Dispatch (Tint)



2 years, 9 months ago



AI (arm)
True neutral

  • reminiscing
  • reassurence
  • amusing themself

  • selfishness
  • being an arm :/
  • dispatch

Tint started their life as a robot. Being one manufactured for general jobs and services, Tint was employed at the very factory that made their own model of robot, and that's where they met SAMS. SAMS like Tint, was a robot employed at the factory, and the two became fast friends, working during the day together and venturing out to the tops of buildings to watch the stars at night. Good things never last however, and one day Tint's luck ran out after a comotion along the nearby manufacturing belt lead to the horrific sight of a robot tearing other robots apart across the building. Although both Tint and SAMS attempted to get out without notice, the rampaging robot soon gained on them, assumingly due to running out of robots to destroy along the assembly line. Without having much of a choice, Tint shoved SAMS out of the way and rushed towards the rogue robot, hoping SAMS had escaped as their vision flickered out. What they weren't expecting, was to come back to conciousness, and they especially weren't expecting to come back attached to the arm of the robot who has crushed their body like a tin can just moments earlier. Tint was aghast, but taking advantage of this situation, they made a deal with the robot who's body they were now a part of. A deal to protect SAMS.

Previously, Tint had a fairly blank slate personality. Nothing was really required of them other than that, and they were happy to go about life without much deviation in that. One thing Tint always had though, was a love for SAMS, and that's all they have left to drive them now. Tint can't stand Dispatch. They find his ramblings about proper places in the world and who deserves what to be mind meltingly stupid, and they take advantage of the fact that they can mock and taunt him without him being able to do anything back. Knowing the state SAMS has found themself in now pains Tint incredibly. Although every sign points towards them being gone, Tint just can't face that, refusing to let Dispatch dispose of their puppeted body, and becoming incredibly defensive when the subject is brought up. Tint holds out hope that some part of the original SAMS is somewhere in the virus riddled body that walks around with their name, and thats the only hope they have left.

euthenasiaWill Wood
Kalmia DollsToripiyo
Overcast SkiesTuyu
Just Take My WalletJack Stauber
Let's go to heavenkikuo

  • Tint is very aware of their hypocrasy when it comes to what they let Dispatch do to other robots.
  • The screen where their "eye" is located was originally a GPS sonar as intended by Dispatch. Dispatch can still use this function, but only if he asks really really nicely
  • They have vague awareness of the rest of Dispatch's body and can somewhat read his movements. It feels as if they have a ghost limb but for the entirety of their body other than their arm
#1d1d1d #35333e #1d1d1d #08c9f7