


4 years, 6 months ago


" I hardly ever had many friends... But there is a warmth from you that is promising. "

Kamisato Hanabi is an original character made for the game Genshin Impact. A Pyro Sword user from Inazuma, Hanabi is the younger adoptive daughter of the Kamisato Clan.

Since childhood, Hanabi has followed in the steps of her siblings Kamisato Ayaka and Ayato in taking care of the affairs of the Yashiro Commission.

◇ Personality ◇

Hanabi is a rather kind and gentle soul as others would say it. Having grown up where she did, she is well behaved and possesses good manners. Dealing with the Yashiro Commission affairs, she gets very determined when it comes to working but that doesn't mean she doesn't get tired of it from time to time. Her breaks from work lie in her time training with her blade or exploring what she may find interesting in Inazuma City alongside Thoma, the clan's housekeeper.


◇ Appearance ◇

Height 157 cm

Build Soft curves

Eyes Yellow

Skin Tone Pale

Hair Color Red

Hair Style Long

Demeanor Polite


  • Hair is loosely tied in a messy bun at her back.
  • Underneath her kimono is a breastplate with the Kamisato emblem on it.
  • The sash tied at her waste has a large bow at her back.
  • Typically wearing reds, blacks, and hints of peach and gold.
◇ Lillies of Blaze ◇
unknown.png Pyro
unknown.png Sword

Title Kaen Himegimi

Pronouns She/Her

Age ~19

Birthday November 3

Constellation Ignis Lillium

Nation Inazuma

Affiliation Kamisato Clan

Special Dish TBA

ENG Voice Cassandra Morris

JP Voice Nao Toyama

◇ Likes ◇

TRAINING/SPARRING Not thinking in a sense of anything violent, Hanabi was always ambitious about trying to fit in on the level of combat her siblings hold.

FESTIVALS Hanabi finds beauty in festivals in Inazuma. She finds joy in exploring the streets of Inazuma City, seeing what she may find and maybe even buy.

ANIMALS Hanabi has a soft side for animals, and so badly wishes she could have all the pets in the world...

◇ Story ◇

Overview Orphaned at an early age, there is not much that Hanabi likes to recollect from her early childhood. She says it was a harsh struggle, being a lost child left to fend for herself in the wilderness. In a small village, there was no one that could afford to help the starving little child, so she was left to her own devices and tried to journey to gods knew where. The only memory Hanabi has chosen to retain was the discovery of an empty vision casing, the crystal peculiar and grayed out. She had no idea what it was, but she took it into her possession anyway. Hanabi likes to call it her good luck charm because after she discovered it, she stumbled upon the Kamisato family. The family willingly took her in seeing how the two kids, Ayato and Ayaka, showed compassion for the lost girl. She couldn't have been any happier to have finally been given a family and a place to call home.

The death of her, Ayaka's and Ayato's parents came all too soon. She was just as devastated as her brother and sister, but also just as prepared to carry some of the responsibility of her clan on her shoulders just like her siblings. Her ambition for her newfound family was enough the rekindle the flame of the Vision, her good luck charm, that she carried with her. She'd stuck alongside her sister, Ayaka, and trained hard with her so she did not have to carry such heavy weight of growing up all too fast. Time and time again did she fail and fall too far behind, which was exhausting and disappointing to Hanabi. But it did not stop her, her ambition burned bright and she would not give herself a break until she perfected everything.

To this day, Hanabi pridefully carries along her professional lifestyle and business affairs within her family. She sticks with her sister in dealing with the internal and external affairs of the clan and even helps Ayato when she can. She's learned not to overexert herself with work, so she tries more to experience the normal day-to-day activities, spending her time with Thoma. However, it becomes hard for Hanabi to enjoy her time with the Vision Hunt Decree in play...

THE IMMOVABLE GOD AND THE ETERNAL EUTHYMIA Prior to the start of the Inazuma Archon Quest, Hanabi was stripped of her Vision due to the Vision Hunt Decree. It caused her to feel lost and hopeless, that was until she alongside Ayaka heard about the Traveler. In Three Wishes, Hanabi is revealed with Ayaka, who was anticipating the Traveler's arrival. She felt rather bad for them as Ayaka tried to ask if they would assist in ending the Decree, she personally thought it was troublesome for the Traveler to be brought into yet another mess. But just like her sister, she too wanted this mess to all end, and was thankful that both Ayaka and the Traveler could compromise. With the compromise, Hanabi reveals to the Traveler that she herself lost her Vision because of this and desperately wants help in having it returned to not just her, but everyone that feels equally distraught without their ambitions.

STILLNESS, THE SUBLIMATION OF SHADOW In Amidst Stormy Judgment, Hanabi follows Ayaka into Komore Teahouse, just as concerned for Thoma's whereabouts as her sister was. The Traveler holds Ayaka and Hanabi back, advising them that it's best to stay at the teahouse while they try to go retreive Thoma from the Tenryou Commission, but Hanabi finds herself keeping far behind the Traveler in hopes that she can at least see for her own eyes that Thoma is safe without provoking the Tenyrou Commission to view the Yashiro Commission as their enemies of the Raiden Shogun.

THE STRANGE TALE OF SUIKOU'S TIPSY TINCTURE Hanabi appears brefiely in this event quest for Hues of The Violet Garden, again found this time with her brother Kamisato Ayato. Both of them are helping Lady Yae with the festival. Hanabi feels pity for the Traveler when Ayato gives them a log to greet the incoming foreigners for the festival. She asks him why he must lay everything on them, but then she offers the Traveler some help by accompanying them to meet the foreigners at the dock.

◇ In Game ◇

unknown.png Kamisato Art: Minarai Normal Attack

Normal Attack: Performs up to five rapid strikes.

