Ararto Shoukei



6 years, 10 months ago


"I hope to nap like a bunny someday...."


Arato Shoukei
Ararto/The Sleepy Ninja
July 29
Assassin/Mercenary for Hire

Ararto’s origins are shrouded in fog, much like the deep realms he has made his home. He used to live in/have a connection to Valla, but moved away before Queen Arete became the second queen consort of Nohr and Anakos’ madness became completely unstable. He lives as a part-time Assassin/Ninja Mercenary, doing enough work to live off. He takes care of his two pet bunnies Quietus and Demise, whom he regards as higher beings.



Ararto has lived in solitary for most of his life and enjoys it that way, he is reasonably mature for having lived on his own for so long. He’s a quiet individual who when he does speak, doesn’t mince words or beat around the bush. He gets straight to the point when he deals with others, and is rather rude or even nasty at times because he doesn’t see the point in wasting time with pleasantries or manners. As a result, he has little to no friends, only work partners and connections.
Despite his serious attitude, he is actually somewhat kind, although he always keeping those feelings to himself, or solely lavishes them upon his bunnies.
He has a a good amount integrity not often found in his line of work, and will strive to finish a job and see it through to the end.


  • Bunnies (most notably Quietus & Demise)
  • Sleeping
  • Tea
  • Fog/Misty Terrain


  • Tight Pants
  • Wolves & Foxes
  • Coffee
  • Sunny/Clear Skies


His Job

Ararto is a mostly self-taught assassin, his job includes a number of things you would expect from the title. He won’t admit to having killed anyone, but he won’t deny his proficient use of daggers and subsequently sticking them in people he’s been paid to or found particularly troublesome.

Method of Fighting

Ararto uses his scarf as a distraction ploy when fighting in close combat and then strikes with the blades on his left arm if he gets lucky enough to end the fight that way, he can also throw daggers with decent accuracy if needed from further away, though still relatively close to the target if he wants to have a chance of scoring a hit.

His Pet Bunnies

Ararto has two pet bunnies, Quietus and Demise. Quietus is a dark brown colour with darker splotches covering his face and body, Demise is a medium gray colour with a few darker gray spots on his ears.

Ararto took the two in after seeing a large amount of wild bunnies in a far away deep realm on a mission. He originally thought of the small, easily frightened animals as little more then a nuisance until he got the chance to touch(and be touched in the heart by) some.

After completing his mission a villager suggested he try feeding some of the wild bunnies as they were seen as the local “pets” of the village. Ararto decided “why not” and his life was changed. The pure softness and timid, yet trusting natures of an animal that has so much to fear, deciding to trust a human they knew nothing about them or their intentions! Needless to say, it stuck him hard and he simply could not leave right away without at lest trying to take one with him. It didn’t take long before he had scoped out the bunnies that had responded the best to his feeding and abducted them.

Ararto considered it a energetic adoption, the two aforementioned bunnies seemed thrilled with their new arrangement being treated like deities and spoiled all the time so no harm came out of the situation. Bunnies are small fluffy reasons to live to Ararto and shall remain like so until who knows how long.


Ararto has never admitted to being in a romantic relationship of any kind, although if he were to end up in one it would be a must that his partner have the utmost respect for his bunnies. Ararto is a very devoted type of person, so any partner of his would be sure to find themselves simply seeing Ararto far more often then they normally would, along with many bunny themed gifts which might be their benefit or simply a nuisance-either way they would be adorable.


5"10/178 cm
Lean and athletic
Pale white
Hair Color
Light turquoise/blueish
Hair Style
Longer on top with messy bangs, shorter below his ears
Silent and kind of rude, to the point
Confident and quick to act


He has killer buns-both literally and figuratively. He’s got a booty to kill for, although you wouldn’t know it as it’s normally covered in baggy ninja pants that he claims to be very comfortable although not especially form flattering.
He usually wears contacts to give the effect he has no pupils and come across as harder to predict in battle.
His eyes are also usually at least partly closed because he's always tired.



Dagger Throwing

A pretty good shot, generally won’t miss unless he’s further then say…he can throw. Likes to aim for in-between the shoulder blades on a persons back. Finds it ironic they forgot to watch their back.


As long as he doesn’t drop anything, he can move around quietly. Good for jump scaring any unlucky wolfskins or kitsunes that have wandered onto his home turf. Mostly uses his stealth for sneaking around at formal gatherings to get to the snacks without talking to people.

