


6 years, 10 months ago



  • Name Elliot Ashe
  • Nicknames El, Ellie
  • Gender Nonbinary (she/her)
  • Sexuality Lesbian
  • Age 24
  • Height 5'6"
  • Occupation Florist

You'll never meet another person nicer than Elliot Ashe. Many mistake her constant kindness as insincere, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Though most of her time is spent surrounded by plants, she has no difficulty getting along with other people, too.

Oh! That's so fun!!




Elliot is as carefree as it gets. Schedules and social expectations aren't things she typically worries about, preferring rather to do whatever comes to her mind in the moment. In this way she is also prone to forgetting important things, believing she can step away for a just a second to do something else... But then she finds something else, and then, oh, there's something over there too!

She has no shortage of energy which only exacerbates her flighty nature. She can be seen constantly bouncing from one thing to another, and many would compliment her on her multitasking abilities. Her energy also lends to nonstop chattering; she has many thoughts and she would like to share all of them. It's difficult for her to notice when others are perhaps not as invested in the conversation as she is, but if someone points this out she will try her best to slow down—though this does not guarantee her success.

This isn't to say she has no capacity for listening. In fact, she is very interested in the well being of others, and is always there to encourage someone in their time of need. She is a strong advocate of self care, usually in the form of taking breaks to enjoy oneself, even if that means dropping everything right away. She doesn't like to pressure others into adopting her methods of caring for herself, but it's easy to tell when she wishes one would try a little harder—she expresses her emotions intensely, everything visible on her face and in her body language to an almost comical degree. This makes it near impossible for her to hide her feelings or lie, but she never really tries to anyway.

If there is ever the need for someone dependable, Elliot would be a good choice. Her penchant for sharing does not extend to the sharing of secrets, as she is very dedicated to supporting those around her and making them feel comfortable. If she upsets someone, she does all in her power to right it.


  • Nature/the outdoors
  • Hiking and camping
  • Photography


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Elliot grew up in the country, which sparked her love of nature. Her family moved to High Point early in her life, however, in order to find better work. Following this, Elliot sought out ways to bring a bit of greenery to her life, mostly by filling the house with plants. Having so many to take care of helped to keep her mind on track when she would otherwise be bouncing from one thing to another with little structure.

As soon as she was able, she sought out a job at Sunny Flowers, a flower shop she would hang out at often. The owner, Sonny, became a good friend and a sort of mentor for her, on more than just flowers. She learned a lot about the city from him, which made it much easier for her to adjust to living there. Even so, a city can't compare to the open nature of a rural town, a setting Elliot longs to return to someday.

Her attempts to convince her parents to move back aren't met with acceptance, but that doesn't mean they aren't supportive of her choosing to leave. It doesn't feel right to leave them without her, however, especially as they grow older, so for now she remains in High Point. In order to ease her mind, she likes to take camping trips every once in a while, but this is no perfect substitute.

She isn't unhappy with her life at this moment, but her longing for something else is noticeable whenever someone brings up living in the country. She tries to hide this as she does not want others to feel bad because of her own problems, but over time it's more so become others hiding that they noticed.






