


3 years, 6 months ago


>Markus Gills

Species: Waterling; Axolotl 

Male; He/Him

Age: 20’s (SUW)// 40’s (OS)

Height: 183 cm


Occupation: Accountants (SUW// OS)


The first son of Henry and Lauren. Markus may not be the brightest buy he tries his best to succeed and support his loves ones. 



-Henry Gills; father. 

- Lauren Hawthorn; mother.

-Everett; sister. Everett is calm, calculated and strict, almost like their father. 

Markus: “Sometimes I wonders who really is the older sibling?”

-Matteo; younger brother. He may be a truble maker but Markus makes sure he doesn’t get into trouble, sometimes taking the blame for Matteo.

-Katrina; adopted daughter. Although Markus isn’t the bravest, when things come to Katrina he won’t let anyone hurt her, mock her, or make her uncomfortable in anyway.


-Heather (tba)


Other characteristics:

-he is not a picky eater and eats all kinds of food

-whenever he feels nervous, anxious, or sad, he starts eating food to take his mind off of things. If he can’t find any food he starts bitting his thumb

-his friends and close ones call him “Marks.”

-he is an OK cook. Not the best. But not the worse.

-he could be very emotional at times. It’s very easy to make him cry.




-Markus was originally going to be Alex’s father but i scrapped that idea.

-Markus used have an older brother. But that ideas is also scrapped 

-Markus’s name was just ‘Marks’ ( because he has alot of marks on him. get it !?) but then i gave him a full name and made Marks his nick name.