


2 years, 10 months ago


 >Lauren Hawthorn

Species: waterling; axolotl

Female; she/ her

Age: passsed away at the age of 43

Height: 1,62 cm


Occupation: Product manager


Lauren Hawthorn is the second, and favorite, child of Tom Hawthorn and (insert mom name here). She has two other siblings; one older sister, and one younger brother.

She appears and acts well-mannered in front of her parents but in reality she’s an out going extrovert who enjoys blacking out with friends and having fun.



-Henry Gills; husband. Eventhough they were somewhat forced to get married, they still fell for each other and had three children; Markus, Everett, and Matteo 

-Tom Hawthorn; father.

-(mom name?); [to be added]

-(sister name); [to be added]

-(bother name); [to be added]

-Markus; Her first child.

-Everett; her second child, and only daughter.

-Matteo; her third, and last, child. She would tie his hair up in a sort of water fountain like way (sort of girly ig?) and Matteo would scream: “ I’M A WATER FOUNTAIN!!”

She’d let the kids get away with things as she was less strict then Henry (not that Henry’s THAT strict on the kids but still.)


Other Characteristics:

-She can’t cook anything else other than eggs.

-Eggs are her least favorite food.

-She’s scared of animals.

-Her favorite snack is sugar coded popcorn. Henry was the one who introduced her to the snack actually.

-She likes reading novels and even got Henry to binge down on some of her favorite series.

-She enjoys watching movies a lot. She doesn’t like watching movies alone though, unless its guilty pleasure.

-She doesn’t like smoking; tried it once, almost choked.



-she was named after the MC in Purple Hyacinth webtoon.
