Jordan Moore



6 years, 9 months ago


Jordan Moore

Name Jordan Moore
Pronouns He/Him
Gender Cisgender
Orientation Bisexual
Age 19
Race White
Voice Elijah Wood
Theme No claim

He's a quiet thoughtful guy. He's sentimental, and a good listener. Generally upbeat and positive. But it's quite easy for him to be in a bad mood, especially when around Skai. Luckily his sister Rebecca knows how to cheer him up.


  • Jordan enjoys wearing feminine things while still being conformable with his gender.
  • He doesn't like having long hair, but Skai likes it, so his hair was enchanted to break every pair of scissors that try to cut it.
  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Skai calls him 'Sleeping Beauty' because of his curse.

The Moore family line was cursed with a condition called Chronic wasting disease. This was passed along the female line as a ploy to keep the family line from passing on. The conditions of the curse were that the victim would be fatigued and low energy at first, then as the curse progressed, their limbs would lock up and eventually their hearts would stop pumping blood altogether.

Because of this, the women were encouraged instead to have children early and then have others raise them when the mothers passed on.

For a few generations, it seemed like this curse had finally run its course by the time it got to Jordan and Rebecca's mother. They came from old money, so they lived a pleasant life out in the country with servants, and an old family curse specialist to come check on the Moores' matriarch from time to time.

Jordan was born before his mother's condition became apparent, so Jordan was able to enjoy a few years as a family unit. However, when his mother was pregnant with Rebecca, her curse came back and hit her in full force. She seemed to be wasting away very quickly. She was still able to give birth but it was largely with demonic assistance from the family's specialist, a demon named Ashlin Bichan.

Eventually, the curse got the better of their mother.

Their father, not wanting to take up the brunt of the child's work that was now thrust on him so he left in the middle of the night. Ashlin found the mother unable to move as her daughter cried. Ashlin knew Jordan was still fine because Skai just put the toddler down.

Ashlin revealed that she was a demon, and so was Skai who just entered the room, and if she gave Ashlin her consent she and Skai could each take on a child and raise and protect them until their 18th birthday. After shaking both the demon's hands, the Mores matriarch passed away finally.

Jordan was seemingly fine for the majority of his childhood, where he enjoyed playing outside in the mud with his sister Rebecca. The biggest issue he posed to Skai was keeping track of him and patching up any injuries.

The siblings grew up with their demons, calling them both by their names, as well as less house staff than before (although Jordan only noticed a slight difference due to living two years with them). They had tutors to keep them up to date with the other children's education.

Ashlin worried more about Rebecca falling ill since the Mores' curse targeted the women of the family, but Rebecca never even got colds very often. Still, she had salves on hand to unfreeze her. The salves were temporary, but if Rebecca ever came down with the curse Ashlin would've broken her original deal with their mother and made a deal with Rebecca to share their strength.

Jordan on the other hand, caught the common cold very easily; when he was 9 he started showing signs of the curse. Skai freaked out a little bit, and from that point became more overbearing on the boy.

Jordan grew resentful and annoyed whenever Skai did that (unaware of his trauma) and would play into his spells hard to freak him out. Skai freaked out because when Jordan fell into the curse it toed the line of Skai not fulfilling his end of the deal he made with their mother; causing him a great deal of pain.

Eventually, when Jordan was 17, the curse got worse. No amount of physical therapy helped and he was beginning to fade away. Deep down, being afraid to die, and Skai's heavy emotions finally getting to him; he agreed to Skai breaking his original contract and then forming a new one. This one would last the rest of Jordan's life, and should it be broken somehow Jordan would die immediately.



Found him very annoying at first. He was very overbearing, obviously due to his trauma, but Jordan didn't know that.

It wasn't until Jordan almost drowned that he understood Skai's concern. Until then, he didn't realize how important Skai was to his prolonged life. He would lean into his curse briefly, however, to annoy and get under Skai's skin when he felt boundaries were crossed.