Mizuho (AyaMizu ♥️)



2 years, 10 months ago


Gender Male
Orientation Bicurious
Birthday August 17
Star Sign Leo



Gender Male
Orientation Homosexual
Birthday March 26
Star Sign Aries



Height Difference
17 cm
165 cm
182 cm

Age Difference
~60 years

Big spoon

Little spoon
Lends clothes

Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names

Uses pet names

Affection through words

Affection through actions
Confesses first

Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs

Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car

Can't drive
Can't cook

Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Has more relationship experience

Has no relationship experience
How they met

Two years before the Shogun established the Decrees, Kamisato Hanabi brought Mizuho — new to Narukami Island — to her siblings upon discovering his talents as a tailor. She’d gone to him to receive small, specially made gifts for her brother and sister. Upon telling the girl he was looking for a new place to settle and start his little business, she knew just what to do. It brought him to the Kamisato estate, facing Kamisato Ayato and his sisters. Through Hanabi talking it over with Mizuho and her brother, he was given the opportunity to work not only for the family and government affairs but something like their personal tailor as well.

Their Relationship

Ayato and Mizuho are fairly open with their relationship. They’ve made sure it’s known that they are together, but all intimacy with each other is kept mostly private between both men. As members of the Kamisato Clan, they believe that things should definitely be kept on the professional side.

In no way, shape, or form was Mizuho expecting to find himself in this relationship. Though he was appreciative and felt the need to somehow show this to the Kamisato siblings, he didn't expect it to turn out like this. All he was trying to do was be professional and do, well, his job, but then there was Hanabi that was convincing her brother that the whole thing was somehow an act of flirting with him.

Mizuho eventually caught whim of this hearing some other workers of the clan chattering about it, even Thoma personally asked him about it. He went straight to Hanabi, the only thing the girl tells him is something about thinking her brother could use a partner. According to Hanabi, Ayato made a comment about Mizuho that sounded awfully promising. On the other hand, the man had to break it to the girl that he wasn't particularly interested in him only because Ayato was his higher-up, and he personally didn't think it was right. Did Hanabi listen to him? No. She also in fact misunderstood what Ayato had said about Mizuho.

The redheaded girl was still determined to try and tie them together, so there were many times when she would purposefully leave the men alone together, even setting up a "date." A lot of awkwardness lingered in the air, especially considering both men specifically stated they weren't quite interested. However the more opportunities they were forced into by his sister, the more Ayato perhaps seemed to second guess himself. Ayato eventually found himself enjoying Mizuho's company a little too much to the point he was personally asking when they could visit each other. It gradually worked into Ayato calmly confessing the feelings he was beginning to feel, catching Mizuho completely off guard. He told Ayato how wrong he felt it was for them to be together, which at first upset the other man, but did he accept Ayato's confession anyway? Sure did.

How Mizuho feels

"Did I want to be with Ayato? Absolutely not, I had no interest in him whatsoever. But his sister threw us together a lot and ugh... his charm grew on me. It's so unfair that he was able to get me tied to him just like that, he's lucky enough I'm willing to give him his way, I guess."

How Ayato feels

"Quite the turn of events it was when I ended up with Mizuho's heart. He's a lovely, confident man with surprisingly enough patience to deal with the heavy weight of business of the Kamisato Clan. I appreciate his care and concern for me, nothing could be better than that surely."


  • Ayato and Mizuho got engaged just before the Decrees were set in stone and before the turmoil within Inazuma. They both agree to hold off on their marriage until it’s sure things with the nation are clear.
  • Mizuho tells Ayato all the time that the way he dresses is horrible, so he takes it upon himself to help Ayato get ready.
  • Mizuho is a fan of giving extravagant gifts. Not only does that include specially made clothing, but also lots of simple but beautiful jewelry.
  • Although they are not yet married, both men definitely like to throw around the name “Kamisato Mizuho.”
  • Ayato is rather fond of trying to tease Mizuho, however, the man has the spirit of like a grumpy old man so it usually never works. If it does, it’s likely behind closed doors where Mizuho lets himself act a little differently.
  • Mizuho is rather forgetful regarding important business dates and personal dates like anniversaries, so Ayato constantly has to be his little reminder.
  • Knowing how busy and stressed his fiance is, Mizuho takes it upon himself to set blocks for the day for Ayato to get small breaks between his work. He also even offers the man relaxing stuff like massages.
  • As Ayato prefers dogs, they perhaps have had the thought of getting a puppy or two many times. (they will get them <3)
  • Mizuho styles and trims Ayato's hair for him, often teasing him for wanting to keep his hair asymmetrical.
  • In the future, they will have a son named Azuma. It takes so much convincing for Mizuho to want a child. He doesn't typically like kids, but Ayato being the family man he is wanted one eventually.
  • NSFW
    • In my mind, both men are verses, however, Mizuho likes to top a bit more than anything.
    • They don’t have sex too often since both men will either be too busy or too tired at the end of the night to do anything.
    • If and when they do have the time and energy at night to do it, oh they get it on alright. There’s enough energy between them to go multiple rounds of nothing but intense intimacy.
    • Mizuho likes to spoil Ayato a lot during foreplay. By that I mean praise. So much praise.
    • Both men like to take it nice and slow, especially when they have that time during the night.
    • Ayato tends to be rather… loud so Mizuho often brings it out of himself to tease him for it. It embarrasses him.
    • If they were in the mood, the other time they’d do it the most would be in the morning before they both have to worry about work.
    • Their mornings are very lazy and slow paced, however they still make sure it is in a timely manner so they’re not late.
    • Mizuho not being a morning person, he likes to make Ayato take control.
    • Ayato plays with Mizuho SO much when he’s in control, it’s unbelievable. It often leads to him pushing his limits, being threatened to be put in his place later. Perhaps he does it on purpose…
    • As much as Mizuho teases Ayato for being spoiled, the man is rather greedy himself when it comes to letting Ayato pleasure him.
    • At first they were way opposed to it, but at least twice have they done it in Ayato’s workspace… these two are too afraid to risk anything though, especially considering there’s plenty of workers and even his siblings that could accidentally discover them. They FEAR it.
    • Both men like to be extremely gentle after their sexual activities, cleaning up together and bathing together afterward.