


3 years, 3 months ago



"Nature is beautiful, they said. I say show them those moths that are born in sloth shit."

Amaryllis is a major character from my main canon world, and the main protagonist of my Flowers AU. She is always an intelligent woman gifted in magic, but also guarded and socially uncomfortable. In all versions of her story, Amary has a connection to Nyaomi, the Syllionic goddess of nature: in the Flowers AU, they are mother and daughter. Unsurprisingly, her magic revolves around natural properties: namely, flowers, and often flora in general.

As mentioned, Amaryllis is a reserved, quiet woman who prefers to avoid socializing. She has very few close friends, and is slow to share her trust; however, those who are allowed past her walls will find themself with a compassionate, thoughtful friend, always willing to listen or share her true feelings. No matter what, though, Amaryllis finds it difficult to convey her thoughts verbally; this has made her rather conscientious of her tone and exact words. She’s often seen as formal because of this trait, but that is far from the truth. Amaryllis isn’t rude, nor cruel, but she can be very blunt, particularly in the service of avoiding small talk. Amary herself is not too fond of this habit; she would give anything if it let her be even a little more vulnerable. She can’t stand being seen as strong, or resilient, not finding either complimentary in the slightest. Being able to let her guard down is her wish, but to her, it feels like little more than a pipe dream. She resents her own inability to do anything except internalize pain and grief. This has negatively impacted her life significantly; perhaps her biggest flaw is that in the pursuit of upholding her emotional walls, Amaryllis will often project it onto other people, going so far as to lie to avoid causing them pain or bringing forth conflict. Though she only wants to do the right thing, Amary has brought friction and anger into her relationships because of this-it’s hurt her confidence considerably, which only perpetuates the toxic cycle. Fortunately, her heart is in the right place, and Amaryllis is doing her best to break the habit of avoiding pain at all costs. Her friends are her anchor in this regard, and she is so grateful to them for staying by her side.


Amaryllis is a black trans woman of average height. She’s covered in freckles, and they’re darker than her skin tone, so they stand out easily. Her hair is curly, dark brown, and often casually tied back. Her eyes are a light brown. Amaryllis is usually seen in sweaters and skirts, but that’s only true if she’s spending a lot of time indoors; when outside, she’s insistent on not showing any skin due to her fear of ticks. Flowers make up a huge part of her aesthetic, particularly sunflowers, and it’s rare to see her without any sort of floral pattern in her outfit. Amary is also never seen without glasses-they’re not an accessory, she needs them.

Trans Woman
Young Adult
Aro Lesbian

(Flowers AU Specific) Amaryllis was born in the Meadows, a demiplane of the Nature Domain given to the followers of the lupine goddess. Made to shelter survivors of a terrible, apocalyptic war, it became their permanent home, and within many generations lived and died. The daughter of two loving mothers, dubbed ‘Mama’ and ‘Mother’ by the little girl, Amaryllis was a happy child in the earliest years of her youth; though always quiet, she was not miserable. At least, not until her mother grew very ill. Despite the work of the healers-including her own mama’s powerful magic-she never returned to full health, and became distant from the world. Mama told Amaryllis the sickness had taken Mother’s mind to a different place, but that she still loved them. Amaryllis, still being so young, believed this. She would talk to her mother even when the other didn’t respond, and brought her flowers. Even when she overheard Mama crying, Amaryllis believed.

One night, Amaryllis woke up too early, and could not return to sleep. She wanted water. Her throat was parched, and stung. As the girl was about to leave her room, however, she heard a voice she didn’t know. It was soft, but somehow, Amary could make out every word. And what she heard scared her. “Through the willows. Beyond the rapids. To you, I return. The rot dies.” Over and over again, these words repeated. Amaryllis wanted her mothers so badly; she wanted to run away. Her little legs began to take her towards their shared room, but the second she did, she ran straight into someone. Mama. She’d been sleepwalking-at least, that’s what the young girl thought. But the words were coming from her, in a voice that was not her own. Amaryllis froze, completely paralyzed by the sight; she did nothing as Mama kept walking, walking until she was out of the house and gone. The words she said echoed in the child’s mind the rest of the night.

Mama never returned. After that night, and for many nights after, people tried to get the truth from the terrified and traumatized little girl. But Amaryllis couldn’t say anything about it-when she tried, her throat seized up, and her lungs stopped working. All that remained were the words her mama spoke so many times over. The girl, already quiet, spent the rest of her childhood and then adolescence distant from other people. She cared for her mother until the latter’s peaceful death, but never had any friends, nor did she want the company of her extended family. Even the magic that came to her felt like little more than a curse. It still echoed… those words, over and over. “Through the willows. Beyond the rapids. To you, I return. The rot dies.” Even as a young adult, Amaryllis hears this call. She’s not sure how much longer she can resist it.


Name: Noctuidae Best Friends

Time known each other: Quite A Bit

The ride or dies.

Name: Adhara Best Friends

Time known each other: Quite A Bit

A girl and her flying space dog.

Name: Relationship

Time known each other: Time

Nam accumsan at est et cursus. In tellus turpis, fringilla quis quam a, ornare volutpat metus. Cras imperdiet lectus sit amet tempus laoreet. Sed dignissim nisi ac ipsum gravida, nec bibendum lacus gravida.

Name: Relationship

Time known each other: Time

Nam accumsan at est et cursus. In tellus turpis, fringilla quis quam a, ornare volutpat metus. Cras imperdiet lectus sit amet tempus laoreet. Sed dignissim nisi ac ipsum gravida, nec bibendum lacus gravida.

  • Flowers. Obviously
  • Art (as in, doodling dogs)
  • Skirts
  • Moths
  • Storm sounds
  • TICKS!
  • Large crowds
  • Bulky clothing
  • Conflict
  • Her own magic.. for now
  • I am biased towards her without shame :)
  • Is in my SwSh AU as the Electric minor league Gym Leader, her favorite Pokemon is Pincurchin
  • Her favorite dogs are Chihuahuas (good taste!)
  • Ticks are her least favorite thing ever, but she also hates fleas, leeches, mosquitoes, etc.
  • Likes to look up cottagecore pictures and cringe at people wearing dresses in tall grass

profile html by Hukiolukio