Avoiding Answering Questions

He’s gotten pretty good at this, his mask covering most of his face helps, along with his hair that can covertly cover his eyes at well. If he doesn’t see the person asking the question he doesn’t have to answer it, right?

Trimming Bunny Toenails

This is a LOT harder then it looks, and Ararto has gotten pretty good at it. Maybe because he can gently put his bunnies to sleep for a while when he does it by softly cooing to them while pressing their pressure points. Cheating? He doesn’t think so.


Natural Skill
Sleepy Touch
Boon - Calm
Reduces magic damage taken.
Bane - Dull
Decreases magical output.
Original Class
Reclass Options
Fighter with a Heart Seal
Learned Skills
Locktouch, Poison Strike, Lethality
Silver Dagger

Natural Skill

Ararto's Natural Skill "Sleepy Touch" allows him a 20% chance of halving the opponent's max HP when initiating combat.

Class Changes

Originally a Ninja. Promoted to an Assassin with a Master Seal. Using a Friendship Seal or Heart Seal with Katrina he can reclass to a Fighter.

Crit Quotes

“I'll be quick as a rabbit!” / “I’m ready to go to bed!” / "I wanna sleep go away!”

Death Quotes

“No sleep for me…” / “I guess that’s all…” / “My dear…bunnies…”

Possible Endings


If single and living--- Ararto kept living in the deeprealms, conducting his business well into his life. He adored his bunnies for as long as they both lived, and when the two eventually perished from old age Ararto was distraught. He ended up moving back to Valla by himself, where he remained for the rest of his life, completely cut off from the outside world and all that it contained.
It can be assumed that he lived a full but lonesome life.

If single and dead--- Ararto was only remembered and missed by those he had been closest to in life: his dear bunnies. Quietus and Demise appeared to miss their doting master and suffered for it. With Ararto absent to protect his deeprealm, they perished after becoming two very small meals for the invading monsters that often scoured the deeprealms for easy prey.

If married to Katrina(Princess) and living--- After the war ended, Ararto’s contract with his employer had come to an end. Despite this, Ararto chose to stay by her side as her personal retainer, and eventually realized he had come to care for her deeply. A few years after peace had come to the nations, he confessed his true feelings to his liege, being overjoyed when he found she felt the same. The two got married and had one human child, along with caring for the two fur-babies Ararto already had. He stayed by his wife’s side as prince consort, the two living a quieter life, never ruling.
The two met their peaceful ends decades later, having lived a fulfilling and peaceful life together.

If married to Katrina(Princess) and dead--- After the war ended, Katrina was forced to deal with the fact that her favourite retainer and love had perished. Quietus and Demise had been lost after Ararto had perished and were presumed dead, small casualties of war. She took her new duty of royal advisor to her siblings and threw herself into her job wholeheartedly, eventually taking her butler Jakob, as her new husband. She loved him greatly, although she never forgot Ararto's sacrifice and impact on her time during the war.
Ararto was largely forgotten as one of the many who had perished during the war but left a strong impact on the hearts of a few who had cared for him.


If single and living--- Ararto kept living in the deeprealms, changing his business to cleaner services, no longer offering hits now that the war was over and peace ruled. He adored his bunnies for as long as they both lived, and when the two eventually perished from old age, Ararto was distraught, and became depressed. Although he was able to recover quickly due to the help of the friends he had made, he still decided to move back to Valla by himself, where he remained for the rest of his life. He would come and visit every few years but, as time went on, he became less social, eventually stopping his visits altogether.
It can be assumed that he lived a full but lonesome life.

If single and dead--- Ararto was only remembered and missed by those he had been closest to in life: his dear bunnies. Quietus and Demise appeared to miss their doting master and suffered for it. With Ararto no longer able to protect his deeprealm, they might have perished if not for the friends Ararto had managed to make. The rabbits were cared for until their eventual deaths from old age years later. Katrina missed Ararto the most, falling into a state of depression for some time after his death. Although she eventually recovered, she was never quite the same, having developed an unnatural fear of Wolfskins and Kitsunes that affected her for the rest of her life.

If married to Katrina(Adventurer) and living--- Ararto finally had time to pursue other areas in his life now that there was lasting peace between the nations. He had come to realize the depth of his feelings for Katrina, and the two happily got married. Changing his business to cleaner services, he ended up moving back to Valla, taking his bunnies and new wife with him. The two helped the new co-rulers Katrov and Aelia to bring a new way of life and prosperity to the once barren nation.
The pair remained in close contact with their allies from the war and were remembered for years afterwards as those who had helped usher in a new age of prosperity.

