


3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Elavek

Age: Newborn

Gender: Male 

Skin Tone: Blush Red

Eyes: Umber Brown and Porcelain White

Flower: Sandstone Orange and Banana Yellow

Race: Corrupt Hoodian/ Plant

Species: Hoodian

Height: 3'11

Weight: 110

Sexuality: Asexual

Birthday: February 23

Sign: Pisces

Abilities: The vines wrapped around his body and the abnormally large flower.

Likes: Sitting in the dirt, His Dad, His adoptive Dad, Seeing new things, The Castle, Feeling safe, Quiet grassy open area's, Being told stories, Stars, Water, Soft comfy places, Their friends, Being sung too, Calming music

Dislikes: People being scared of him, Being compared to his Dad, His eyes, His flower and vines being pulled on, Getting stuck in small cramped spaces, Weasels, Sharp objects, The Neverhood Crown, Loud abrupt sounds

Voice Headcannon: TF2Bill

Theme Song: Secret Garden By Empath-P

Personality: The best way to describe Elavek's personality is a gentle giant. Elavek being a newborn has no idea what's in the world so he is very oblivious and innocent. What he does know of things he takes in a very neutral manner. Even who is father is was taken in a light-hearted kind manner. Very similar to a baby Elavek gets startled very easily. Loud sounds and such might send him into a panic. He might run and hide if he is scared enough. Most of the time he will be very calm and soft-spoken. Elavek despite being Klogg's is one of the nicest hoodians around. 

Bio: When Klogg was the ruler of the Neverhood and all his plans began to fail. He wanted to make a new Klaymen, or brother as he would call it. So he attempted to create a Life Seed and make a new hoodian. Once he planted it he expected to come out in a matter of seconds. Seconds turned into hours. Hours turned to days. Klogg ended up giving up on the idea of a new Klaymen after a few months. Once Klogg was "killed" and the Neverhood was back under Hoborg's rule. Elavek was born with an overgrown flower on top of his head and vines around there body. He was taken in as Hoborgs son and now lives in Castle. Blissfully unaware that he is the son of Klogg.