Shingetsu Kesshō (05 | ♡ Polycule Hell)



2 years, 1 month ago


Political Benefits, the Polycule

So maybe I thought of Thoma/Kessho/Ayato/Kicho except that Kessho and Ayato ONLY got married for the political benefits and it's just maybe very funny to me.

Look, the Shingetsu regained their political status after the Sakoku Decree was lifted and the Raiden Shogun allowed them to reclaim their prestige in Watatsumi. Arrangements were made for it and now that they're planted back again in Watatsumi, Ayato pulled string to reinstate Kessho as the rightful Clan Head and married them as to secure political relations between Narukami and Watatsumi through the Yashiro Commission and one of the protector clans of Sangonomiya.

So basically Kessho and Ayato did have kids so that people can stop wondering about any sort of possible inheritance with the Kamisato. So it's a lot of future planning. Kessho was by all means, even without the marriage, willing to surrogate for Ayato because they genuinely trust each other and maybe they stroked their ego a bit on "good genetics and eventually great minds." (It's true though, can't get any better than that.)

Equally, because Kessho had been reinstated as Clan Head, they also had the freedom to take in concubines if they so wished. Because if even their own marriage won't get in the way of their love for Thoma, they named him their legal concubine and this was widely acknowledged throughout the Yashiro Commission. Well, not like they had a choice; Kessho was now "Lord Shingetsu" and spouse of the Yashiro Commissioner, so they did have some power to flex over the decision. Thoma is still known as the Housekeeper because really, he chooses to. Concubine is just another title he carries and he still does his duties without much of a care for what people say.

Ayato, on the other hand, would name Kicho his concubine; but didn't because their relations are still kept top secret in order to not compromise Kicho at all. Kicho has no complaints on his end, as he values his independence and agency more than being paraded as some arm candy. With his relations with Ayato being kept top secret still, he is still able to do his work in the Shuumatsuban. Ayato has and will always favor Kicho above anyone else, and he makes it known when they are alone. Kicho quite geniunely has no complaint over Kessho being Ayato's legal spouse because he can now carry their orders, which would make things a lot more interesting in his line of work.

As far as children go, Kessho has sired three children: two with Ayato and one with Thoma. The eldest will eventually be named clan head of the Kamisato Clan, the second and third child will have their inheritance determined in the far future. All children are treated as heirs and are well loved by their parents and vassals.

  • Kamisato Arata
  • Kamisato Kagami — Later adopted into the Shingetsu Clan as the new heir to the name. Name changed to Shingetsu Kagami after their adulthood ceremony.
  • Shingetsu Tsunehiko