Shingetsu Kesshō (01 | ♡ Kesshō/Thoma)



2 years, 10 months ago


War Criminal Falls In Love With A Malewife ♡


Despite both being under the protection of the Kamisato Clan, Kesshō and Thoma only met after the former left their life of crime and became a monk. Thoma actually welcomed them to the temple as a representative of the Kamisato Clan, in the absence of both Ayato and Ayaka. Kesshō was actually very touched by the warm welcome not only from the monks that helped them, but from the Kamisato, who helped them settle down in the temple. However; upon Ayato meeting Kesshō again, it was a pleasant reunion, and the association is what actually helped Kesshō and Thoma become more familiar with each other.

Thoma would always be out and about assisting the Kamisato, but also seeing that the temple was well rationed and tended to. He often spoke with the monks, priestesses and the people taking refuge there. Kesshō would always tend to the children, and would always be happy that Thoma would come over to give a helping hand. They often told him that they appreciate his help, but wondered if he had more important things to do. Despite that, Thoma still helped around with a big smile. His presence became very welcome, and Kesshō was always happy to see him. It came to the point even the children were looking forward to seeing him.

Kesshō was not in any way indecent, but they had a more playful demeanor when Thoma was around, especially when they developed a friendship. They were comfortable in each's other's company, and often Kesshō would invite Thoma to stay around to eat with everyone. If he couldn't stay long, Kesshō would always pack dinner for him, and he'd return the box the next morning, washed and dried. They enjoyed a nice friendship, and often wrote to each other. Most times it's Kesshō requesting Thoma for help with some of the things needed to be done by some of the elderly monks, or to help find a child that ran off and got lost on the way back. Small things, but they would always talk whenever they were with each other.

Between the two of them, it was Thoma that opened up first. There would also be times that Thoma came to the temple to find some peace of mind, and it was often Kesshō that would tend to him and let him open up about his troubles. Here, they learned that he was from Mondstadt, that he would look far off into the horizon to think about home. Kesshō knew that he was a foreigner, by look alone. They listened to him, and even held him when he needed it. They knew he couldn't just say this to the Kamisato, but was happy to at least help him lighten the burden on his heart. It was because of this that Thoma would eventually lower his walls around Kesshō, because they were a good listener to him and always consoled him. Eventually, Kesshō would have been able to learn his tells of when he was not alright, and if he was tired. They would always be the first one to tell him to take care of himself, and that it's not selfish to do so.

Thoma actually got to know Kesshō more intimately after they took in a child with a Cryo Vision. Because he had a Vision himself, and Kesshō didn't have one yet at the time, he offered to help train the child whenever he could swing by. Kesshō politely declined, telling him that they have it all under control. Thoma was curious about this, and often visited when Kesshō would be teaching the child how to use a sword and a polearm. He found this to be very interesting, as Kesshō was always the kind, empathic and even pacifist sort of person. He realizes he judged them by how they were, and only remembered that they were actually skilled because they were a Shingetsu. However; it took a lot for Kesshō to tell Thoma how they came from point A to point B, ashamed of their past. They admit to him that they still struggle with their urges. This eventually came to a head when old "acquaintances" from Kesshō's old syndicate came up to try and trash the place in search of them. Kesshō fended them off, and Thoma issued for the arrest of the assailants. Kesshō found themselves too ashamed to face anyone then, their past before becoming a monk coming to light in an ugly way.

Opening up to each other gradually naturally caused them to close the gap between them. Feelings did actually come about because of how safe they felt around each other, but they established clear boundaries because Kesshō was a monk, and it would be improper and indecent for Thoma to court them and vice versa. There; however, would be times that they would indulge in a little bit of courtship. It was not exactly indecent, but Thoma would often tell Kesshō he came to see them, among other things. It would always fluster Kesshō, and they would playfully slap him in return, telling him that he can't just do that to a monk. It was all harmless, often joking about their growing relationship, but they can't pursue it because Kesshō is a monk.

However; they indulged once and only once. They were already very aware where their feelings stood, and despite Kesshō's guilt over doing this against their vows, they felt like they had to give in just this once. During a festival, they had a firework made for them at Naganohara Fireworks, which they lit up together. They shared one kiss under the light of the firework, Kesshō mentioning to Thoma that "He's all it takes for them to break their vows." They shared a laugh, but also understood that they'll indulge their feelings just this once, and never again; not wanting Kesshō to lose their position in the temple. However, they would still both yearn. They would still write letters to each other, Thoma would spend some quiet time with Kesshō whenever he would visit.

They would keep this very private up until the Vision Hunt Decree, when Kesshō's temple would be burnt down by shogunate samurai who defied Kujou Sara's orders and killed all the people present there, Kesshō included. With the monk losing everything and snapping as a result of their happy life gone up in flames, they became a manhunter in the guise of a monk. They took back their position in their old syndicate and allied themselves with the Kamisato. Thoma came to them and was the only one who saw them break down in the aftermath of the burning of their temple. The subsequent change in attitude and mindset left Thoma to helplessly watch as Kesshō continued to spiral from that break.

