CaPh - Zyriacus



2 years, 10 months ago


Beacon ID#




Mirstone Residential Papers

See Below

DND Character Sheet

See DTV tab


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FULL NAME:  Zyriacus  Muerte




BIRTHDATE: 02/11/1993 (Day/Month/Year)

AGE: 28 y/o


WEIGHT: 197 lbs

ALIGNMENT: True Neutral

OCCUPATION: Mortician / Funeral Home Owner

PERSONALITY: The strong silent type, he is not that big of a talker and can seem intimidating at first, but he generally tries his best to live up to expectations he places on himself and be a decently good person to those around him, tho he tends to get frustrated with himself rather easily and is prone to angry outburst that lead into punches more often than not. He is dedicated to his job and the people close to him, however, considerate and thoughtful, still takes him time to let himself get comfortable around new people, not necessarily awkward, he just doesn't generally have much to say and his subtle expressions don't tend to help much either.


Born to a man more than familiar with death, and adopted by someone he would come to call mom. He grew up around admiring the success of both his parents and half brother, and since his early teen started feeling the need to be up to standard to their achievements but it only led to frustrations at the smallest failure, frustration that built up, making him quick to lash out, not only at himself but to those around him. It wasn't bad at first, nothing that an apology couldn't fix, and he kept trying to shrug it under the rug to not stain his parents, mostly mother's, reputation, until it led to more than one actual physical fight. That was when his mom stepped in, making the suggestion to channel that into something else to blow off steam, and also suggesting Boxing as a hobby. Zyriacus took it, along with some extra help in the form of therapy to go with it, helping him manage a lot better, but at times it got too much, he would still wander off, getting involved into underground boxing rings when just training or punching a sandbag was not enough. It was while helping his mother out with her own work when she decided to introduce him to Kai, as someone her son may be able to find a friend in. They started out as friends, slowly moving up from there, until Zyriacus decided to take on his dad's offer and move to Mirstone to take over the funeral home he had there, moving in with Kai as his roommate, and things just kept going from there.
Accompanying his boyfriend along at times when he would visit the Cafe that's Beacon's headquearters, was when he learned about the company from the odd conversation here and there, only ever taking interest when he noticed Kai doing the same. So if his boyfriend is joining, going on an epic adventure to save dimensions or something, he will follow after him, along for the ride, and to make sure his boo stays safe while he's at it. 


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: (Lookit the pictures :D)

HOBBIES: Boxing, working out, looking at flowers, joining Kai meditating and falling asleep instead, visiting cemeteries

LIKES: Kai, peace and quiet, the outdoors, coffee as black as his soul, crocodiles, his older brother

DISLIKES: anyone who tests his patience for he has none to spare

VOICE CLAIM: Squal Leonhart - Dissidia