Charged Attack: Consumes a certain amount of stamina to dash forward and perform an iai.

Plunging Attack: Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging enemies along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

unknown.png Kamisato Art: Yuri Elemental Skill

Summons a bloom of flames around her, causing thin red petals to float around her and any character switched into her spot. Upon performing Normal Attacks, the petals will pierce into the enemy ahead, dealing light AoE Pyro DMG.

unknown.png Kamisato Art: Shakunetsu Elemental Burst

Summons forth a Seed of Manjushage. When enemies are nearby, the Seed gradually blooms.

Seed of Manjushage

  • As the seed blooms, it deals light AoE Pyro DMG to nearby enemies.
  • For the duration that it grows wider, its AoE distance increases with its size.
Koge Hana
  • When the Seed reaches its max allotted time of blooming, the final blossom explodes dealing heavy AoE Pyro DMG
  • The cooldown on her burst is 11s.

unknown.png Another Sparring Lesson 1st Ascension Passive

Hanabi's skill Kamisato Art: Yuri gains the effect of giving the character standing within the circling petals to gain an Attack boost based on Hanabi's own max ATK.

unknown.png Kamisato Art: Shimai Ai 4th Ascension Passive

Hanabi's Elemental Mastery is increased by 80 when her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst come into contact with the elements of Hydro and Cryo, increasing her Vaporize and Melt damage.

unknown.png Seichō no Utsukushi-sa Utility Passive

When Hanabi crafts Character and Weapon Enhancement Materials, she has a 10% chance to obtain double the product.

Ascension Req. Level 30?cb=20201013181535 Elem. Material #1 Elem. Material #2 Local Speciality Common Material

1 20 20'000 Item_Agnidus_Agate_Sliver.png ×1 None Item_Sakura_Bloom.webp×3 Item_Old_Handguard.webp ×3

2 40 40'000 Item_Agnidus_Agate_Fragment.png ×3 Item_Smoldering_Pearl.webp ×2 Item_Sakura_Bloom.webp×10 Item_Old_Handguard.webp ×15

3 50 60'000 Item_Agnidus_Agate_Fragment.png ×6 Item_Smoldering_Pearl.webp ×4 Item_Sakura_Bloom.webp×20 Item_Kageuchi_Handguard.webp ×12

4 60 80'000 Item_Agnidus_Agate_Chunk.png ×3 Item_Smoldering_Pearl.webp ×8 Item_Sakura_Bloom.webp×30 Item_Kageuchi_Handguard.webp ×18

5 70 100'000 Item_Agnidus_Agate_Chunk.png ×6 Item_Smoldering_Pearl.webp ×12 Item_Sakura_Bloom.webp×45 Item_Famed_Handguard.webp ×12

6 80 120'000 Item_Agnidus_Agate_Gemstone.png ×6 Item_Smoldering_Pearl.webp ×20 Item_Sakura_Bloom.webp×60 Item_Famed_Handguard.webp ×24

◇ Dislikes ◇

STAYING INDOORS Unless it's far too cold out, Hanabi thinks there's too much beauty in the outside world to pass up by staying inside her home.

FALLING BEHIND Not being able to catch up to an expectation makes her feel like she is not worthy.

VISION HUNT DECREE Having her Vision, her good luck charm, taken from her was the worst she's ever felt, and she would never want anyone else to experience that feeling.

◇ Trivia ◇
  • Hanabi is a name that means firework.
Hanabi's constellation, Ignis Lilium, roughly translates to "Fire Lily."
Her Vision was found by her at a young age just before she was adopted. It was rekindled into a Pyro vision.
From a young age, she spent a lot of time learning Kamisato Arts alongside Ayaka so she has exceptional skills with a blade.
Any traces of her family and bloodline is mostly unknown, but her bright red hair comes from having some Muratan in her blood. Pairing along with this, there are times where she feels unworthy of the Kamisato Family because she is not blood related to them.
Hanabi likes to spend her free time learning how to dance.
◇ Relationships ◇

Thoma Lover

Hanabi holds Thoma dear to her, considering him the first great friend she had. Her heart was captured by him easily, hoping and wishing to grow a deeper bond with him.
Read more about them ThoHana ❤

Kamisato Ayaka Sister

Ayaka and Hanabi have a tight bond, basically being each other's most favored company. They did most things together, the top of which was training with their blades with the help of their brother. Hanabi also helps Ayaka with the clan's internal and external affairs.

Kamisato Ayato Brother

When they were young, big brother Ayato was close and protective of his adoptive sister. When training, he was always there to advise her and give her tips which she was very much glad to have him there for that. Still to this day, Ayato looks closely after Hanabi. Because of his full schedule and places to be as the head of the Kamisato Clan, she wishes to help in any way she can to carry his workload alongside Ayaka. He appreciates her will to help, but it seems that it still affects him no matter the help.

Fujinaga Mizuho Brother-in-Law

Before he joined the Kamisato Clan, Hanabi went to him for specially tailored clothing. From him, she always received small things to gift to her brother and sister. She was surprised to hear he was in search of a new place to reside and start his own business. Hanabi was the right person at the right time, for she then brought it to her siblings about giving him a position in the Kamisato Clan. He eventually is taken in, becoming not only somewhat of a special designer for them, but also a vassal. Hanabi enjoys her conversations with the man and stopping by to see what work he is putting together here and there.

Tsurumaki Kinako Friend

Hanabi sees Kinako around quite often, so she likes to try and make conversation with her in attempts to make another friend. The two seem to get along quite well.

Aaeyx Friend

When they were teens, Aaeyx and Hanabi were once in a relationship for a while. It went smooth for a while, but Aaeyx cut the relationship which in turn did leave Hanabi sad for a while. It did give Hanabi more space to start focusing on the work for her clan, and the two still ended up remaining friends.