Inky (Soulless Inky)



2 years, 10 months ago


 Inky (Soulless)





Demon, Toon



Introduction · · ·

-Created by Tom

-Essentially a different person from Inky. He may be technically still him, but he has a different personality and different goals.



  • Killing People
  • Pets
  • Boxes
  • Hugs


  • Tom
  • Aggression (kinda ironic)
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Loud noises

Personality · · ·

Soulless Inky acts like a wild animal. His first instinct is to kill and hunt, however when he starts to grow out of this habit, Tom forces Inky to continue. Soulless Inky is a sucker for affection and kindness towards him and is incredibly loyal to the people he likes. 

 Positive Trait

Very loyal to the people he trusts. 

 Negative Trait

Has no problem with killing people. Is very aggressive towards people he doesn't like (minus Tom). 


Quite skilled in combat. Knows how to defend himself. 

- NeGATIVE Trait

Doesn't have much control over his powers (as opposed to normal Inky), will sometimes accidentally injure someone due to his powers going haywire. 

Stats · · ·

Empathy 2/5


Intellect 1/5

Patience 1/5

Dedication 4/5

Humor 0/5

Charisma 1/5

Perception                                     4/5

Trivia · · ·

 Cannot speak. He only speaks in growls, meows, and hisses. 
 Very catlike. Tends to enjoy things cats like and has catlike attributes. 
 Circles only appeared on his gloves after he lost his soul. 
 The only people who survived Inky's wrath were Joey, Elise, and Tattletail. 
 Deliberately stopped time loops from happening by destroying the reel at the end of Chapter 5 (unlike the actual game)
 Was not the first toon to lose their souls. The first toons were Missy, Cam, and Brute. 

Backstory · · ·

Soulless Inky's consciousness came into being after Tom took Inky's soul out. When Inky got his soul taken out, he was quite ill, so to gain soulless Inky's trust, he nursed him back to health. After that, Tom ordered Inky to kill people around the studio. His first victims were Buddy, Dot, and Norman but others would soon die to him too. One persistent thorn in his side was Joey, who whenever he attacked him, just seemed to get away. Soulless Inky chased Joey around for a while until Elise came into the studio. At first, he tried to kill her but soon learned to care for her as she showed him genuine kindness (which is something Tom never did. At this point he was even getting beat by Tom). He saves her from Susie and accompanies her and Tattletail until Tom calls him back and forces Inky to kill Elise. She outsmarts him but Inky manages to break the reel, causing a huge force of energy to be launched around the studio. The ceiling begins to crack and it falls on him, Tattletail, and Elise. Elise manages to escape but notices Inky got stuck under the rubble. She helps him out and Inky hugs her before walking away, attention set on just killing Joey now. However, this effort proves worthless, as Joey is able to outsmart Inky and knock him out. He puts Inky's soul back in and returns him to normal. 

Links · · ·

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