
2 years, 11 months ago







Lost One, Human (formerly)



Introduction · · ·

-Was born to Shelly and Patrick Adams

-Full name is Elise Elizabeth Adams

-Technically Dead

-Voice: Literally Just My Voice


  • Her Family
  • Rock Music
  • Candy
  • Ferrets 


  • People trying to give her a new family
  • Getting injured
  • American Food
  • Ink

Personality · · ·

Elise is a tough but sweet girl who loves her family. After her parents died, she showed some of her rebellious side as she ran away from orphanages so she didn't have to get a new family. She's extremely loyal and will protect her friends no matter the cost. She's also good at meeting new people and helping them, leading to her being well liked in the studio and at school. 

 Positive Trait 

Very friendly and helpful. Always tries to do the right thing.

 Negative Trait

Can be very brash in certain situations. 

-+positive Trait

Quite good at defending herself. Managed to hold her own against even the Ink Demon. 

- Negative Trait

A bit of a rule breaker. If she doesn't like a rule she will most likely not follow it. 

Stats · · ·

Empathy             4/5

Confidence        5/5

Intellect             4/5

Patience            1/5

Dedication         5/5

Humor               3/5

Charisma            3/5

Perception          4/5

 · · · 

They're tryin' to get me to move on but I won't! No matter which way you look at it, mom and dad were the only parents for me. 

Trivia · · ·

 Is not a fan of cereal. She finds it gross and processed.
 Loves to skateboard. 
 Is a fan of bad, cheesy sitcoms. 
 Doesn't really find scary games or horror movies scary. Her moto is 'if it's not real it can't hurt you'
 A big fan of baseball cards. She and her dad would collect them. 
 Doesn't really like music that much. 

Backstory · · ·

Elise was born to Shelly and Patrick Adams. Elise had a very close relationship with her parents and did everything with them. On her 13th birthday her parents gifted Elise Tattletail, a furby for her to be friends with and cherish.  However, when Elise was 14, her parents died in a car accident. Elise didn't want to be adopted by a new family so she took her and Tattletail and went on the run. Elise heard rumors about how the studio was seemingly cursed, and if you went in there, you wouldn't come back out alive. Elise wanted to be the first to come back out alive so she and Tattletail went into the studio to see what the deal is. She and Tattletail turn on the ink machine and get trapped in the studio. They meet Inky when he's soulless, and the two of them avoid Inky at all costs while trying to leave the studio. Eventually they end up befriending Inky and make their way to the machine. Inky turns on them but the roof collapses on them and Inky is trapped under rubble. Instead of running away Elise and Tattletail free Inky and save him. Inky doesn't bother them after that. While walking back to the exit, the lights shut off and Elise is killed by Tom. Eventually, a lost one finds her body and reanimates it in the Ink Machine. She's turned into a Lost One with no memory. She currently goes by Brenda and is trying to regain her memories, but sadly they will never come back to her. 

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