1 year, 2 months ago

Information may be outdated


There's nothing too bad here, but if you're uncomfortable with icky plant stuff (like pollen, goo, saliva) you might have to sit this one out. There's also mild violence but nothing too heavy enough for a more proper warning. There is also a VERY brief discussion of religion in the first-ish chapters (Spy talks about Chaos/The Godly War and Godly Essence is brought up) so take that with what you will.

Eon and Spy go out on a mission to find some godly essence, unlucky for them, along the way Spy gets hit by the pollen of a plant monster deep in the Amare Jungle. Though he insists he’s fine, he starts to act stranger and stranger, especially around Eon. As the side effects start to turn dangerous, will the gang be able to reverse the effects in time? And will Eon tell Spy how he really feels about him? I guess only time will have to tell…