Lucian Conwell



2 years, 11 months ago




NAME Lucian Conwell


AGE 23




The most correct person someone could ever meet, or at least that's what he tries. Lucian hates lies and, for more horrible sometimes may be, always tells the truth. Always at the defensive, specially when he is with friends; they are the world to him, so, if someone hurt them, even if they forget that person, he will stay mad for a very long time (if not forever) Stubborn asf, but gentle with the persons he love, he will do whatever it takes to make those around him happy, of course, anything but lie.

He likes to keep his world small, only letting a few people in, so it's normal that, if you meet him for a first time, you would think that he's an asshole, not that he isn't; the only way to avoid this is by, or being the gentlest person in this world, or by having one of his friends introduce you.




Lucian Conwell (born August 21th) is the oldest child of a rich family, and that could only end one way, raising a proud motherfucker. As he got older, he cared less and less about his parents and their status, so he studied and is now a photographer. He moved from his parents house as fast as he could, and tried to cut all ties with them, but getting a letter from them every month full of money wasn't in his plan of "becoming independent and living by himself".

He and his friends met at high school, and they are the world to him, along with his cousin Marely and his little sister Sara. He tries to stay humble all he can, but it's pretty obvious that he was raised in better conditions than everyone else.





  • Strong boy, has a lot of muscle.
  • Has 7 piercings, one in the eyebrow, one in each lobe, one uper lobe on his left ear, two helix on his left, and one industriel on his right .
  • White, short hair.




BIRTHDAY August 21


SIGN Leo ♌︎

HEIGHT 1.93 cm/6'3

OCCUPATION Photographer

MBTI ---




  • LIKES:
  • Watermelon.
  • ---
  • ---
  • ---
  • Lies.
  • Summer.
  • ---
  • ---


  • Knows how to play the piano.
  • His love lenguage is gift giving and acts of service.
  • When they were teens, his friends used to call him "Lux";.
  • He and his cousin Marely both have albinism.
  • A fast learner, pretty smart but doesn't knows a lot about the real world.




Sara Conwell Adoptive Sister

Describe relationship. This box expands. Cras accumsan posuere venenatis. Phasellus ut dictum est. Etiam nisi nisl, malesuada vel vestibulum eget, gravida sit amet nisl. In ac interdum augue. Nunc sit amet libero mauris.

Cras sed pellentesque dolor. Nullam ac finibus quam. Fusce non nunc quis tortor commodo aliquet et pretium arcu. Donec vehicula placerat cursus. Aenean a imperdiet elit. Aliquam scelerisque sed leo et rutrum. Mauris interdum tortor sed nibh aliquet interdum.


Marely Conwell Cousin

Describe relationship. This box expands. Cras accumsan posuere venenatis. Phasellus ut dictum est. Etiam nisi nisl, malesuada vel vestibulum eget, gravida sit amet nisl. In ac interdum augue. Nunc sit amet libero mauris.

Cras sed pellentesque dolor. Nullam ac finibus quam. Fusce non nunc quis tortor commodo aliquet et pretium arcu. Donec vehicula placerat cursus. Aenean a imperdiet elit. Aliquam scelerisque sed leo et rutrum. Mauris interdum tortor sed nibh aliquet interdum.



Taylor Mills Best friend

Describe relationship. This box expands. Cras accumsan posuere venenatis. Phasellus ut dictum est. Etiam nisi nisl, malesuada vel vestibulum eget, gravida sit amet nisl. In ac interdum augue. Nunc sit amet libero mauris.

Cras sed pellentesque dolor. Nullam ac finibus quam. Fusce non nunc quis tortor commodo aliquet et pretium arcu. Donec vehicula placerat cursus. Aenean a imperdiet elit. Aliquam scelerisque sed leo et rutrum. Mauris interdum tortor sed nibh aliquet interdum.


Roxanne Close Friend

Describe relationship. This box expands. Cras accumsan posuere venenatis. Phasellus ut dictum est. Etiam nisi nisl, malesuada vel vestibulum eget, gravida sit amet nisl. In ac interdum augue. Nunc sit amet libero mauris.

