Phantom Wolf (Techtopia Broken Form)



2 years, 3 months ago








Leader of Techtopia's Army faction


Phantom Wolf

Codename "Spectral"

  • Technology
  • Nature
  • Being alone
  • Silence
  • Loud noises
  • Crowds
  • Being forced against her will
  • This box will scroll
  • Severe hyperacusis
  • When triggered, can severely injure or kill someone
  • Her goo leaves a permanent mark on the victim's body, slowly melding into their permanent markings.
  • In the Techtopia universe, Phantom's broken form is consistently at Stage 1 of being broken (the cape being replaced by goo and bone wings).
  • Phantom's broken form is triggered when she re-experiences a traumatic event.
  • This can be triggered by a date, a specific time, musical snippets (for example, Light Cavalry Overture), even a specific pen.
  • The more times that she is re-traumatized, the more broken her form becomes, until she is just goo and bone.
  • When Phantom attacks, the incidents are grouped under the codename "Spectral Thunder".

My past has not destroyed me or even deterred me. It has only strengthened me.

Leader of Techtopia's Army faction, Phantom is a direct contrast to her Union counterpart, Trooper. While they both have similar tactical skillsets, Phantom's (medical) demand for silence has made the Army an incredibly agile and secretive tactical force.

Many have not heard her speak, and it has been rumored throughout the general Techtopia public that she is mute. The public is partially right - she is selectively mute, but can choose to speak when the time is right. Her speech is almost a whisper in the wind, unless she is overcome by extreme emotion, when you can hear her yells throughout the Army's base in Gatestown.

Standing at an impressive six feet, five inches, she has an imposing figure. Her entire presence, her face full of scars from Union resistance to her attacks, is imposing. People are scared to think what happens to those who bring the wrath of Phantom onto them, either intentionally or not.

Cal and Phantom are very close, due to both being autistic, and having chronic migraines. They often can calm eachother from overstimulation, both knowing the other's triggers. However, there were times that Cal overstimulated Phantom in the past, leading to a Spectral Thunder attack, and his extreme light sensitivity...

They have both made up after the Thunder attack, but Cal is now forced to use sensory tools twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, unless in the Army base's sensory room.



Phantom always feels bad for Fides. They've always got a great work-ethic, but the Union ways that their family taught when they were a child continue to pop out. It's instinct, and they're always working hard to undo their Uion ways, but she doesn't trust them enough to promote them from the ranks to the leadership.

Character name


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