


2 years, 10 months ago


>Henry Gills

Species: waterling; axolotl

Male; he/ him

Age: 50-ish

Height: 1,55 cm


Occupation: CEO of a company i have yet not named :”)


Henry Gills is the third, and last child, of Harold Gills. Both of his older siblings, Hagen and Lucy, are from different mothers, as his father married three women. Fortunately, Henry had a decent relationship with his siblings; they knew when to back each other up when needed. He has a stain-like-mark on his torso; his mother tells him that he had probably got that from his grandfather. Due to him being shorter than average male axolotls (1,78 cm), he gets teased quit a a lot, though it doesn’t bother him anymore. He can sometimes appear moody due to his resting bitch face, but he’s not a vile person.



-Harold Gills; father. Henry, despite being his fathers favorite, never had a good relationship. Him and both of his siblings unanimously agree he is an asshole.

- Annayar Balıkh; mother. Henry was never fond of his mother, still respected her but never trusted her enough to talk to her when he was sad or unhappy.

-Hagen; Henrys older brother, whom Henry respects and loves very much. Henry had his best childhood memories with him. They used to get into much trouble when they were young, running away from “shithole house” and shitty father to have fun. Later on in Hagens life, when he got caught up is bankruptcy,Henry helped him financially so that he wont drink and waste away his life (The thing that Hagen would never do for Henry if he was in his position).

-Lucy; Henrys older sister. Henry was never much close to Lucy, but, they had each others back when one of them was in trouble. Lucy was the one who arranged henrys second marriage with Delilah, as her and Delilah were friends; though, this was more because she felt pity for her friend, if Henry were in trouble, she, like Hagen, wouldn’t bother helping Henry.

-Lauren Hawthorn; Henrys fist wife. Eventhough their marriage was arranged and somewhat forced by their fathers, they still fell for each other. Lauren and Henry had three kids; Markus, Everett, Matteo. She’d sometimes tease Henry by calling him “eyebrows”. Later on she passed away due to an illness when Matteo was 10.

-Markus; Henrys fist child who somehow got henrys grandfathers genes; doctors say it’s probably because of that staine-like-mark on Henrys body, so Henry and Lauren decided to name him “Markus” to honor henrys grandfather.

-Everett; Henrys second child and only daughter. She looks like her mother but her mood appears to be similar to her father. She’s the mother of two beautiful twins. Everett calls Henry: papa; she only referrs to him as “dad” when she needs something.

-Matteo; Henrys third, and last, child. Even though he resembles his father, he acts nothing like him. He used to be quite the trouble maker when he was young, to the point that Lauren and Henry would have to run around the whole house just to catch him.

-Delilah (last name); Henrys second wife. 7 years after the death of his first wife, Henry seeked to marry again. Delilah, on the other hand, had two failed marriages; and due to his brother pushing her, married Henry. Though, surprisingly to herself, she got along with Henry quite well. A nice trust between Henry and Delilah grew; she would sometimes vent about her failed marriage to him, and he’d comfort her.

-Katrina; Henrys adopted granddaughter, Markus’ adopted daughter. Katrina and Henry, though at first katrina was a bit shy, formed a wholesome grandfather-granddaughter bond together. Henry would always ask her to draw for him and he’d save all of her drawings in a little boxie.

-Barry Flynn; Henrys son in law, Everetts husband. Sometimes he gets jealous of how Everett laughs at Barrys jokes and not his _ he tells a lot dad jokes_ . But their relationship is pretty good and mutual. He thinks Barry’s a great father.


Other characteristics:

-Henry loves children.

-He enjoys visiting miniature art museums.

-His favorite dessert is cotton candy (if that counts).

-Henry only smokes occasionally; he never smokes indoors.

-Henry isn’t into drinking, unless he was at a gathering and was offered a drink.



- He was named after Henry from the game Henry Stickmin.