Salvatore Creed



2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Salvatore Creed

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Skin Tone: Antique White

Eyes: Maroon Oak Red

Hair: Ghost White

Race: Faunus

Species: Shark Faunus

Height: 8’0”

Weight: 310 lbs 

Sexuality: Asexual

Birthday: May 15

Sign: Taurus

Semblance: (Bloodlust) Can go into a heightened state when smelling blood, inhaling too much will get Sal into a Berzerk-like state. Strength increases, Senses increase more so than what normal Faunus can deal with.

Weapon: Crossbow & Cleaver

Likes: To be left to his own devices, To be ready at a moment’s notice, Enjoys sailing across the waters of Remnant, Killing the White Fang (In his younger days), Bounty Hunting to an extent, Loyal to those he finds company in (the few he keeps) 

Dislikes: The White Fang, Darryl Gore, Feeling helpless/weak, That damn rabbit (Alfred), Being reminded of his former Village, The nightmares of his past, and failures of keeping his family safe. 

Voice Headcanon: JB Blanc:

Theme Song: For Honor by Peyton Parrish

Bonus Theme Song:  WELLERMAN (Sea Shanty) by Jonathan Young

Personality: At first glance, You can tell that Sal is a quiet individual. Given his intimidating stature and almost blank stare, not many people would normally go out of their way to strike up a conversation with him. At best he would give most folks a passing glance, observing how they carry themselves and if they were worth the effort of dealing with. When he does speak, it’s in a straightforward tone to get to the point. Not wanting to waste words, he’s definitely the “Actions speak louder than words” kind of person. A businessman when it comes down to Bounty Hunting, wanting to get his time and of course money’s worth out whatever contracts that usually comes his way. He’s a bit of a handyman around the towns he comes across if they need the muscle and even a somewhat cool head. Salvatore Creed is the perfect “man” for the job.

Bio: “The Last of a Dying Breed” Sal is one of the fewer seen Faunus around Remnant, A Shark Faunus. He hailed from a Village that mostly kept to themselves, of course, that kind of reclusive nature can only last so long from the White Fang. The first few interactions were courteous and kept peace between each other for a period of time. When the White Fang broke away from their peace intentions for more ”aggressive” actions. So when this new White Fang demanded that his Village be a part of their movement. His Village fought back with ferocity and brutality that for a time the White Fang hadn’t faced before. Unfortunately, they fell to the almost endless ranks of the White Fang. Sal fought back with all of his might and strength to protect his home. But when that fateful day came, He lost everything. His family, his home, and his pride. Sal is one of the last remaining survivors that managed to go back into hiding. The jury rigged up a “Gas Mask” to hide amongst the Humans as his Faunus features were covered up by this Mask. Ever since the fall of his Village and being among the Human populace, His bitterness increased as the White Fang grew evermore. Taking the irony in that he agrees with the Human’s violence towards them. So for the next twenty-odd years of his life, He dedicated himself to being the biggest thorn in the White Fang’s side. Becoming a Bounty Hunter and putting the fear into them as they referred to him as the “Fang Butcher.” As time went on he eventually let his “bloodlust” settle for now. Salvatore spends his days as a handyman around Vacuo and spends his days on ships close by waters to at least remind him of his Village. Taking the odd jobs of Bounty Hunting here and there to keep his mind sharp and his blade sharper.