Ddraig Herrings



2 years, 10 months ago


devoted, persistent, gentle,

- Ddraig


NAME Ddraig Herrings

AGE ~130 (mid-40s to humans)

GENDER Agender

PRONOUNS Ze/zir, they, rarely he



ORIENTATION Gay, undefined further



AMAIYAH familial; looks after her

JJ friendly; through Amaiyah

CAPER parental; raised Caper

LAZARUS roommate; growing fond

ZEITGEIST roommate; growing fond

ERLAND new friend; wary, but open



Critters of any kind

Peace and quiet

Live music


Crowded rooms

Extended periods of cloudy skies

Nebby questions

Name is pronounced "thr-AY-g", as the 'dd' becomes a 'th' sound.

Stands at 12'3" tall, around the tallest a seeker can get.

Easy to please, and despite nervous disposition, they're slow to grow unsettled unless you're encroaching on personal space.

They had no guide or seeker parents growing up, and were raised by slabsters!

Quite a loner type due to nerves - plenty bold and willing to tackle anything, if it doesn't involve relying on other people.


For nearly a century, Ddraig has practiced as a well-studied architect with a fondness for incorporating natural formations into buildings. At the young age of ~30, ze fell hard for a guide who would later become zir bondmate. The two worked well alongside each other in every way. The insight of zir tech-savvy bondmate was something ze picked up quickly, just as the guide grew keen to Ddraig's habits and processes. Following passion, it was easy to motivate each other to become skilled in architecture. The pair spent nearly a century together before the guide's untimely passing. Ddraig was left a single parent to care for a seekling that was already chosen to be the bond's child. They were already protective of the child, but it was only amplified as Ddraig came to realize this was the last physical tie to zir bondmate that ze would have.

Living in the City of Lights, ze became part of a radical vigilante group based in the outskirts of the city. Ddraig got strung up in this unhealthy environment, whose members saw zir way with technology, architecture, and creatures as an opportunity to leverage these skills for justice (by the group's own definition). Ddraig eventually left; not only for zirself, but also for Amaiyah, who was 'far too young to be tied up in something so reckless and devoid of structure'. This affiliation has continued to follow Ddraig more than Amaiyah. It reached the point where Ddraig feared for the safety of the family ze had found and fostered...

However, signs are pointing to a shift towards the safer side.

When fears of threat to zir son's well-being were high, Ddraig sent Caper to live with Amaiyah. It was a significant journey distance-wise. Ze trusted that Caper would know how to stay safe. Unfortunately, close to the end of this journey, a widespread curse afflicted many guides and seekers. This altered Caper's appearance as well as their memories. Caper has since healed from the curse, and for the past year and a half has had nearly no memory of his life prior to the curse... Memories have been resurfacing. Ddraig hopes to be able to reunite with Caper whenever Caper is ready.

Ddraig currently lives out in Serpent's Bluff with most of zir time spent on The Serpent's Back. Many creatures wander about this area, which Ddraig finds peaceful.  They're an odd one out of sorts out in Serpent's Bluff, and doesn't care one bit, as long as no one bothers zir. They're able to make it through each day knowing that their son is safe and being cared for.  zir propensity towards befriending critters has lead zir to become friends with many slabsters along their travels.  having been practically raised by slabsters, these relationships are far less worrying to zir than any with a guide or seeker.

Zir pobble, named Bwystfil, is a simple little guy who always seems to try protecting Ddraig from other beings, even if the other "being" is only rustling leaves. When Bwystfil needs to sleep or stay close during travel, Ddraig places them in a terrarium-like glass sphere, plugged with cork at the top.  Ze also carries a small bucket, although when Bwystfil is in the bucket, they tend to spit water at anything that comes nearby.