
1 year, 10 months ago


May the gods strike me down if I forsake you

Name Areu
Age ???
Height 220 cm / 7'2
Gender Non-Binary
Sexuality Unlabel
Pronouns He / They / It
Role Neutral Guardian
Race Not-Human Guardian

Top of the world, but your world isn't real
  • Long white hair.
  • Empty eyes and expression.
  • Tall and impotent.
  • ---
Reference Here

Does he even has one?

Well, if someone were to describe it, they would say that Areu is certantly a interesting character for his lack of... Everything. He doesn't like anything in particular, but still hates some things, well, some persons. He's only obidient to Omett and no one else; Hijoshiki and Deimos don't really mind while "you keep that dog with his collar and muzzle on so he doesn't bite anyone", in words of Deimos.

They're very plain, and hardly has a reaction when someting ocurs. he knows he likes to spend time with Omett, and that bright colors aren't it's thing, but not much else. They tend to respond with short answers, and isn't talkative at all, which makes extremly difficult to comunicate with him, but with time, the other guardians learned to interpret all kinds of "mhm" and it's diferents tones.


solitary social
dense observant
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

It doesn’t take a killer to murder, It only takes a reason to kill





As a neutral guardian, he doesn't really have any job in particular to make, but he mostly helps Omett with anything he needs to do that day. His first big job when he was created was that, help Omett, but seeing how much everyone suffered just made them think that they would be better off dead. Obviously, the guardians didn't like that, specially Omett, but he didn't gave up on them, and spend more time with Areu, teaching it the beauty of life, but he didn’t care so much about that, only thinking about how much he loved Omett, not in a romantic or sexual way, more in a... QPR way. But Jayden and Aiden didn't like that, especially since they were clearly in love with him, they hated Areu for a multitude of reasons, and Areu took it personally and tried to kill them. The only reason they didn't get to do it was because he was stabbed in the back, quite literally, by Omett.

After that he spend some time thinking about everything, but with so much rage inside, it didn't think clearly about it, and created a time loop which became the events in "Game Over"; he let everyone die over and over again a handful of times before being stopped by Taylor who was self aware of the situation and told Thomas all about it. At the end, Deimos pretended to kill him to calm everyone, but let him live because of the affection Omett had towards them.

After calming down and relearning everything Omett teach it, he re entered as a guardian, now trying to learn to cooperate and find new not-so-destructives ways to make everyone happy and have peace, starting by Taylor and Lucian, which was a great success, and teach them that they really could do good to the world if he put his mind to it.


  • Playlist: 🎵
  • He knows it all about the past and the present of everyone.
  • Like Taylor, they're self aware and knows he and the others aren't real.
  • ---.

You could break an angel’s fall, and ignore the Devil’s call
Aesthetic Royal/Monocrome
Alignment True Neutral
Sin Envy
Virtue Diligence

Partner / Colleague



Servers to / Careful


Creators / Hate



Servers to



Colleague / Dislikes



Colleague / Friend ?






Watches Over / Close Friend



Watches Over / Friend ?