Cras sed pellentesque dolor. Nullam ac finibus quam. Fusce non nunc quis tortor commodo aliquet et pretium arcu. Donec vehicula placerat cursus. Aenean a imperdiet elit. Aliquam scelerisque sed leo et rutrum. Mauris interdum tortor sed nibh aliquet interdum.


Helen Close Friend

Describe relationship. This box expands. Cras accumsan posuere venenatis. Phasellus ut dictum est. Etiam nisi nisl, malesuada vel vestibulum eget, gravida sit amet nisl. In ac interdum augue. Nunc sit amet libero mauris.

Cras sed pellentesque dolor. Nullam ac finibus quam. Fusce non nunc quis tortor commodo aliquet et pretium arcu. Donec vehicula placerat cursus. Aenean a imperdiet elit. Aliquam scelerisque sed leo et rutrum. Mauris interdum tortor sed nibh aliquet interdum.


Thomas Friend???

Describe relationship. This box expands. Cras accumsan posuere venenatis. Phasellus ut dictum est. Etiam nisi nisl, malesuada vel vestibulum eget, gravida sit amet nisl. In ac interdum augue. Nunc sit amet libero mauris.

Cras sed pellentesque dolor. Nullam ac finibus quam. Fusce non nunc quis tortor commodo aliquet et pretium arcu. Donec vehicula placerat cursus. Aenean a imperdiet elit. Aliquam scelerisque sed leo et rutrum. Mauris interdum tortor sed nibh aliquet interdum.


Diana Close Friend

Describe relationship. This box expands. Cras accumsan posuere venenatis. Phasellus ut dictum est. Etiam nisi nisl, malesuada vel vestibulum eget, gravida sit amet nisl. In ac interdum augue. Nunc sit amet libero mauris.

Cras sed pellentesque dolor. Nullam ac finibus quam. Fusce non nunc quis tortor commodo aliquet et pretium arcu. Donec vehicula placerat cursus. Aenean a imperdiet elit. Aliquam scelerisque sed leo et rutrum. Mauris interdum tortor sed nibh aliquet interdum.


Lee Close Friend

Describe relationship. This box expands. Cras accumsan posuere venenatis. Phasellus ut dictum est. Etiam nisi nisl, malesuada vel vestibulum eget, gravida sit amet nisl. In ac interdum augue. Nunc sit amet libero mauris.

Cras sed pellentesque dolor. Nullam ac finibus quam. Fusce non nunc quis tortor commodo aliquet et pretium arcu. Donec vehicula placerat cursus. Aenean a imperdiet elit. Aliquam scelerisque sed leo et rutrum. Mauris interdum tortor sed nibh aliquet interdum.



Areu ???

Describe relationship. This box expands. Cras accumsan posuere venenatis. Phasellus ut dictum est. Etiam nisi nisl, malesuada vel vestibulum eget, gravida sit amet nisl. In ac interdum augue. Nunc sit amet libero mauris.

Cras sed pellentesque dolor. Nullam ac finibus quam. Fusce non nunc quis tortor commodo aliquet et pretium arcu. Donec vehicula placerat cursus. Aenean a imperdiet elit. Aliquam scelerisque sed leo et rutrum. Mauris interdum tortor sed nibh aliquet interdum.


Shaiming Friend

Describe relationship. This box expands. Cras accumsan posuere venenatis. Phasellus ut dictum est. Etiam nisi nisl, malesuada vel vestibulum eget, gravida sit amet nisl. In ac interdum augue. Nunc sit amet libero mauris.

Cras sed pellentesque dolor. Nullam ac finibus quam. Fusce non nunc quis tortor commodo aliquet et pretium arcu. Donec vehicula placerat cursus. Aenean a imperdiet elit. Aliquam scelerisque sed leo et rutrum. Mauris interdum tortor sed nibh aliquet interdum.