He always did try to help stabilize Kesshō, but the latter was always good at pretending they were getting better, and often telling Thoma to look after himself more. They would still use their resources to keep him safe; especially after Thoma was rescued by the Traveler. In the aftermath of the Vision Hunt Decree, Kesshō couldn't function properly without going out to kill, making it a part of their routine now. Thoma took it upon himself to help them mentally and emotionally recover from their pain, forcing them to take a rest while he takes care of everything else.


"You can't enjoy murder and bloodshed and still be capable of loving someone with your entire being! You can't be both!" Yes you can. Yes you fucking can. Love makes someone go mad and Kesshō is the type of person who would pile up bodies and burn holy ground for one last kiss and to make sure Thoma is still breathing. Kesshō is not possessive, but fuck are they extremely worried for Thoma's safety. You think they took it well when Thoma got arrested and nearly got his Vision taken? Do you think they could live seeing the husk of the man they love, who doesn't remember them, who just forgot every damn promise he made because his ambitions were taken? No. Thoma is one of the only people Kesshō has left. They held onto him so strongly after losing their child. They can't lose him, too.

Knowing Kesshō's true nature, it would be surprising to many who know of it to see them actually have a very loving relationship with Thoma in the first place. It's initially met with concern, but Thoma has actually met Kesshō when they were still at a good point in their life, and he has seen what good they are capable of and what love they could give. However; this relationship is actually kept under wraps in the first place due to Kesshō's occupation and how they publicly appear. To most, they are just close friends. One would be surprised that they don't even talk about each other that much, and when brought up, they keep their comments objective, and toss in a few good ones as if they were just colleagues.

Behind closed doors is a very different story. Both of them are rather physically affectionate, enjoying being in close proximity in each other with hugs, kisses, or even just holding each other. Thoma actually is very familiar with Kesshō's domesticity, and always tries to bring it out of them by helping them feel safe with him. He has seen how terribly life has treated his partner and he wants to at least give them back some sense of a normal life where they don't have to worry. He actually puts them first because he can see that there are days they just can't put up their facade.

Thoma doesn't entirely agree with how Kesshō addresses and processes their hurt, believing that they are too hard on themselves and in the process of hurting themselves, they hurt others. He appreciates their protectiveness, and what they would do for him, but he wishes they could rein it in just a little, because he worries for them too. He worries greatly about their emotional and mental state, and has witnessed them have numerous breakdowns after carrying the weight of their actions and how they justify them.

Kesshō loves Thoma so much, and they don't try to hide it when it's just them. It slips up in public sometimes, even, seeing how concerned they get for him especially because of what he has to deal with. They're worried about the people who want him gone, if ever there were. Not only is Thoma important to them, but also to the Kamisato Clan, and other people he had helped. They know that losing Thoma will not only affect them, but others as well. It would be a huge mess and like, what little heart they have left, they do their best to keep Thoma safe not only for their sanity, but for others as well. On top of it all, Thoma's safety is important to them. They want him to take care of himself better, too.

Thoma's homesickness is something Kesshō is very sensitive to. They would always sit him down and have him talk about Mondstadt. They alaways love hearing stories about his home, expressing that they want him to take them there one day. They see the light in his eyes whenever they make him talk about home, how happy he is when they buy Dandelion Wine and Dandelion Seeds for him. Kesshō always feels a pang when they see Thoma genuinely sad and thinking about home, so they always try their best to have things to remind him of Mondstadt. They drink together, and sometimes go to a high up mountaintop to feel the wind blow.


  • Kesshō calls Thoma "Pup", because of a small joke between them when Kesshō was still genuinely a monk. Thoma would always follow their requests to a T, and even the demands of the other monks and residents of the temple. "Just like a puppy!" Kesshō joked.
  • Thoma actually personally knows the child that Kesshō lost, and actually was a very present figure for the kid before the temple was burned and the child disappeared.
  • Kesshō is actually veyr good at making sweets, and always makes little snacks for Thoma to eat throughout the day. They know he likes dango, but they also give him a pack of konpeito, which is their specialty.
  • A little secret they share is that they both have the formula for a firework they asked Yoimiya to make for them years ago. Nobody knows this except for Yoimiya.
  • They don't go on missions together. It would be suspicious for Thoma to be seen with Kesshō after they just committed mass murder.
  • Thoma actually helps cover for Kesshō's strange disappearances sometimes, often saying they had matters to deal with at Ayato's orders.
  • They sometimes go fishing together! Thoma is a good fisherman, and Kesshō is a good cook. They often go home quite happy after fishing.
  • Kesshō has a little bit of a proclivity for obscenity and Thoma actually doesn't mind, so they also get rather intimate with Kesshō's initiative. Yes. TLDR they fuck. They both get strap rights.
  • Hi their ship song is Halley's Comet by Billie Eilish
  • I asked my friend to help me find songs and they gave me Hozier after they saw through me that it was a Thoma ship
  • Torza if you see this thank you I love you so much