Euphranor Lakatos (Prince Euph)



1 year, 11 months ago


Basic Info

Age: 18

Height: 5'6

Ethnicity: Middle Eastern (fantasy equivalent)

Orientation: Gay

Pronouns: He/him

Appearance Notes: Euphranor has brown hair that goes a bit beneath the chin. It has a bit of fluff/layer to it, and is sometimes on the messier or more windswept side when he forgets to tend to it. While in his home country, he would often wear whatever clothes that his foster mother ordered to be made for him, though he had some input in general colors/patterns. Out on the run, he usually wears more casual but semi-nice clothes in the style of wherever he is traveling through. If left to his own devices, he likes clothes that are either casual or business-casual (so mildly fancy) in brighter or patterned colors. 

Character Lore


Euphranor was born to a fairly well off merchant family who had favor with the Queen of Ringmar, the country in which they lived. After his parents died violent, suspicious deaths, he was adopted by the Queen and - much to the confusion and disdain of the rest of the court and most the public - chose him to be her heir over any of her blood-related nieces and nephews. Crowned as a prince, he had to learn about everything that went into ruling kingdom and managing a sometimes dangerous court. His foster cousins varied greatly in how well they received his coming to court. Many were resentful of him being chosen as heir when they had all worked hard to be chosen by their 'real' aunt, which manifested in a variety of ways. Only his cousin Redmund actively bullied, beat, and threatened him though. Ironically, Redmund's two older brothers (who were unaware of the bullying) were generally the most accepting of Euphranor of his older cousins, Finnian in particular. He made only two close friends though, in his younger cousins, Taliesin and Aine. 

Things changed drastically for Euphranor when his kingdom was invaded by strange phantoms. During the battle, he and Aine were magicked away into foreign territory by a mage - the first time he had ever been outside of his own isolationist country. Desperate to return to protect his people, he sets himself to do what he must to navigate these foreign lands and learn what he can of the phantom invaders so he may return home and be able to protect his kingdom.


Prince Euphranor has the same core personality as prime verse Euphranor - earnest, hot-headed, and a bit impulsive, with a love for music. But Prince Euph has been taught to think a little more carefully and be aware of how what he does will impact those around him, is a bit more well spoken (even if he still has notable social anxiety), and has a far more pronounced and Deliberate protective streak towards people he feels responsible for (which, as a royal heir, is a Lot of People). He instinctively wants to protect anyone he sees suffering, even if they're people who are dangerous to him or people he actively doesn't trust (which, also thanks partially to court, is a Lot of People). He is also far more adept at combat than his prime verse self, having been trained to fight with the sword and have a decent understanding of basic magic, even if he isn't personally a mage. Due to being more educated and well trained than he his prime verse self, he also tends to seem a bit more grounded and prepared by comparison.


  • Phantom Kadri: Euphranor and Kadri did not hit it off great, because Kadri magically kidnapped him away from his kingdom as it was under attack into foreign territory. Despite this, the two slowly develop a fondness and concern for each other that then eventually morphs into friendship.
  • Princess Aine: These two are foster cousins and close friends. Aine and Taliesin were the most accepting of Euphranor when he was taken in to the palace, and so the three wound up spending a lot of time together. Aine and  Euphranor consider each other best friends, but also have a sibling-like relationship.

Bonus Info


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