girlfriend and childhood friend from Torren. He and Siena left before Marie did so they werent able to talk for years. Got closer to her again after she moved closer and then started dating. Wants to get married and start a family with her in the future but needs to work on his anxiety first.

Siena Monaghan Best friend/ex

Childhood friend in their home town Torren. Along with Marie, the three ran away to the city to start a new life where they tried to make a relationship work. It didnt work out and they hated each other for a long time until they became friends again some time later. Now best friends who support each other through anything.

Xiias Close Friend

Very close friends who bonded over Jeremiah's interest in trains and how things work around the city, as Xiias enjoys learning and seeing his passion for the topic. Xiias helps Jeremiah to live in the moment instead of overthinking about all the ways things could go wrong.


Isn't the closest friends with Cassie initially, but quickly forms a sibling-like bond. Views cassie as an older sister and the two enjoy planning movie nights for the group together. Really appreciates her rational perspective on things when he is stuck in his head.

Madeline Varrow Not on good terms

Hates her yet somehow always ends up on teams with her in online games. Wishes she would focus her time and energy on things other than stalking the lives of random people just for fun. More alike when it comes to interests and personality than he wishes them to be, though he isnt obsessive over people like she is.


Would have been his mother in law should he and Siena had stayed in Torren. Resents her for how she tried to stop them from leaving Torren and pairing them both up together without letting them choose what they wanted in life.
