Mavin HcniP



2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Mavin HcniP

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Skin Tone: Unknown

Eyes: ArtyClick Purple

Hair: Unknown

Race: American 

Species: Shy Guy

Height: 2'6

Weight: 65 pounds

Sexuality: Asexual 

Relationship Status: Single (Possible interest in Olivia

Birthday: November 28th

Sign: Sagittarius

Abilities: Voodoo

Weapon: Needles and Sewn dolls of his target

Likes: Voodoo, Sewing, Dolls, Masks, Scaring people, Taking off his mask, Olivia, Black cats, Feathers, Potions, Chanting, Darkness, Horror Movies, Waluigi, Spellcasting, Gemstones, Coins, Goomba's, Staying in his room, Cauldrons, Fire,  Hugs from Olivia, Spiders, 

Dislikes: When a voodoo doll doesn't work, Hurting himself with a needle, Anyone bullying Olivia, Voodoo disbelievers, Broken cable, Hugs that aren't from Olivia, People trying to change him, Bad plumbing, Anything happening to the apartment

Voice Headcannon: Vic Mignogna:

Theme Song: Secret By The Pierces

Personality: Creepy crawlies, pins, and needles, all sorts of spooky stuff goes on around this shy guy. Mavin can seem almost like a stalker personality at times, watching intently in a creepy, dead-eyed fashion. You may think he isn't paying attention but he is. Mavin is quick-witted, and usually has some type of remark or come back to say, Mavin is very work-oriented, always glued to sewing a new voodoo doll or making a new brew to test. Mavin typically doesn't warm up to strangers, merely tolerates. Mavin isn't much of a talker unless you are working together or you somehow befriend the little guy. He can be an amazing ally to have but NEVER get on his bad side.

Bio: Mavin had been living alone in Stealthwealth for all of his life, selling secret potions and doing his voodoo favors to anyone who would buy, money was money. No one knew why Mavin was so comfortable with these things, he was even okay with taking off his mask, unlike other Shy Guys. He had no shame in what he did and who he was. Eventually, times got tough money-wise so he opted to get a roommate, Shortly after he set up a roommate wanted in the paper? He met Olivia who was going to be living with him from now on. They bonded relatively quickly. About work and their dreams. They kept on like this for a while until they let a third roommate in, after that it was plans and heists to help the town of Stealthwealth, which Mavin couldn't be happier about.