Amaretto Sour



2 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




Cordelia Orchid






26 yrs




Influencer, Photographer





Amaretto, thanks to their occupation, is sociable and friendly at a first glance, affectionately calling others 'dear' and performing small favors on a whim. However, the longer one interacts with her, the clearer it becomes that her overly friendly behavior hides a much more frightening side.

In truth, her fascination with the labyrinths and the watches, as well as her desire to take pictures of those fascinations, make her care little about the situations that she or her teammates get themselves into. She finds joy in testing a person's 'potential', and values results over the safety of others in order to test that. Amaretto will even collect blackmail with the sole purpose swaying others to a given cause.

That said, Amaretto is actually rather perceptive of other's feelings, and has shown some compassion when possible. She reserves this for a very select few, though she finds herself holding those she wants to befriend at a much further distance out of worry that she'll hurt them in some way. 


Amaretto is an influencer known primarily through the photos she takes, both of herself and of any objects and scenery that interests her. She enjoys the labyrinths due to the strong mystery that surrounds them, seeing them more as a 'marketing opportunity' and 'beautiful' rather than an actual threat. Given her general demeanor and appearance, she has two very stark kinds of fans -- the ones who support her solely due to her looks, and those who appreciate her photography as whole. Because of this, she takes care in how she interacts with others, often masking her feelings for the sake of keeping a consistent reputation. 

That said her reputation extends well past her work as an Influencer. When not 'on the job', Amaretto is actually Cordelia, the adopted daughter of the wealthy Guinevere Orchid. Unlike her Influencer persona, Cordelia acts far more reserved and quiet for her mother's sake, as she values her mother's reputation and work dearly. This is a major reason why 'Amaretto' exists in the first place -- without her family name attached to Amaretto, Cordelia can pursue her fascination with the supernatural without potentially souring the family name.

As such, when the people she connects herself with for 'personal gain' start to genuinely consider her as a friend, Cordelia feels conflicted. Are they really making friends with her, if Amaretto isn't really the person they're talking to? And how can she trust them to be friends with her, if all her life, she grew up without any friends of her own to count on? No, even those who do know, all she can assume is that they'll use it against her, one way or another, right?

This is why, when she suddenly finds herself in a strange, twisted game, she has to wonder if something she's done has finally come back to bite her. As she observes the game, however, she starts to wonder why she was put here - and just who the enigmatic Moderator is supposed to be. 

Well, she always enjoys a challenge. 

At first, she tries to be meek and unassuming, but after Allium is murdered, that facade is quickly torn down by Cassidy. Noticing that, she decides to instead pivot the other way, especially around her new bestie Cassidy, finding herself much more at home by adopting a more dubious persona. She spends her time seeking out more information about this mystery, carefully weeding out who can and can't be trusted. And when she knows who she can trust? She takes advantage of that trust to form a plan - one involving her as the murderer, while the 'victim' could use the cover to escape. She revels in the fun that comes in playing the villain, watching others squirm as they truly believe her to have done the deed wholeheartedly. And yet, when the time comes to vote, somehow, her mind wanders back to a certain someone.

She was doing this to save herself, right? Would he be happier, if she was doing this for everyone's sake?

This thought bothers her, if slightly, during the rest of the game. She tries to swat it away by taking on the villainous role once more, pretending to be the builder who made the game. She has her fun, and watches everyone try and figure her out, but even then, something about that bothers her too. Just who was she? What about her was truth, and what about her was made just to appeal to others?

By the end of OFFLINE, she comes out of the game unsure of who she is, and struggles more when she learns that her mother had been worried about her.

Other Info:

  • She wears contacts to allow her to see, but enjoys wearing cute, oversized glasses and sunglasses when presented with the option.
  • Amaretto enjoys taking pictures of what interests her -- as well as photos that can be useful to sway others if needed.  the most likely to apply soft and 'cute' filters over photos that otherwise are mysterious, spooky, or ominous.
  • Amaretto likes to rank people based on the following qualities: how likely she can tease them, their overall potential, and how much they can be swayed by blackmail or money. 
  • Perhaps inherited from Desmonde, she likes to call people 'besties'. That said, she actually uses the word friend instead around the very guy who she adopted the term from. 
  • Retto appears to have a strong interest in tracking down the Green-Haired Stranger and anyone else involved, such as the (now deceased) Allium and his family. 

Music Notes: