. πŸ’€ Nicolas πŸ– . (🩸 Brocken!Nicolas🩸)



7 months, 11 days ago



"- As with all AUs, please ask before drawing for owed/commissioned art! Gift art you are free to draw without permission <3 -Β 


"In a world infested by cryptids and dark forces, three main groups fight for control over the world; the vampires, the werewolves, and the hunters.Β 

It wasn't always like this, once this medieval kingdom was full of life, color, and joy...

Then, many years ago, a dark force was summoned by a group of rogue mortals, causing the world to lose its color and brought beings of darkness to infest the world. These few mortals were turned into vampires and werewolves, and soon more people began being turned into monsters by these few and inducted into cults.

This story follows Day many years after this event, who is found by the vampire hunter Blithe with no memories or recollection of who he is or where he's from. Blithe takes him and provides him shelter in fear the local monsters may kill him come nightfall... Day lives with Blithe for a while, but Blithe soon notices he's... different from the other townsfolk. He hates the light, seems negative and incredibly dreary... and he's obsessed with death and darkness. One day, against Blithe's wishes, Day ventures into the monster infested forest one night.

He's captured by a group of vampires, specifically a group of them known as the "Eclipse Cultists". They plan to sacrifice him to their evil god... only to find out he is an antichrist figure sent by the one they worship. Day befriends the leaders of the cult, "Worst" and "XnX", and he is given the new name Bloodmoon.

Edgy vampire adventures pursue as the cult tries to plunge the world into eternal darkness, while Blithe tries to stop them.

This story is not as serious as it sounds, and is mostly a self-indulgent edgy AU that's very overdramatic. I based it off of edgy AMVs from the early 2010s, and really bad creepypastas. I wouldn't call it a parody since I don't write this as a joke but I write this with the intent to recreate the genuine feeling of the old stories I grew up with.


Other story notes:
β€’ There are three main groups all who conflict with each other, the werewolves, the vampires, and the mortals/hunters. The werewolves want to turn the world into a permanent night, the vampires want to summon their evil god and plunge the world into darkness and chaos, and the mortals want to get rid of all monsters and bring color back to the world.

β€’Β Day is not rrreeeeallly the main character in this but is the main antagonist. The main character in this is mostly Blithe, who is nothing like his canon counterpart.

β€’ AU's name is a reference to a meme that kinda just stuck LOL. Was also inspired by a meme edit by beautifilled "

dbn2yc7-ae90db37-ae49-43a7-898b-a84d9f78-INFO-" Nicolas in this AU is an Assassin who works for anyone who pays him the most. He is a mortal and usually works for the mortals, but isn't above working with monsters for the right price."


(credits for this tab β€’ -link to divider usedΒ - β€’ -n/a - β€’ all art of ocs can be found in their galleries)