If married to Katrina(Adventurer) and dead--- After the war ended Katrina was unable to carry on her lover’s business after with peace coming to all three nations. She decided to take Quietus and Demise and move to Valla, where her late husband had originally hailed from. Once there, she was able to help the new co-rulers Katrov and Aelia bring a new age of peace and prosperity to the once barren nation. Katrina eventually took on a new husband, a Valliate man of similar foggy origins to her own. They both took care of Quietus and Demise until the bunnies died natural deaths years later.
Ararto was largely forgotten outside of his wife’s memory as one of many who had perished during the war, until after her death, whereupon their memories were both lost to time.


  • Katrina (Princess): C - S
  • Katrina (Adventurer): C - S
  • Quinn: C - A
  • Inola: C - A
  • Leon: C - A
  • Ry: C - A


  • Felder: C - A+
  • Katrov: C - A
  • Adriel: C - A
  • Jakob: C - A



Ararto grew up in the invisible kingdom of Valla. Whether he had parents or any immediate family is unknown, but he might mention living with a relative of some kind if you get him to really open up. Sometime after becoming old enough to take up an interest in handling weapons and wearing long scarves, Ararto decided to up and leave Valla, which turned out to work in his favour as the kingdom became decrepit and desolate after Anako’s increasingly unstable mental health caused the demise of the Vallite monarchy.

Ararto returned years later to either discover or confirm what had happened to the nation, which only made him more resolute in his decision to leave years before. He had taken up mercenary work stationed from a far away deep realm, working for people ranging from Hoshido and Nohr, to on rare occasion even the those from Kohga and Mokushu. Whatever had taken place over the years, Ararto had become a skilled ninja who had risen to the ranks of Assassin, managing to do quite well for himself, even managing to secure a small deep realm for himself. He can often be contacted through the black markets of Nohr as his primary source of business as well as through Hoshido, though the market has not proven as good for business due to it’s more peaceful way of life.


Currently, Ararto is continuing to work as a Mercenary for hire with his base situated in his private deeprealm. He goes out to make connections and look for work in the black markets in mainly Nohr and Hoshido, with Nohr providing plenty of opportunities due to the corrupt system and desperate citizens. He has taken on Katrina as his assistant who he will have her accompany him when looking for jobs, but will usually do the jobs mainly on his own or have her on standby acting as support.


  • Ararto prefers tea to coffee as he doesn't like the strong taste of caffeine.
  • He likes a selective style of clothing including tight-fitting across his upper body and loose-fitting from the waist down.
  • His dislike of foxes and wolves stems from the fact they they eat small animals which means they are a threat to his babies, if he comes across one and they attempt to attack him or his pets he will strike them down without hesitation.
  • Always keeps bunny treats on his person.
  • Mentally makes notes of whomever he sees with a "lucky rabbit's foot" and if hired to take them out, will show no mercy.



Katrina (Conquest - Princess) [ Employer/Friend/Love Interest ]

I first met Katrina through one of my connections in Nohr...she was looking for someone who could be of assistance and not ask needless questions-that suited me fine so I agreed to take the job. Turns out she wasn't just someone with a hit they needed done, but more of an assistant and confidant. A bit unusual for me, but I actually enjoy it more then the normal stuff which can get rather dull.
Katrina is my employer sometimes, I serve as her retainer occasionally.

Katrina (Fixed Fates - Adventurer) [ Assistant/Love Interest ]

I first met this woman while out scouting and saw her almost getting beheaded by a wild bear…I helped her of course, I’m not that much of a jerk! Anyways, long story short, I made her my assistant, she helps me out with jobs and mostly looking after my place and my bunnies.
I’ve actually come to care for her quite deeply. If someone wants to hurt my assistant they have to go through me first.

Felder [ Friend ]

I helped out this manakete by letting him live in my corner of the must be hard for Felder, being a social outcast of society for being a different species...manaketes aren't very common yet some people have the nerve to treat them like trash...I hope they realize they're stronger and will outlive us humans.
Felder is alright, he doesn't talk much, but neither do I.


Katrov [ Rival ]

I met this guy through Katrina a while back...he seems kinda moody. He's a butler or something so I guess he sees me as a threat to his job?
I dunno...I don't really care about him either way.

Meta [ Annoyance ]

Dear Anakos...this guy. He's quite possibly the hairiest being I've ever met. And he smells like wet dog. I'll kill him if he does anything to scare Quiteus and Demise.

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